You have two separate tourny ques at this moment. One for 3 round and one for 1 round. In a blog post you guys said that they had separate matchmaking. Paid tournaments previously demonstrated that you guys have the ’’feature’’ in place to force someone to be 5 premade players to que in to the match. You also now have a ‘’join solo’’ button.
If you piece these pieces together you get:
1.Make one tournament que ‘’join solo’’ only, 1 round
2. Make the other que ‘’submit roster’’ with 5 only , 1 roundLE VOILA!
It’s okay, we can scrap the idea of duoq for now. Put that in your ’’soon’’ basket. You can do the same for the random map generator, just keep rotating maps manually the way you guys do every 2 days or something.There. That is the solution that will allow solo players to play the game without getting stomped by teams.
So in this suggestion, people would only play as a team of 5 or by themselves. That would mean effectively disabling tournaments for people who want to play tournaments with a friend. Or two friends, or three friends, but don’t have a full team. I can’t imagine that would go over very well either.
Of course it isn’t ideal, you guys dropped the ball on that half a year ago when you decided to instead of having a proper and normal system you wanted to go all hipster on us with your paid tournaments. But at least this way people will be able to be COMPETITIVE in the game without needing a team.
I mean the ideal scenario would be this:
1. One unrated que, invisible elo at most where you could invite any number of people with the mmr you guys have, essentially the que you guys currently play with.
2.. one rated solo que, visible rating where you could max invite one person with only people matching here
3. one rated team que, team only. Preferably the team has their own rating based on the teams actual achievements.You know, like a proper system is supposed to be.
But the system I suggested will bring back HUNDREDS of players. I’ve been here since beta and I’ve been in the competitive scene since release. If you knew all the players I knew that quit because they couldn’t tryhard one bit because they didn’t have a team then you would have INSTANTLY made this change. It’ll be good enough, it’ll show that you guys are taking the steps required to making this game good. It’ll also restore the faith of countless players that will actually see you guys admitting that you’ve done a mistake (because that’s exactly what you’ve done with both this soloq and paid tournies) and that you’re improving.
Make Helseth proud now.
so much truth
hairseth for president