Solo Queue - Chat Commands (communication)

Solo Queue - Chat Commands (communication)

in PvP

Posted by: RADOM.9634


As the Solo Queue system is coming closer the GW2 community will need some kind of communication system during a tournament game if they won’t be able to use TS or any other VoIP software.

Apart from pinging and drawing on the map you cannot really determine the number of incoming/leaving/moving targets and the only way to do it is to write in chat but “ain’t everybody got time for that”.
So we could just start to use a system what is already used but a slightly different way in every MOBA styled game.

The easiest way and most logical way is to call points/nodes as “close, mid, far” since it can be used at every map without causing confusion.
We could just substitute these then with a simply character and assign a number to it to tell how many ppl we saw there or we actually fighting with or incoming.

c = close
f = far
m = mid

c2 = fighting with 2 ppl at close point
c2 inc = 2 ppl incoming to close
c0 = free cap
c1 leave = 1 person leaving the close point

f2 help= fighting wiht 2 ppl at far point and help needed
etc. straight forward i think

We could even tell what class we fighting with or about to face without confusion.

t = thief
ele = elementalist
me = mesmer
g = guardian
w = warrior
eng = engineer
r = ranger
n = necro

ofc these could be fine tuned but i am sure all of you got the idea of it
feel free to brainstorm here and share some ideas but these main commands could be definitely used in Solo Queue to avoid oversending ppl/zerging and running around without any logic

Legend of the Arena – Top 5# Qualifying Points
Elementalist – (Chieftain Ninjas [CN] )

(edited by RADOM.9634)

Solo Queue - Chat Commands (communication)

in PvP

Posted by: Akira.3798


Thumbs up! The game definitely needs this for better SoloQ gameplay! Also I think it doesnt involve a lot of work to be implemented in the game. Just make the keybinds for the commands customizable and it will be a great feature.

Solo Queue - Chat Commands (communication)

in PvP

Posted by: Noc.2459


“c2 = fighting with 2 ppl at close point
c2 inc = 2 ppl incoming to close”

I guess for teammates it doesnt matter if Im already fighting two guys or if Im about to do so. So just type “c2”.

“c1 leave = 1 person leaving the close point”

If Im fighting two players and one of them leaves, I cant type freely a whole word.
I suggest writing just c1 or c1l. Same with the word “help”. Writing f2h should be enough. Might look weird for now but people will get used to this.

Noc Noc Noc Noc Noc Noc Noc Noc Noc Noc

Solo Queue - Chat Commands (communication)

in PvP

Posted by: Psychogene.6780


Might be a good idea to try and get players to learn the ‘SoloQ’ language somehow to get them acquainted to playing soloQ Games. The biggest issue is in the heat of the moment its quite hard to type anything at all without being penalized.

So like Akira says, everything that is typed should be keybinded somehow. The ping button should be configurable and maybe display a message saying ‘X player is requesting assistance!’ I think in SoloQ it may help to allow the use of point camera’s too (like in specator mode, camera’s for every node). You could make it so that when your team has captured a point, you have access to the node camera and when you lose that point you also lose access to that node camera.

Solo Queue - Chat Commands (communication)

in PvP

Posted by: RADOM.9634


Noc -
Yes, I agree, was thinking the same but we have to learn the language then we can improve it so everyone knows what we mean and what we talking about.
It does matter though how many ppl I am going to fight since that means I will need help most probably. But I agree we have to reduce it to the minimal as it is already hard to write anything in a fight but usually you going into a fight or waiting for enemy to come to fight you so you will have enough time to write 2-3-4 letters (except if you are a mesmer/thief and about to port back into 2-3-4-5 ppl, or they stealthed up)

Psychogene -
Yes, everything should be keybinded but since it is(the whole solo queue) a new feature it will need new features to make it better and patches etc from Anet side but we have to wait for that but in the meantime we still need something to make the communication as smooth as it can be.
A feature like where we could see our teammates’ camera when we are dead could be handy or with the ping button we could request help and to access some basic chat commands could be handy also but this is all about waiting and see when they come – best way to help is to give feedback and ideas

Legend of the Arena – Top 5# Qualifying Points
Elementalist – (Chieftain Ninjas [CN] )

Solo Queue - Chat Commands (communication)

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


I would simplify, unify it, and then its golden. Sticky it!
Basic commands, about enemy presence at given point will really help in soloq coordination, good job RADOM.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Solo Queue - Chat Commands (communication)

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


They were working on commands a while back, maybe they can shed some light on this.

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

Solo Queue - Chat Commands (communication)

in PvP

Posted by: Laserbolt.6731


I like it.

The shorter the better. m3h – “Need help at mid fighting 3 attackers”

Scrapper: “Frank from Research”

Solo Queue - Chat Commands (communication)

in PvP

Posted by: RADOM.9634


I like it.

The shorter the better. m3h – “Need help at mid fighting 3 attackers”

ye definitely but would be good to get some developer/anet staff help to spread it and make it common sense till they come up with an ingame feature with mouse or keybinds interaction or even an ingame voice over

Legend of the Arena – Top 5# Qualifying Points
Elementalist – (Chieftain Ninjas [CN] )

Solo Queue - Chat Commands (communication)

in PvP

Posted by: Mrbig.8019


voice chat needed.

Altough i agree with you, there would be too much to say and keybinds are not enough.

Maybe i’m a necro and i’m fighting against 2 guys ( thief+ranger) so i would write “c2 t r” but how can they know if i can last ?

Maybe i’ve all my CDs + plague so i can facetank them for a good 30 secs , maybe i’ve nothing and they’ll destroy me in 3-4 secs: there’s no way to tell.

With solo que, we ABSOLUTELY need voice chat.

Solo Queue - Chat Commands (communication)

in PvP

Posted by: RADOM.9634


I know man but here I just wrote down an idea that could help (but of course would be far away from a proper communication but still could help just like in MOBA games)
these “commands” could only help to give information about what your teammates cannot see after that it is all up to them whether they go to help or let you die or they trying to predict whether you can last or not etc. but still definitely helpful

for me and my team in TPVP it was always crucial to know what we fighting with and where because by that you know enough already to make individual decisions but without it you just going from one point to another without any logic – also with enough information you can make predictions

for example in your case you wrote down “c2 t r” which means that probably you going to die but then your teammates going to know whether they should go there or not depending on their situation and also depending on their class
also if enemy destroys you right away you going to have enough time to warn your teammates to turn back etc – and we cannot expect top level tournament communications from solo queuers btw

but i am sure in solo queue your teammates will ask you to join TS most of the time but if you are not able to do so you will still have a way to inform them without losing too much with writing and they will understand it hopefully

Legend of the Arena – Top 5# Qualifying Points
Elementalist – (Chieftain Ninjas [CN] )

Solo Queue - Chat Commands (communication)

in PvP

Posted by: tiko.9206


+1 This is great.
Imagine if a message pops up when you type a command. Example: You type “/c2” and for your team mates pops a message in the middle of the screen like “two people at close point, help needed” or sth like that. b/c some ppl. simply dont read chat and this could solve this.

I Am Elementalist – Ele for [CroW] – tPvP

Solo Queue - Chat Commands (communication)

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169




But we need voice chat ingame, or a better mini map with chance to Ping better the situation.

Probably a ts default server for soloqueue where create on the fly channel for match would be great too. Or a official Anet TS server, where, when match starts are automatically created two TS channels, “red” and “blu” with password spammed on /T chat when the match begins.

Or something like that

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Solo Queue - Chat Commands (communication)

in PvP

Posted by: Lady Sara Goldheart.2764

Lady Sara Goldheart.2764

/bump too
I would shorten ele and eng to el and en though.
And as it has been mentioned above, h for help.
This is a bit more complicated but l for eLementalist and i for engIneer may work too.

Solo Queue - Chat Commands (communication)

in PvP

Posted by: RADOM.9634


/bump too
I would shorten ele and eng to el and en though.
And as it has been mentioned above, h for help.
This is a bit more complicated but l for eLementalist and i for engIneer may work too.

ye good idea

Legend of the Arena – Top 5# Qualifying Points
Elementalist – (Chieftain Ninjas [CN] )

Solo Queue - Chat Commands (communication)

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


To be honest, if people don’t pay attention to the map what makes you think they’ll pay attention to chat as well. Sometimes in those big fights you need voice communication to get to you because your so in the zone in the big fight to even bother with chat or map. GW2 really should have some voice communications in the game, or more emotes. If anything have a hotkey that brings you to voice menu and you pick something like near safe and it’ll say windmill is safe, or pick near under attack and itll say windmill under attack. All it takes is a push of a button and a click of whatever emote you want the game to announce to your team. But its 2013 these games out right now should all have voice comms.

(edited by uberkingkong.8041)

Solo Queue - Chat Commands (communication)

in PvP

Posted by: RADOM.9634


To be honest, if people don’t pay attention to the map what makes you think they’ll pay attention to chat as well. Sometimes in those big fights you need voice communication to get to you because your so in the zone in the big fight to even bother with chat or map. GW2 really should have some voice communications in the game, or more emotes.

if the majority of the ppl will use and force others to use it then everyone will pay attention to it after a while just like in WvV everyone follows the commander now – its a common sense , just like in MOBA the majority of the ppl says SS and force others to say SS everytime
so if the community is mature enough and want to win in tourneys without using Voice over this is tehe way to go until we do not have additional feature for us

Legend of the Arena – Top 5# Qualifying Points
Elementalist – (Chieftain Ninjas [CN] )

Solo Queue - Chat Commands (communication)

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


To be honest, if people don’t pay attention to the map what makes you think they’ll pay attention to chat as well. Sometimes in those big fights you need voice communication to get to you because your so in the zone in the big fight to even bother with chat or map. GW2 really should have some voice communications in the game, or more emotes.

if the majority of the ppl will use and force others to use it then everyone will pay attention to it after a while just like in WvV everyone follows the commander now – its a common sense , just like in MOBA the majority of the ppl says SS and force others to say SS everytime
so if the community is mature enough and want to win in tourneys without using Voice over this is tehe way to go until we do not have additional feature for us

In hotjoin everyone follows the zerg. In WvW everyone follows the zerg. Even when the commander says to back off you still got people trying to kill the guys on the walls and engaging in fights, they want there bags bad.

To get everyone to goto a tower is easy, to get people to goto multiple towers at same time probably not going to happen. When someone asks people to defend the yaks, it don’t happen too often. Everyone wants to be in the zerg getting bags. Just like in PvP everyone wants to be in the zerg getting points.

Solo Queue - Chat Commands (communication)

in PvP

Posted by: JoopFOX.9510


I like the system in Smite, where there’s a key for commands, and based on the following key inputs an in-game voice would actually shout to team mates “enemy incoming right” or something like that. Obviously, in GW2 this would be different texts, but it works well as you don’t even have to look down at chat anymore, just know how to use the calling system.

Anyway, this is a great start, good job!

Professor James – Mesmer

Solo Queue - Chat Commands (communication)

in PvP

Posted by: RADOM.9634


although this should get more highlights otherwise SQueue will be a mess
we need an improved calling system
back to what uberkingkong said – it is not true since if it is not going to be efficient and bring you a win if you follow zergs you not going to follow the zerg that simple – in this case 4 other ppl – and especially if your team tells you off
in wvw it is fine since the guilds doing the tricky and sniping jobs and the mass/crowd/public and commanders with his guildies the rest

Legend of the Arena – Top 5# Qualifying Points
Elementalist – (Chieftain Ninjas [CN] )

Solo Queue - Chat Commands (communication)

in PvP

Posted by: JoopFOX.9510


Yes I just played some soloq and it’s definitely hard to get everyone on the same page with commands and all. An internalized calling system with sound effects would be very welcome.

Professor James – Mesmer

Solo Queue - Chat Commands (communication)

in PvP

Posted by: Rerroll.9083


too bad anet can’t implement voice commands…

Up Rerroll