SoloPlayer+Party=Team ??
I just tried PvP for the first time in ages (bar a handful of hotjoin games to get the odd daily), I queued for unranked, I get in, I right clicked everyone, the four other players on my team had “invite to party”, all five of the opposing team had “join party”, I then exited the game.
Apologies to the other four people on my team, but I play games for fun, and 5 solo players against 5 people in a party (or two parties) is not my idea of fun, you’d think game companies would learn from the mistakes of other games, putting solo players against pre-mades has had one result in every MMO I’ve played – a smaller playerbase.
(edited by zinkz.7045)
This does really suck when you are trying to get in the mood for a fun night of pvp, I’ve reported this and brought it up numerous times. Just in the same position as you guys are, just waiting for a response.
If you can think of any ideas feel free to toss them out, make sure they are constructive so the thread doesn’t get closed.
Who knows? maybe we will hear something!
Fort Aspenwood
I played 6 games yesterday, every one was against a team that had more people joined up than mine. Then I played 2 matches with a friend and all of a sudden it’s all solo players and our party. It really felt like the system was specifically trying to put solo players against a team, even though I’m sure it was just chance at the end. But playing with all solos against half of Apex or a groups of high end tournament players is sincerely not fun and wrecking Pvp for me. I wish I could lower my mr or something? Because it happens every few games.
This does really suck when you are trying to get in the mood for a fun night of pvp, I’ve reported this and brought it up numerous times. Just in the same position as you guys are, just waiting for a response.
If you can think of any ideas feel free to toss them out, make sure they are constructive so the thread doesn’t get closed.
Who knows? maybe we will hear something!
It’s simple – bring back solo queue. They essentially made both queues into team queue, except one has more maps. If this same system is still in place for stronghold it will only get worse.
I seem to be having an opposite experience from everyone else…
Whenever I queue with a full premade and end up against another full premade, it generally leads to a fairly balanced match-up. The moment we get pitted against 5 soloq’ers, there’s an obvious increase in the enemy players’ individual skill level and leads to losing a number of the 2v2s and 3v3s. I think I’ve actually lost to more 5x soloq’ers than full premades when queuing with a premade…
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]
You know, to me all this is to blame on the idea of win/loss ratios vs player performance. I keep saying this in other threads, but it still doesnt make sense to me how individual players are judged on win/loss when one person cant decide that on a match made team.
Of all my losses (right now Im only playing unranked) I end up either top scorer or second to top. They are still loses for me though. In those I question, what else could I have done to better my personal stats in that?
Thus I think individual player win//loss ratios mean nothing and if they meant less to individual players then the match up’s against premades would be less of a problem.
It would be more about how well you played that match personally than whether the team you ended up with won or lost.
Just my 2.
Of all my losses (right now Im only playing unranked) I end up either top scorer or second to top. They are still loses for me though. In those I question, what else could I have done to better my personal stats in that?
Thus I think individual player win//loss ratios mean nothing and if they meant less to individual players then the match up’s against premades would be less of a problem.
It would be more about how well you played that match personally than whether the team you ended up with won or lost.
Just my 2.
Player performance is impossible to judge under any system without having actual people spectating each match.
If someone holds a 2v1 for 10 minutes on the far point without killing either of them, he will gain no personal points from it but is being incredibly useful to to his team by allowing them to outnumber across the rest of the map. How can you judge this under any system?
Now compare this to a thief that runs round decapping points then leaving again and using heartseeker on low targets and then leaving those targets as soon as they go down. He’ll automatically get top points because he contributed to all the kills and point captures/defences regardless of how good the other players were.
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]
Of all my losses (right now Im only playing unranked) I end up either top scorer or second to top. They are still loses for me though. In those I question, what else could I have done to better my personal stats in that?
Thus I think individual player win//loss ratios mean nothing and if they meant less to individual players then the match up’s against premades would be less of a problem.
It would be more about how well you played that match personally than whether the team you ended up with won or lost.
Just my 2.
Player performance is impossible to judge under any system without having actual people spectating each match.
If someone holds a 2v1 for 10 minutes on the far point without killing either of them, he will gain no personal points from it but is being incredibly useful to to his team by allowing them to outnumber across the rest of the map. How can you judge this under any system?
Now compare this to a thief that runs round decapping points then leaving again and using heartseeker on low targets and then leaving those targets as soon as they go down. He’ll automatically get top points because he contributed to all the kills and point captures/defences regardless of how good the other players were.
Which brings me back to my original idea of not playing ranked unless Im on a premade. Because well, luck of who and what you end up with makes all the difference and the leaderboard really means nothing to solo querers.
You know, to me all this is to blame on the idea of win/loss ratios vs player performance. I keep saying this in other threads, but it still doesnt make sense to me how individual players are judged on win/loss when one person cant decide that on a match made team.
Of all my losses (right now Im only playing unranked) I end up either top scorer or second to top. They are still loses for me though. In those I question, what else could I have done to better my personal stats in that?
Thus I think individual player win//loss ratios mean nothing and if they meant less to individual players then the match up’s against premades would be less of a problem.
It would be more about how well you played that match personally than whether the team you ended up with won or lost.
Just my 2.
sorry to burst your bubble but score doesn’t mean anything. I think score should be hidden until the match is over. I’ve seen people call others out cause their score wasn’t as high as them.
Of all my losses (right now Im only playing unranked) I end up either top scorer or second to top. They are still loses for me though. In those I question, what else could I have done to better my personal stats in that?
Thus I think individual player win//loss ratios mean nothing and if they meant less to individual players then the match up’s against premades would be less of a problem.
It would be more about how well you played that match personally than whether the team you ended up with won or lost.
Just my 2.
Player performance is impossible to judge under any system without having actual people spectating each match.
If someone holds a 2v1 for 10 minutes on the far point without killing either of them, he will gain no personal points from it but is being incredibly useful to to his team by allowing them to outnumber across the rest of the map. How can you judge this under any system?
Now compare this to a thief that runs round decapping points then leaving again and using heartseeker on low targets and then leaving those targets as soon as they go down. He’ll automatically get top points because he contributed to all the kills and point captures/defences regardless of how good the other players were.
Which brings me back to my original idea of not playing ranked unless Im on a premade. Because well, luck of who and what you end up with makes all the difference and the leaderboard really means nothing to solo querers.
The leaderboard doesn’t mean anything, period. And this problem comes up in both ranked and Unranked.
I’ve said this before: the queue as it is now makes no sense. Both queues are the same except for some maps, and if they were combined it would make a larger pool to match players and just have one queue and one leaderboard. Or they could just bring back solo queue and have 2. Now it’s just some weird mix of both where teams commonly farm pugs.
And Random Weird Guy, you’re absolutely right that some teams get matched against top solo queue players, but top players are very cliquey and regularly team up together, and I’d personally be interested in knowing how often they play other quality parties, because I’ve been on the receiving end of plenty of those pug smashing sessions that result.
You know, to me all this is to blame on the idea of win/loss ratios vs player performance. I keep saying this in other threads, but it still doesnt make sense to me how individual players are judged on win/loss when one person cant decide that on a match made team.
Of all my losses (right now Im only playing unranked) I end up either top scorer or second to top. They are still loses for me though. In those I question, what else could I have done to better my personal stats in that?
Thus I think individual player win//loss ratios mean nothing and if they meant less to individual players then the match up’s against premades would be less of a problem.
It would be more about how well you played that match personally than whether the team you ended up with won or lost.
Just my 2.
sorry to burst your bubble but score doesn’t mean anything. I think score should be hidden until the match is over. I’ve seen people call others out cause their score wasn’t as high as them.
Well Score def means something and a lot to the right class that should be racking up the points, and I do play a thief which is starting to make sense. I should be the top scorer.
But you are right. Score based leaderboard excludes that bunker guard holding down mid for the whole match and not scoring much.
Also I would never call someone out, it just seems Im not being matched up well in unranked now. It might be because I failed miserably on guard, but now, 1v1’s in matches seem rather easy (I play s/d not d/p so its not backstab or HS). I can tell a lot of the players I go up against or that are on my team are rather new to playing (newer than me. Im not an old timer) so I end up just having my way with the map.
I mean when you play forest and I have to backtrack to home because no one took it immediately. While Ill take it myself, holding down home against 2 or 3 is not my specialty. Well thats one of the many examples of, why am I matched up with these guys?
Then on the other team, when my matches are these ridiculously blowout matches, I ask myself again, why am I in a match with these guys.
Believe me, Im not blowing my own horn here, I very well might be out matched in high tier play, but it just seems like Im not matched up well.
(edited by nightblood.7910)
I just tried PvP for the first time in ages (bar a handful of hotjoin games to get the odd daily), I queued for unranked, I get in, I right clicked everyone, the four other players on my team had “invite to party”, all five of the opposing team had “join party”, I then exited the game.
Apologies to the other four people on my team, but I play games for fun, and 5 solo players against 5 people in a party (or two parties) is not my idea of fun, you’d think game companies would learn from the mistakes of other games, putting solo players against pre-mades has had one result in every MMO I’ve played – a smaller playerbase.
I’m against matching solo players with premades, but you’re just a loser if you afk before it even starts.
As people have pointed out, you actually have a good chance of winning if your team is all solo players and the other is full premade. Why? Because that premade would have to be very bad (or your teammates really good) for it to match up that way.
I just won a full solo que versus full premade by over 100 points. I also just won a game of full solo players that had an Abjured player on the other team, so you’re just a coward if you look at the teams before-hand and quit.
That being said…it’s impossible for the algorithm to discern a true premade with TS versus a PuG premade. Thus, it doesn’t make sense pitting grouped players against non-grouped players because there are too many variables.
They actually had it right before. However, someone at Anet must’ve gone into a meeting an amazingly convinced them that putting solo players against grouped players would be better. Whoever did that has Jedi level mind tricks.
5 soloqueuers vs a premade isnt impossible to win but it may sometimes be. We actually won game that I talked about of the 5 against a whole pre-made organized team :P
I’m against matching solo players with premades, but you’re just a loser if you afk before it even starts.
I do quite well in life thanks, a knock on effect of that is sometimes I have limited time to indulge in my hobbies such as gaming, which is why I didn’t AFK, but simply left and made more use of the remaining 50 mins I had of gameplaying by playing a different game.
As people have pointed out, you actually have a good chance of winning if your team is all solo players and the other is full premade. Why? Because that premade would have to be very bad (or your teammates really good) for it to match up that way.
Stop talking nonsense, what you have is a chance, not a good chance, in fact quite the opposite you have far more chance of losing, which is precisely why people complain about pre-mades vs solo.
What is more I was queuing off-peak, after midnight, so that chance of having great solo players vs a crummy pre-made at that time is even less likely.
I just won a full solo que versus full premade by over 100 points. I also just won a game of full solo players that had an Abjured player on the other team, so you’re just a coward if you look at the teams before-hand and quit.
Which is meaningless as you will lose far more as a solo player than a pre-made, as for abjured, case in point, I was watching one of them stream the other day solo queuing he was on a losing streak of about 9, you know why because his high MMR meant he gets put up against pre-mades a lot, but not only that he then gets paired with worse players to average out his MMR, and that him + not good players is far worse than some okay players in pre-mades, or even okay players solo queuing, this is not a game with a high potential to carry.
As for being a coward, come back when you grow up and don’t make nonsensical character assessments over stupid meaningless video games.
(edited by zinkz.7045)
I’m against matching solo players with premades, but you’re just a loser if you afk before it even starts.
I do quite well in life thanks, a knock on effect of that is sometimes I have limited time to indulge in my hobbies such as gaming, which is why I didn’t AFK, but simply left and made more use of the remaining 50 mins I had of gameplaying by playing a different game.
As people have pointed out, you actually have a good chance of winning if your team is all solo players and the other is full premade. Why? Because that premade would have to be very bad (or your teammates really good) for it to match up that way.
Stop talking nonsense, what you have is a chance, not a good chance, in fact quite the opposite you have far more chance of losing, which is precisely why people complain about pre-mades vs solo.
What is more I was queuing off-peak, after midnight, so that chance of having great solo players vs a crummy pre-made at that time is even less likely.
I just won a full solo que versus full premade by over 100 points. I also just won a game of full solo players that had an Abjured player on the other team, so you’re just a coward if you look at the teams before-hand and quit.
Which is meaningless as you will lose far more as a solo player than a pre-made, as for abjured, case in point, I was watching one of them stream the other day solo queuing he was on a losing streak of about 9, you know why because his high MMR meant he gets put up against pre-mades a lot, but not only that he then gets paired with worse players to average out his MMR, and that him + not good players is far worse than some okay players in pre-mades, or even okay players solo queuing, this is not a game with a high potential to carry.
As for being a coward, come back when you grow up and don’t make nonsensical character assessments over stupid meaningless video games.
You pretty much summed up the glitch in the system. What they need to do imo is tighten up the allowable range of individual MMRs allowed on a team. Even a great player can not make up for one sooper noob. Five decent players can and will beat 2 or 3 really good players and 2 nooblets for example. It it increase queue times so be it.
All said and done I really despise it when people just go afk or leave because they feel like it and go do something better worth their time, its like yeah sure that’s cool but guess what, by doing that 1 act of total selfishness you are wasting the time of 4 other people.
Been solo queuing for years and this is the first time my desire to do so has worn thin. Five to ten minute waits for a group that can’t do anything against a premade team wrecking them, so I end up 1v3 for 30-40 seconds with no support over and over again, even when i am paying attention to rotation.
Queue times haven’t improved, I got six 4v5s last night alone so that problem isnt fixed. The changes to pvp were promising at the start but the problems in long term are becoming a serious turn off to spvp.
Since the new queue (unranked and ranked) were brought in, queue times have improved slighty since teams and solo’ers are now in one playlist.
This game doesn’t have many people playing pvp, so the devs have to balance matchmaking between more accurate match ups versus longer queue times. They have mentioned this way too many times to players, yet people still complain.
I’ll take 2-4 minute queues over 10-15 minute queues like before if I have to go against the occasional premade. You want more accurate matchmaking? Fine, but don’t complain about long queue times then when they change it.
Since the new queue (unranked and ranked) were brought in, queue times have improved slighty since teams and solo’ers are now in one playlist.
This game doesn’t have many people playing pvp, so the devs have to balance matchmaking between more accurate match ups versus longer queue times. They have mentioned this way too many times to players, yet people still complain.
I’ll take 2-4 minute queues over 10-15 minute queues like before if I have to go against the occasional premade. You want more accurate matchmaking? Fine, but don’t complain about long queue times then when they change it
Population was low because of them not because of the playerbase! All that was asked was to improve what was then a working system, instead they decided to butcher everything down in the name of…god knows what.
Removing soloQ (in what game is fun to pitch a solo pug team against a full premade?) in order to improve queue times…yeah? to feed casual pvpers to try hard is what you call an improvement?
This does really suck when you are trying to get in the mood for a fun night of pvp, I’ve reported this and brought it up numerous times. Just in the same position as you guys are, just waiting for a response.
it’s since the day after spvp patch we asking for bring back solo and team q… but it seems they prefer to see pvp players suffer in this useless season without dishonored and with no matchmaking logic