Solo Q, predicting the outcome

Solo Q, predicting the outcome

in PvP

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


So here is my method for predicting the outcome of Solo Queue matches, it is works.

Add +3 for every warrior on a team,
add +3 for every guardian on a team,
more than 2 warriors add +0 for everyone after the 2nd,
more than 2 guardians add -1 for everyone after the 2nd,
add +1 for every thief or engi, -2 for every thief after the 1st one and -1 for every eng after the 2nd one,
add 0 for every mesmer, necro and ele, -1 for everyone after the 1st one,
add -2 for every ranger.

Do this for both teams, the team with the higher score will win approx. 3 out of 4 games.

(edited by Bazzoong.7145)

Solo Q, predicting the outcome

in PvP

Posted by: Kronos.1936


Maybe add +1 for the first condi/MM-necro , -1 for power and additional necros

Solo Q, predicting the outcome

in PvP

Posted by: Epicness.8450


Add +1 for every person with Champion insert classname here, Reaper and Legendary Champion titles.

Solo Q, predicting the outcome

in PvP

Posted by: Obsidia.5127


It’s depressing how predictable the outcome of every SoloQ match is.

Solo Q, predicting the outcome

in PvP

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


Yes. I fear this is generally speaking correct for solo-Q. That’s probably why I always team-Q while being solo.

Solo Q, predicting the outcome

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Pretty accurate.

Id just give the 1st teef on team a +2 since in soloq theyre a must just for the mobility.

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Solo Q, predicting the outcome

in PvP

Posted by: xGreeD.6018


You could try using real equations for a change.
There is no empirical data, elementalists no longer are crap…
Why am I even bothering writing in the forums?
… you get the idea.

“Take me to wonderland…”, she said,
as she finished beating me up a mole times.
Let’s try something you’re actually good at.

Solo Q, predicting the outcome

in PvP

Posted by: Locuz.2651


It’s depressing how predictable the outcome of every SoloQ match is.

You mean like this game? (+ pre game chat)


(edited by Locuz.2651)

Solo Q, predicting the outcome

in PvP

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I’ll give you a better one:
- Add +1 for each coward that will play the builds instead the game, and go for meta builds downloaded off some site that go for maximums and abuse the loopholes in balance instead going for a balanced builds, personal skill and fun.
- Add -1 for each friend of someone in the other team that leaves to make things easier for them, or sticks around to be counter-productive.

The team with a highest coward rating will win over 75% of the time, because cowards win too often in conquest, and we need more modes. More modes an auto-balance systems so making builds isn’t about finding maximums and exploiting balance loopholes, but about reasonable efficiency and personal skill. Oh, and a system that brings replacements if someone leaves, and puts players in the other team on hold until both teams have the same number of players.

Then we’ll have a good base to start properly balancing this thing.

No exceptions!

Solo Q, predicting the outcome

in PvP

Posted by: conti.5187


I’ll give you a better one:
- Add +1 for each coward that will play the builds instead the game, and go for meta builds downloaded off some site that go for maximums and abuse the loopholes in balance instead going for a balanced builds, personal skill and fun.
- Add -1 for each friend of someone in the other team that leaves to make things easier for them, or sticks around to be counter-productive.

The team with a highest coward rating will win over 75% of the time, because cowards win too often in conquest, and we need more modes. More modes an auto-balance systems so making builds isn’t about finding maximums and exploiting balance loopholes, but about reasonable efficiency and personal skill. Oh, and a system that brings replacements if someone leaves, and puts players in the other team on hold until both teams have the same number of players.

Then we’ll have a good base to start properly balancing this thing.

Dude don’t be a scrub ofc if people are playing to win they with choose the easiest most efficient build possible Bunker guard, Hambow, MM necro turret engi ect…… nothing wrong with that. I myself generally play something more challenging but I don’t grip over it if others choose a meta build.

Solo Q, predicting the outcome

in PvP

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

I agree that having Thieves in your team is generally bad at lower ratings.

But the higher you get, the more useful the Thieves get. Having 2 Thieves in a high-ranked game isn’t an auto loss. In fact it’s not bad at all.

The only class I’ve found that really makes a definite difference is a bunker Guardian.

Having a Bunker Guardian while the enemy has none is almost a guaranteed victory.

Other than that, Warriors are generally good, Mesmers…less so. Everything else is sort of a toss-up.

Solo Q, predicting the outcome

in PvP

Posted by: conti.5187


I agree that having Thieves in your team is generally bad at lower ratings.

But the higher you get, the more useful the Thieves get. Having 2 Thieves in a high-ranked game isn’t an auto loss. In fact it’s not bad at all.

The only class I’ve found that really makes a definite difference is a bunker Guardian.

Having a Bunker Guardian while the enemy has none is almost a guaranteed victory.

Other than that, Warriors are generally good, Mesmers…less so. Everything else is sort of a toss-up.

True bunker guard so underated

Solo Q, predicting the outcome

in PvP

Posted by: SlimChance.6593


Just last night, I got into a sPvP match. My Mesmer was teamed up with another Mesmer, a Warrior, an Eng and a Ranger. The opposing team was 3 Eng, 1 Warrior and 1 Thief.

Before the match, the Warrior and Eng were talking back n’ forth about how we were doomed because we had 2 mez’s and they had 3 Eng & Warrior.

We won 500-460.

Eccho, Echo Oread – Mesmers (Yak’s Bend)
My EchoRupt Build - Forum Post

Solo Q, predicting the outcome

in PvP

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957



No. You don’t play to win. You play or honor and glory. For the sake of battle, and for fun.

Anything else is not acceptable. When cowards win, all lose.

I wish Balthazar came back to teach these kids a lesson. And the Zaishen should take charge of PvP again.

No exceptions!

Solo Q, predicting the outcome

in PvP

Posted by: DaliIndica.9041



No. You don’t play to win. You play or honor and glory. For the sake of battle, and for fun.

Anything else is not acceptable. When cowards win, all lose.

I wish Balthazar came back to teach these kids a lesson. And the Zaishen should take charge of PvP again.

So you are the one bringing the knife to the gun fight then?

Outside of some hacks, how is it dishonorable to use a powerful spec. ANet has a lot to answer for but the players are only seeking the most power for their class, knowing a hambow or something is around the corner.

(I say this as a thief who is still trying to make s/p work, and still runs a 2/6/0/0/6 build. I know if I went evade spammin I would do better, but it feels cheap. Thats MY opinion on it, but if others want to use it then go for it. Doesnt make you a good player, which is what I want to be, not someone who jumps class to grab the next best thing)

Solo Q, predicting the outcome

in PvP

Posted by: Elxdark.9702


+20 turret engi
+ instant win 2 turret engis.

Solo Q, predicting the outcome

in PvP

Posted by: Rym.1469


If it’s Skyham, having Engineer when opposite team has none is almost guaranteed victory too.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Solo Q, predicting the outcome

in PvP

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957



No. I’m the one bringing a gun and a knife to the fight. You usually use the gun, but sometimes the knife comes in handy for a silent kill.

The cowards are the ones bringing nukes to a gun fight. They set the nuke, and run away as far as they can, and let everything blow up, and then claim it was “skill at using a gun”.

No exceptions!

Solo Q, predicting the outcome

in PvP

Posted by: DaliIndica.9041



No. I’m the one bringing a gun and a knife to the fight. You usually use the gun, but sometimes the knife comes in handy for a silent kill.

The cowards are the ones bringing nukes to a gun fight. They set the nuke, and run away as far as they can, and let everything blow up, and then claim it was “skill at using a gun”.

But the type of PVP your talking about is not in this game. You may as well say you always finish a tennis match the right way, it has no bearing on this game.

This game is all about finding the most exploit ridden build you can, and abusing as much as you can in order to do over the other guy. Its a sad state of affairs for sure but I would direct you to the patch history to see exactly which train of thought ANet is trying to take this game.

Expect the noobtube and OMA, maybe a gustav and some zergs.

Solo Q, predicting the outcome

in PvP

Posted by: Roe.3679


How about +1 for every good player your team has, -1 for every bad player.

I don’t have hundreds of tournament games but classes rarely are a deciding factor. I’ve seen all lights destroy all heavies, 4 engi teams lose on skyhammer, 4+ teams of necros win, and a 4 warrior/1 guardian team lose. Classes only begin to matter much when player skill is even.

Solo Q, predicting the outcome

in PvP

Posted by: Obsidia.5127


It’s depressing how predictable the outcome of every SoloQ match is.

You mean like this game? (+ pre game chat)


SoloQ matches were never this predictable until April 15th. I never knew that PvE players coming into PvP could destroy it so much.

Solo Q, predicting the outcome

in PvP

Posted by: phaeris.7604


Pvp has become completely stale.

It sadly is the same classes/specs every single game now.

I play LoL as well, and honestly even though there is a meta going on the choice of picks is still fairly good (I know that certain champions will never see the light of day..).

Here though people are so desperate to only play the meta spec/class it’s painfully dull in spvp.

Solo Q, predicting the outcome

in PvP

Posted by: Abazigal.3679


How about +1 for every good player your team has, -1 for every bad player.

I don’t have hundreds of tournament games but classes rarely are a deciding factor. I’ve seen all lights destroy all heavies, 4 engi teams lose on skyhammer, 4+ teams of necros win, and a 4 warrior/1 guardian team lose. Classes only begin to matter much when player skill is even.

Well, it happens but on average these team compositions are winning, especially on foefire and temple. Skyhammer and Spirit’s Watch are probably most fair maps, since you can win by not ’ fighting ’ these meta builds..

Solo Q, predicting the outcome

in PvP

Posted by: Roe.3679


How about +1 for every good player your team has, -1 for every bad player.

I don’t have hundreds of tournament games but classes rarely are a deciding factor. I’ve seen all lights destroy all heavies, 4 engi teams lose on skyhammer, 4+ teams of necros win, and a 4 warrior/1 guardian team lose. Classes only begin to matter much when player skill is even.

Well, it happens but on average these team compositions are winning, especially on foefire and temple. Skyhammer and Spirit’s Watch are probably most fair maps, since you can win by not ’ fighting ’ these meta builds..

Can you prove that statement? Because the only reason I believe it with no evidence is that they are popular professions. Otherwise it’s just you’re subjective experience which could very well show that your build is weak against or synergizes well with heavy classes.