Solo or Team Queue?

Solo or Team Queue?

in PvP

Posted by: AlbertoUlkesh.4517


So I’ve been playing sPVP for a couple of weeks now… I’ve only done Hot-Join so far and reached Rank 26 today. Now… I’m certainly not a very good player, but I know the maps at least.

And I am getting more and more annoyed about Hot-Join, main offenders are the frequent leavers and team-switchers, leading to many 3v5 or 5v7. Also I find teams with more than 5 players lead to zerking.

I would like to try one of the Queues now, but… from what I have read here over the last several days it seems Team Queue would be the overall better experience, even if I have no pre-made team. Am I reading this correctly or should I do solo (which one would think to be the right thing…)?

Solo or Team Queue?

in PvP

Posted by: Morderger.6298


I would say do a couple SoloQ’s til you learn rotations on the map and what builds are most popular for each class and are able to kill them or atleast bunker them til help arrives.

I personally stoped soloqing. Skyhammer and Spirit Watch are just terrible maps. You either get a team that knows how to play them or you don’t. Rarely is it 2 teams that know the maps. Plus these maps favor Certain classes and builds more then others.

I solo TeamQ now. It is 100times better. People are willing to switch classes to counter the other group setups. Sometimes you get paired with really good people who are 2-4 person queing and they will sometimes add you after a win. There is no Skyhammer or Spirit Watch! Be ready to also get kittened in the face cause you will hit good coordinated teams. Be ready to switch classes cause your enemy will try to counter your groups setup.

Most important part is, just play to have fun.

Morderger – Elementalist / Zarnik – Warrior /Zerlurd – Ranger/ Slurd -Necro

Solo or Team Queue?

in PvP

Posted by: Rarnark.5623


Team queue is the only PvP that offers long term sustainable fun for the following reasons.

1) You choose who you play with. (YOUR FRIENDS!)

2) Rotating properly and keeping track of enemy movement is where the real skill comes in this game. The lack of communication ( specifically lack of VOIP) makes this difficult if not impossible in other formats. It’s very rewarding pulling off tight rotations.

3) Cheese specs (MM necro, shamans condi war, PU mesmer, phantasms , etc.) aren’t viable in competitive tournament play, and it’s fun punishing people for running such specs

4) No 4v5 unless you get a disconnect

Many other reasons but cba. Team queue is vastly superior to solo or hotjoin.

However, it might be a good idea hone your skills in solo queue and hotjoin before testing your metal in the arena. While you’re solo queueing keep your eye out for good players that you jive well with and build up a friends list of players to queue with. Before you know it you’ll have your own team.

Good Luck Friend

Spirit Bae
Bad Boy Teenager Club [BBTC]

Solo or Team Queue?

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


yes for “solo” players is teamQ at moment the better option cause of rewards – you get more than double the rewards from soloQ

but dont think you can go very high – on 94%+ you face most time only premades and it is not fun

so should you wanna play competive as solo palyer you can only go soloQ – there everyone has same chances

Solo or Team Queue?

in PvP

Posted by: AlbertoUlkesh.4517


Alright, thanks, sound advice. I’ll get my feet wet in solo first then.

Rewards or leaderboard are secondary to me, if that. I’m looking for fun matches.

Solo or Team Queue?

in PvP

Posted by: Zirith.6429


I really enjoy both queues, I usually duo q with a friend in team and solo q the rest of the time.

Solo or Team Queue?

in PvP

Posted by: Wintel.4873


I did Solo Queue up till rank 30.

Then I started Team Queue and never looked back. It’s better in every way, but you should be well affiliated with your prof/build and map tactics.

1) No skyhammer
3) More gold
4) More rank points
5) More organized teams
6) Haven’t really noticed a difference in queue wait times

Solo or Team Queue?

in PvP

Posted by: Kenmei.7138


tPvP is way more coordinated, therefore it’s way more funny than sPvP couse you’re not annoyed that often.

Solo or Team Queue?

in PvP

Posted by: AlbertoUlkesh.4517


I’m necroing my own thread here… I hadn’t gotten around to try the Queues until today.

Well, my Solo Queue experience is: About 3 people in my team seem to have no idea what they are doing, every match. I know ranks are not a measure of skill. Still when one side has 1, 2, 3 ranks and the other mostly 40+ it certainly seems off.

So I’ve tried soloing Team Queue right away. What a difference. Now this is fun. I’ll glady wait longer for the game to pop up.