Solo Q not "Serious" Enough

Solo Q not "Serious" Enough

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


I prefer to PvP alone. But in teamq instead of soloq. Why? Because:

1. There is a higher quality of play in team q
2. No skyhammer

Unfortunately sometimes in tPvP I run into premades and though I know it’s teamq, it’s almost like they’re cheating. It’s just a feeling without any rational basis. Because team q has become the new solo q and I just get used to playing alone there. Decent level of play (often enough) and…no skyhammer (retch!).

And of course, much higher rewards!

So what can be done to correct this? What can be done to restore solo q to what it used to be – namely a place where serious solo pvp’ers go to play ranked matches? And by “serious”, I mean play to win. No dual capping points, good in-chat communication (never as good as ts of course, but communication is still important), decent role and map awareness where we don’t face premades.

Also, the rewards have to be as good as team q naturally otherwise why would anyone go solo q?

Wasn’t MMR supposed to take care of this stuff automatically?

Solo Q not "Serious" Enough

in PvP

Posted by: Polismassa.6740


MMR does take care of this to an extent, the thing is, to play solo Q at a higher level you have to well… play solo Q. At higher MMR ratings (usually 90th percentile or around there) most of the people you play with will be there to win. Because Solo Queue has entirely separate ratings from team queue, if you just hop into a solo Q match with a very low solo queue MMR, you are going to find those newbie players who think that solo queue is basically hotjoin with better rewards. Play a few matches, and if you are skilled enough you will end up in the higher MMR brackets where you belong, and will begin to find likeminded players.


Solo Q not "Serious" Enough

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


MMR does take care of this to an extent, the thing is, to play solo Q at a higher level you have to well… play solo Q. At higher MMR ratings (usually 90th percentile or around there) most of the people you play with will be there to win. Because Solo Queue has entirely separate ratings from team queue, if you just hop into a solo Q match with a very low solo queue MMR, you are going to find those newbie players who think that solo queue is basically hotjoin with better rewards. Play a few matches, and if you are skilled enough you will end up in the higher MMR brackets where you belong, and will begin to find likeminded players.

I get that. I used to be reasonably high up in solo q till I thought to myself…why am I doing solo q when I can do team q and get 33% better rewards? It’s true that I occasionally meet up with premades, but I’ve gotten smart now. After facing a premade, I check to see if they’re in another match before I queue up again. I’d rather not use this workaround, but…well I have no choice

Also the skyhammer map is just irritating. I say this despite being an engi with a lot of knockbacks.

I like the idea of solo q. I just wish the devs made it more viable into something I would actually benefit from as much as team q.

Solo Q not "Serious" Enough

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


rewards they made higher in teamQ cause in NA they had no players and noone played teamQ

its the only reason

Solo Q not "Serious" Enough

in PvP

Posted by: ThatShortGuy.4672


Ah, totally forgot I can solo queue up for TeamQ. How do I check if a premade team that I’ve recently faced is already in another match?

That Cloaked One / That Phantom Memser / That Dark One

Solo Q not "Serious" Enough

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


Ah, totally forgot I can solo queue up for TeamQ. How do I check if a premade team that I’ve recently faced is already in another match?

What I do is I add one team member as a friend. You can then see their location and as soon as they’ve entered another PvP map, I queue up. Maybe there’s another way to do it. If so, I’d like to know!

Solo Q not "Serious" Enough

in PvP

Posted by: Kitt.2567


SoloQ is fine and very equal ONLY IF it exclude people who doesn’t not even fill 200 win/losses in total. If you exclude those people and just see top100 people who has more than 100win/losses, you will find from them that soloQ is very equal and fine.

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Solo Q not "Serious" Enough

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


they need to remove the reward cap from hotjoin,
until then you can expect to see casuals and newbies playing soloq.
noone wants to play for nothing, so the hotjoin reward cap is forcing people into tournaments who shouldn’t/(don’t want to) be there.

Solo Q not "Serious" Enough

in PvP

Posted by: Swim.6830


I read about a recent MOBA game (forgot the name) that introduced voting after a match for the top players on each team.

Basically the more votes you got the better the rewards and if you did crap, you gain minimum rewards (can’t vote for yourself obviously). This should be introduced instead of the current point system which sometimes makes no sense.

Zwim Elementalist
The Dragoon Brotherhood

Solo Q not "Serious" Enough

in PvP

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


I read about a recent MOBA game (forgot the name) that introduced voting after a match for the top players on each team.

Basically the more votes you got the better the rewards and if you did crap, you gain minimum rewards (can’t vote for yourself obviously). This should be introduced instead of the current point system which sometimes makes no sense.

Except then its based totally off perception, and unlike a MOBA, where it can be obvious to anyone if you were at least around helping, in this game I have gone entire games without seeing 2 of my teammates, and while I have a vague idea they were being helpful (no way we won 3v5, plus other points were capped that I wasn’t involved with), I don’t actually know what they did.

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Solo Q not "Serious" Enough

in PvP

Posted by: Swim.6830


I read about a recent MOBA game (forgot the name) that introduced voting after a match for the top players on each team.

Basically the more votes you got the better the rewards and if you did crap, you gain minimum rewards (can’t vote for yourself obviously). This should be introduced instead of the current point system which sometimes makes no sense.

Except then its based totally off perception, and unlike a MOBA, where it can be obvious to anyone if you were at least around helping, in this game I have gone entire games without seeing 2 of my teammates, and while I have a vague idea they were being helpful (no way we won 3v5, plus other points were capped that I wasn’t involved with), I don’t actually know what they did.

That just makes communication even more important so you know who is doing what. People will have an incentive to show what they are doing and doing it right.

Also I am quite used to reading the map, so it’s actually not that difficult to see who is doing what and follow the game with the only exception of a hectic fight.

Overall if this doesn’t make the game more serious, I can’t think of much else that will in SoloQ…

Zwim Elementalist
The Dragoon Brotherhood

Solo Q not "Serious" Enough

in PvP

Posted by: ThatShortGuy.4672


Ah, totally forgot I can solo queue up for TeamQ. How do I check if a premade team that I’ve recently faced is already in another match?

What I do is I add one team member as a friend. You can then see their location and as soon as they’ve entered another PvP map, I queue up. Maybe there’s another way to do it. If so, I’d like to know!

Awesome! Thanks!

That Cloaked One / That Phantom Memser / That Dark One