Solo Q is the worst pvp experience I've had
kitten , give matchmaking like a week to start working. People made these threads the last time they messed with the matchmaking.
Also, statistically you should be getting as many noobs on the enemy team as your team. That means by playing well you should be able to carry the team easier.
Life sucks when you’re better than everyone else huh OP…
What rank were you when you started playing tournies might I ask?
Not rank 1.
And I don’t queue for games I don’t join.
You should probably know how to play the game before you queue for tournamnets. And no, I also didn’t see any rank 1s on the enemy teams tonight, nor did I see multiple less than 10 ranks. Some of them I got twice in a row.
I would of course suggest that people should not be allowed in tournaments until they’ve gotten their feet wet, but that’s not gonna happen.
EDIT: My fav part of tonight was the level 7 or something guardian who was planning tactics in saychat. Then in mapchat when I advised him that wasn’t a smart idea.
It seems hotjoin has migrated to solo q.
(edited by SmoothHussler.6387)
I hear you, OP.
I’m getting rabbits aswell and it is painful, I wish there was a restriction added when you queue, but hey this is a casual game, a restriction or something when you join for tPvP would hurt everyone’s feelings right? We don’t want the other part of the playerbase to complain about how unfair it is for them to not be able to join SoloQ even if they haven’t done PvP in their life now do we?
I personally didn’t start playing tournies until rank 20. I wanted some time and knowledge under my belt when fighting tougher opponents. I would never tournie que at rank 1. They must realize they are going to be a detriment to their team?
If yolo queue is the worst pvp experience you’ve ever had, you obviously have not played the 10v10 format of hotjoins in Forest.