Solo Q is fail
How does one fix “people who were just killing and not holding points etc”.
[Eon] – Blackgate
How does one fix “people who were just killing and not holding points etc”.
One does not simply walk into “people who were just killing and not holding points etc”. You need like wizards and ninjas …. ninja wizards.
Oh and bears with laser eyes.
Comedy aside:
There needs to be more reward for playing conquest and less for playing team death match
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Comedy aside:
There needs to be more reward for playing conquest and less for playing team death match
Reward capping points too much, and the “people who were just killing and not holding points etc” will just run from point to point for flips. Even rewarding defending will find a way to get turned into “people who were just killing and not holding points etc”.
I say take the in game rewards out, and award winning (and losing less so)!
[Eon] – Blackgate
Comedy aside:
There needs to be more reward for playing conquest and less for playing team death matchReward capping points too much, and the “people who were just killing and not holding points etc” will just run from point to point for flips. Even rewarding defending will find a way to get turned into “people who were just killing and not holding points etc”.
I say take the in game rewards out, and award winning (and losing less so)!
True, it is quite hard to come up with a system that won’t be abused (a during game reward system). Buffing winning and lowering winning whilst removing during game rewards could help. But then you lose the good feeling of having 6 separate points covering your screen
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
true! its not about “how fix players” its about “Im rank 40+ and dont want to play with r 10 nabz!”
How does one fix “people who were just killing and not holding points etc”.
I’ve been saying this for a while, but as you can assume, it is an unpopular opinion to be throwing around.
The problem is the community, not just the system. Sure, there are flaws in the system. My main beef is that when they implemented it your Team Rank should have transfered over to your Solo Rank as a starting point so you would only get solo qued into games with people who match your rank. I am at 94% in team ranks and almost in the top 1000, but I am 46% in solo que because I keep getting matched with people that throw, feed, and overall just dont know what theyre doing.
The second part of this needs repeating. The problem is the community. People treat solo que as another spvp game where, “hey if it goes good I get better rewards, but if we are ever down by 100pts im gonna restart GW2 and go back to spvp while I re-enter que.”
There is no accountability for leavers and the incentive for winning is not great enough to get people to take it more seriously.
If someone leaves a solo que early and goes back to spvp it is no skin off their back. If you ban them from tpvp for X amount of time it doesn’t matter to them because they treat solo que tpvp just like they do spvp, like a joke. A jolly tussle with my mates. Or a bunch of care bears, “hey man don’t tell me to stop zerging bro its just a game.” Guess what bruuhhh some of us like to win at games! deep breath in… and out
Sorry… I had to get that off my chest because I came to GW2 specifically for the competitive scene and this new system is making me strongly consider new options for my gaming experience.
I did not sync.
WvW player that felt like getting top 100. The real problem is conquest mode is boring.
Come to WvW do GvG’s its why I still play this game.
This game is a joke. Solo Queue is making the already cagey GW2 PvP community even more bitter and antisocial. Map chat rage is all over the place, people leave the match after they lose the first midfight, this crap is pathetic.