Solo against teams with voice comm.

Solo against teams with voice comm.

in PvP

Posted by: Yakez.7561


PvP is broken.

While most of community can’t play against meta builds, I’m finding the real problem is lack of voice communications for random teams. Witch resulting total imbalance when playing against premades with TS.

When you are playing DPS builds like power ranger you do not see this problem, but when you really go for the builds that work on point defense and winning by outmaneuvering enemy you get in trouble.

For example. You are splitting from big fight in center to bunker up far or close, when you getting on that point you have random enemy player returning from resp and blocking you. Every single time. Because he knew that you went there. Because of proper communications in team.

I don’t understand how this game can be even competitive, when half of matches you are playing solo against premades and premades with TS.

Anet return solo queue or make in-game voice comms. Right now this is unplayable. I can’t see any point to buy HoT with the same kitten on new game mode. Every time when you are posting new content from HoT I’M KITEENNING OUT!!!! BECAUSE CORE PVP IN GAME BROKEN, AND YOU COULD NOT HANDLE IT FOR 3 YEARS WITHOUT EXPANSIONS. With this state of PvP, I would not by HoT for story. I will watch all story of HoT on Youtube.

Solo against teams with voice comm.

in PvP

Posted by: Rolisteel.1375


ingame voice comm big NO. i don’t want to hear unknown random players rage in microphone.

Solo against teams with voice comm.

in PvP

Posted by: pdavis.8031


There is already a thread about this very same topic, with the very same arguments for and against. Please merge the threads.

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”

Solo against teams with voice comm.

in PvP

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


ingame voice comm big NO. i don’t want to hear unknown random players rage in microphone.

Ye it’s hard to press Mute :<

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