Solo Queue - suggestions for improvement

Solo Queue - suggestions for improvement

in PvP

Posted by: Tracker.6483


I would like to start a thread on how ANET could improve the solo queue tournies for everyone.

The two main issues in my opinion for the Solo Queue tournies:
1. Very low ranked joining who don’t even know pvp (rank 1 through 5 especially).
2. 4v5 from people leaving or deciding not to join because they don’t like the map.

My Suggestions
1. Don’t allow anyone to join Solo Queue tournies until they are at least rank 6. Perhaps even rank 10. Low ranked/Inexperienced players should have to Spvp first for a bit.

2. In Solo Queue tournies, Implement a balance feature similar to that of sPvP if there is a 1 person advantage or more.

Except instead of switching teams, the chosen person will be pushed into Spectator mode for the remainder of the game unless another opponent comes in to the game.
The system should allow the team a chance to volunteer, and then force a spectator.

In my opinion the 4v5 is the biggest issue, but super inexperienced is not good either.

What do you all think? Other suggestions would also be appreciated.

(edited by Tracker.6483)

Solo Queue - suggestions for improvement

in PvP

Posted by: Schlieffen.2054


Matchmaking that was totally random would be preferable to whatever the system is now.

Solo Queue - suggestions for improvement

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


-Being able to report afkers/trolls

-Better balance on the amount of classes per team (so we don’t end up with 4 thieves and a warrior)

-Fail-safes that prevent you from being on the same team as anyone from the previous match

-Ability to strike a map (everyone gets 1 vote) and any map that receives 2 strikes will not be played on.


Solo Queue - suggestions for improvement

in PvP

Posted by: Tracker.6483



I agree with you on the classes. Got matched up against 5 thieves( and we didn’t even have one) and we won easily.

Some type of – re-org of teams based on whether you’ve been together the last game would be nice too. Kind of like how people get paired up in a round robin tournament. Everyone gets to play with everyone and also it would keep any syncing issues people are theorizing down to a min.

Solo Queue - suggestions for improvement

in PvP

Posted by: Psychogene.6780


+1 to the Post above me. I’ll add some stuff that I think needs to be addressed:

Needs Attention ASAP:

- Take down the solo arena leaderboard for now until they fix this sync q’ing issue (maybe even reset it if anet finds proof that SyncQ exists and is being abused). Regardless whether people think it exists as an exploit or not, SoloQ is barely more then a day old and already this syncQ has created an issue, that will continue to be a lasting issue until its proven that placement in teams are well and truly randomized/fair. Remember how people complained high ranking teams kept getting paired up with random/low rated teams in team arena? This is the SoloQ equivalent problem. Needs to be be addressed ASAP while the leaderboard is fresh. If anet do not think its an issue and syncing does not exist or cannot be avoided, it would be nice to get some response on this from anet.

Game quality suggestion:

- Do something about rank 1-5 or ‘first timers’ getting paired up with rank 30-40+ players who are playing the default build + have no idea how pvp works. They might be trying it out to see whether they like it (which is a good thing BTW, but not very fun for the other 4) or just hopping along to get their daily pvp done (which anet have made really easy for them by being able to Q from anywhere in the game) but it kind of ruins the quality of the actual match when these type come in and really have no clue what to do. Maybe force them to run a training map with bots or put them in a specialised Q where people who have played under say 20 games of tpvp are grouped together. There is no minimum requirements to PVP it seems, anet needs to introduce one – let the regulars play with the regulars and let the casuals play with the casuals until they are ready to hang with the regulars.

Idea to increase player base:

- Lets face it, pve players could care less about glory/pvp skins it seems. They view it as too much effort for really bad rewards, especially when its so much faster/easier to skin your pve chars. Making finishers unlimited is a nice touch but that by itself is still not rewarding enough to want to grind out the pvp levels. So the rewards is obviously a huge factor for drawing in the casuals and is one of the main reasons the pvp population is so endangered. I really would like to see anet increase the rewards from a win, in particular to pve players. Hows about a choice between a pve reward chest or pvp reward chest on tournament win? The pve reward chest could be something like the ones in the pve mini games or maybe a small pve XP reward, and you could keep the pvp ones the same as it currently is. Increase rewards, especially since pvp Q is much more integrated with the actual game now and we might actually have a sizable sustained player base in the future.

EDIT: Oh yeah, now that we have the long awaited SoloQ + its leaderboard, I’m not aware of any future addition to pvp yet. Have anet announced what else they are going to add to pvp by the end of the year?

(edited by Psychogene.6780)

Solo Queue - suggestions for improvement

in PvP

Posted by: hooma.9642


i guess the solo-leaderboard should solve all the issues.. the problem is, if u loose cause u play 4vs5 and then some leaves and so on u are suddenly in a deviltrap.. u get more and more of such ppl and the more u get the more u drop and so on.

Solo Queue - suggestions for improvement

in PvP

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


I really don’t see any evidence of syncing. Good players on a strong carry profession* will get a good early record given some luck with teams. Random is random. I know at least one anet guy went 11-1 or so in his first few games, and it seems pretty unlikely that he would be syncing. It will even out over time. In fact, I’m already seeing it even out among my friends and guildies. People who started with 85% or better winrates out of their first few games have already dropped down to 65-75%.

I’m getting a little guilty pleasure from seeing a few players not performing as well as they expected. Good wake up call. Although I’m happy with my winrate, I’m one of them :P

*Speaking of which it would be great to have a solo queue leaderboard for each profession along with the overall so people can easily see where they stand in relation to others of their profession, but I get that it’s a little harder to track it for each players multiple professions.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

(edited by Mammoth.1975)

Solo Queue - suggestions for improvement

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


The classes limit isn’t really needed, imo. What we do need is more time before the match starts.

Make it 30 seconds to get into the match from HoTM. Then another 2-3 minutes to talk with your team and have a chance to relog to another character. Because it doesn’t always take this long make the ready-up button more obnoxious so people really press it when they’re ready.

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

Solo Queue - suggestions for improvement

in PvP

Posted by: Tracker.6483


Yeah, would be nice to have a category for each profession on the leaderboard page.