Solo Queue Communication
I start every match by saying “hi all,” no exceptions. If I get a response, I go from there to work out the team’s opening. If I get no response, I say “I can take close point at start” since I figure the rest of the team will do something useful, either rush mid or split mid/far at start.
If all four go mid, I’ll rotate to far right after I cap close. If they split, I’ll obviously reinforce mid as soon as I cap close. During the match, the only communication I’ll attempt is if my teammates are trickling in to mid (“regroup at close”) or if they’re fighting on the edge of the map while losing control of all the points (“fight on points please”).
If not even that level of communication is successful, I’ll go to far point and attempt to pull as many opponents there as possible and try to survive 1vX for the remainder of the game. It gets discouraging when I succeed at that and the rest of my team still wipes, though.
press tab to talk to team on mic. If they could implement this, would be epic
If no one responds, you can still keep talking. They might be reading and might even follow through the plan, but too lazy to communicate back. Keep talking through out the match giving heads up etc. Some people are just passive.
Worst case no one listen/reads, you will just have to observe the minimap and make educated moves to carry them as much as possible.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
press tab to talk to team on mic. If they could implement this, would be epic
If not an easier option to use slash then codes to call out numbers and kitten because also while in thr match all of us were trying to tell eachother what was going on but we can’t type and play