Solo-queue op...

Solo-queue op...

in PvP

Posted by: Kikkee.8206


Are there any plans in the mix to accommodate people who can only solo/duo queue who want to play tournaments? Separate queues for pre-mades?

Solo-queue op...

in PvP

Posted by: iLLusioN.1538


Yeah it kinda sucks entering solo tournament to be matched against a pre-made team of 5, It would be nice to get a feature where if you enter solo then everyone else in that game entered solo.
Other games employs this system where if you que as 2 then the other team has 2 people that que’d together and 3 randoms, same principle for queing as 3 4 and 5.

Would defintatly balance and add more enjoyment to spvp.

Solo-queue op...

in PvP

Posted by: KogarasuMaru.7036


A system like LoL or Dota 2 would be perfect. I’d rather play 1 amazing game than 10 crap ones.

Solo-queue op...

in PvP

Posted by: Dust Bunny.1652

Dust Bunny.1652

Are there any plans in the mix to accommodate people who can only solo/duo queue who want to play tournaments? Separate queues for pre-mades?

I agree there should be some matching of solo vs solo queue.
But, the catch is, you can solo queue, others can 3 man queue, end up with a 3 man + 1 man + 1 man queue. This would not be fair vs a 1+1+1+1+1 team either.
On the other hand, you would have to wait longer since it probably takes more time to find 8 team of the same level of random queue.

In my past experience, the random solo queue 4v4 arenas in GW1 were really a terrible place in many ways. Don’t want to see that happen. On the other hand you can switch characters during a tourney any time, this might solve some of the issues (like your team not having FOTM class X with build Y).

Solo-queue op...

in PvP

Posted by: fiesta.3964


Matchmaking….yup thats something we shoulda had on day 1…. but Anet is ignoring competitive pvp.

Solo-queue op...

in PvP

Posted by: Kikkee.8206


It is very rare that a pug can compete against even a mediocre pre-made using something like Skype. I’m starting to get the impression that the answer to my original question is: find a team or find a new game…

Solo-queue op...

in PvP

Posted by: MaXi.3642


fiest: we already have matchmaking, you dont need to select specific server and join a game… what we need is ranking system

and no, dont separate anything, a choice of joining a tournament solo and be matched with other players to create a team is enough for people who play solo, im happy we have this and im not forced to play hot joins when im alone…

and when ranked system arives, free tournament will be used probably only for training and solo queuers, so problem will be solved at least if ranked system will be team dependant and not player dependant

Solo-queue op...

in PvP

Posted by: Streaks.5076


I vote, have the tournament system as is. But make it so paid tournaments are pre-made only games.

Noob – Revanent

Looking for a good guild for PoF

Solo-queue op...

in PvP

Posted by: Valhingen.4957


The obligation to find a premade team to achieve ANYTHING at this game annoys me the most. Give structured and organized teams better rewards, but give us other players at least the chance to play competitively and have some fun.

Solo-queue op...

in PvP

Posted by: Pray.9751


don’t worry jon just has to put punctuation into the blog post and bam everythings good… just a matter of weeks to finalize the blog post now

Solo-queue op...

in PvP

Posted by: Irishbrewed.6537


It is very rare that a pug can compete against even a mediocre pre-made using something like Skype. I’m starting to get the impression that the answer to my original question is: find a team or find a new game…

Yeah. Exactly, how you guys plan to achieve true competitive games without a premade is somewhat imaginary.

Here’s the problem. People want what others have. This is MMO envy. There is a large player base that want to solo que tourneys and also want/expect success. This is very irrational. This is not LoL or some other moba, it’s a RPG, requiring corporation amongst one another. Tourneys are not for pugs, and NO you can’t have what the coordinated group has. Why? Because they compete at a very high level, that is absolutely impossible to achieve in a pick up group.

Tourney is for premades, Hot Join is for pugs.

Solo-queue op...

in PvP

Posted by: Havoc.4053


Can’t quote above.

If tournaments are for premades, then how are pugs allowed to queue alone? Irrational? He’s saying the ones that queue alone should be matched up with others who are also queued alone. Are you saying that any and all pugs should not play tournaments and should not have access to the rewards that are given? Free Tournament is not competitive, if anything it is fairly casual. Any person is able to queue with or without friends with no rating to distinguish skill-level also. Paid is a different story, but he’s asking that matchmaking be made for pug Free Tournaments.

Are you really going to deny that? What reason do you have anyways? If you have a team, you’ll get matched up with other teams so it doesn’t concern you. Unless, probably, you want to continue to pubstomp those who are matched alone and don’t want to face a challenging team?

I have a team myself and I would like to face other premades, not continually stomping pugs with no goal in mind.