''Solo'' Que etc

''Solo'' Que etc

in PvP

Posted by: Mr LazyDazy.8961

Mr LazyDazy.8961

Like many others who are complaining I thought I would do the same. We need to tell ANET that we’re not happy about the current state of the game (PvP). I sugguest you tell all your PvP friends to make new topics, to discuss in current topics and complain, complain, complain.

Everytime I see a lead designer reply to one of the topics they dodge the simple questions we give them.

I normal don’t join the discussions in anything here, but I have a bad feeling of the future of the game. Things happens to slowly and they seem to focus on PvE only.

I had 9 of my friends buying this game. 7 of them left. They don’t like the PvP in this game and are kinda mad at me.

TL:DR: Tell your friends to join the discussion. We need to be heard.