Solo queu

Solo queu

in PvP

Posted by: Loonita.7421


The matchmaking in this game is complete kitten. Honestly there is something really wrong with this system. The fact that if you solo queu you’re most probably going to lose because you will most likely face premades. People shouldn’t be alllowed to join spvp with more than 2 in 1 party. Facing a full 5 man premade with 5 solo players is just wrong.

Solo queu

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Also premades vs pugs is irrelevant if the pugs are good and the premades are bad.
“But what if they equal skill level?” Well you said matchmaking is broken so same skill level would be impossible to occur.

Solo queu

in PvP

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


How do you tell you’re fighting a premade?
But what I can tell is that I very often get put into teams with people who aren’t very good… and usually against teams that are…

Solo queu

in PvP

Posted by: Aenesthesia.1697


i don’t know what’s happening. My win ratio is still above 50%, but a couple of weeks ago i seem to be put in really bad teams facing celestial immortals or just people that rotate properly even though they are not so good.

as a result, i do manage to kill people that get kitteny and face me 1 on 1 (i run a power necro, which is really good in 1 on 1), and score points (i am always the top scorer, by far, on my team), but I lose every fight because as a whole we cannot beat the other guys.

my win ratio since the new leaderboard came out has gone down from 60% to 44%. I am about to give up. I mean, i can try my best on an even match, but not on the garbage matches i’ve been facing lately. It’s like every match is going to be 10 minutes of either humilliation (when we encounter the celestials that rotate properly) or frustration (when the other team is not so good but still much better than mine).

Should i just play really bad (sometimes i don’t even do that good, so i guess i should try harder to be the worst) so i get downranked and start facing people with my skill or stop facing OP premades?

Solo queu

in PvP

Posted by: Loboling.5293



Solo queu

in PvP

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


I been soloque a bitand i faced premade maybe..3 times at best over 600 matchs in EU. and even then that was pretty close matchups

Today i been paired with a team that was yelling in team chat “they are premades, we will lose” at the start for some weird reason and yet we stomped them 500-136.. At this point who looked like premade?

Howered i agree, bring back SoloQ so people wont be able to blame “premades” anymore for losing

Solo queu

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


“You will most likely face premades”

Exaggerating much? It happens rarely, and often when it’s really a 5-man against a full solo group, the solo group tends to win, because their average MMr is much higher. The only games I find really unfair are the 2-3 vs 5 games, if the two partial premades don’t communicate well. But that’s even less frequent. Most people soloq in this game.