SoloQ leaderboard is invalid
In the last hour I’ve played 6 matches…5 matches out of 6 were against synced team, this is not a problem of population, something must be done, in the meantime this soloQ leaderboard will hold as much value as the teams leaderboard..none
Still holds some. But I agree. Make it pool all the players over a set time period and then make rosters from that.
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
I’m curious how you know they were synced teams. I’ve played about 16 games (most containing the players on the first page of the leaderboard) so far and have yet to see this.
Then don’t pay attention to the leaderboards
Look there are problems but if you lose alot then you are probably bad.
Look there are problems but if you lose alot then you are probably bad.
That’d be a possibility I give you that, but given the fact I won quite few, I’d say I’m not that bad, I cannot give any tangible proof but only make safe assumptions based on the win/losses ratio of the top 20 compared to the rest.
Without any established rating everybody is bound to get a low rank, even a r1 in his/her team, than how come the same people that we find at the top of the team leaderboard can be found also at the top of the soloQ leaderboard with a 20+won/2-3 loss ratio on the first day?A single player cannot carry a whole team….
Look there are problems but if you lose alot then you are probably bad.
A single player cannot carry a whole team….
Maybe they can…..
I’d like to see someone carry their whole team in a SoloQ. In this digital age why can’t they just record and put it on youtube to show its possible, game after game.
I’m sure people can do it every so often (it depends heavily on how competent their opponents are too) but to carry a random premade in just about every game (also meaning they get a pretty bad opposition team every game, bad enough that one person alone can carry their team to a win) means they are the Michael Jordan/Lebron James of GW2 PVP. I personally don’t see it happening every game – maybe like once every 3-5 games or so.
One hero can only be in one place at a time, and there are 3 places of interest + the secondary objectives. When you got 2 heroes or more though, well it does make it alot easier. Bottom line is one person cannot carry their random team consistently enough to win 80% of their games against equal opposition – else I want to see proof of this.
There is a healthy amount of paranoia going on as well…when losing teams accuse the winning teams of synching and none of the winning players know each other, LOL.
We can’t judge as of yet. We need people to have played atleast 100 games.
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
Look there are problems but if you lose alot then you are probably bad.
Look there are problems but if you lose alot then you are probably bad.
This is incredibly close-minded. Just pointing out that what you said ignores what you’re talking about which is solo queues in a team game. There are roles to fill and not all of those roles are filled by nature of its randomness. Players that play a support or bunker spec are at the mercy of the noobs they queued with. Thieves, mesmers and high physical DPS classes can vary in effectiveness from completely useless to god among men based on who’s on the other team and what map it happens to be.
Solo queues are so ridiculous that you can win EVERY SINGLE FIGHT, win 2v1s and hold a point an entire game and STILL lose because your team sucks. That is not hyperbole. It’s happened to me dozens of times solo queueing.
Just sayin. Just because you lose doesn’t mean you’re worse than your opponents or did worse than your opponents.
Also, back on topic, yes this is totally unfair and should at least be minimized. It’s also a problem when you get the same people over and over again on your team when you’re legit solo queueing. It’s frustrating playing with the same set of glassy players over and over.
@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!
(edited by Ostricheggs.3742)
Look there are problems but if you lose alot then you are probably bad.
This is incredibly close-minded. Just pointing out that what you said ignores what you’re talking about which is solo queues in a team game. There are roles to fill and not all of those roles are filled by nature of its randomness. Players that play a support or bunker spec are at the mercy of the noobs they queued with. Thieves, mesmers and high physical DPS classes can vary in effectiveness from completely useless to god among men based on who’s on the other team and what map it happens to be.
Solo queues are so ridiculous that you can win EVERY SINGLE FIGHT, win 2v1s and hold a point an entire game and STILL lose because your team sucks. That is not hyperbole. It’s happened to me dozens of times solo queueing.
Just sayin. Just because you lose doesn’t mean you’re worse than your opponents or did worse than your opponents.
Also, back on topic, yes this is totally unfair and should at least be minimized. It’s also a problem when you get the same people over and over again on your team when you’re legit solo queueing. It’s frustrating playing with the same set of glassy players over and over.
I just think what he was trying to say is that everyone, given sufficient sample size, will encounter the same types of problems you mentioned the same percentage of the time. So, if you lose more than other people over a long period of time, the main variable that is left is your own play skill. Of course, there are other factors too, such as the class(es) you can play (some classes can carry harder than others depending on the matchup). Being able to multiclass, or at least play multiple builds for a single class well, will put you farther ahead in SoloQ. Also, communicating with text and map pings will help you too. But personal skill is the main factor that will enable you to win games that would otherwise be close and that extra little bit of carry changes it from a loss to a win.
(edited by cymerdown.4103)
Look there are problems but if you lose alot then you are probably bad.
“This is incredibly close-minded.”
" of glassy players"
Generalizing the glass ;(
“I’m here to bearbow and chew bubblegum..and I’m all out of bearbow.”
QQ my team is so bad, stuck in elohell, cant carry bla bla bla. On a serious note, after LoL had this discussion for like an eternity already I don’t think we need this. Deal with it, there is no way to change it, thats the nature of soloq in a teamgame.
And how do you know that the enemy team synced queues, sounds like a lame excuse for loosing, there is actually a good chance that this is technically impossible and if it isn’t yet it will be easy to implement (even I with my limited knowledge on this matter have a multitude of ideas how to prevent it, code wise).
(edited by Erwin.5603)
Are there a lot of people playing SoloQ atm? I’m just curious because i don’t want to get the same bad team over again, and i was looking forward to the new SoloQ system.
And how do you know that the enemy team synced queues, sounds like a lame excuse for loosing, there is actually a good chance that this is technically impossible
Hmm….in 4 games, 3 same ppl from same guild, within 1 h time…. they had to be very lucky, didnt they? It’s obvious this is synced. Same as RA GW1.
r[5x] tPvP onlY.
|>>> 2000+ Tournament Matches won, still rising <<<|
I didn’t have it once, does that mean it is impossible now? You experiencing this is no proof, just personal perception. Ofc it is possible that I am wrong and its actually possible to reliably be on the same team as a mate, but what you describe is no proof, just rng. But I guess it would be hard to proof it without being a dev, it would have been a big overlook though to let that system through with a possibility to sync.
…But I guess it would be hard to proof it without being a dev, it would have been a big overlook though to let that system through with a possibility to sync.
Well, are you sure they care? I mean, it’s been nearly a year now, and you still get stuck in PvP maps quite often when using teleport skills: they didn’t fix it, and it would’nt be surprised if they don’t fix queueing.
QQ my team is so bad, stuck in elohell, cant carry bla bla bla. On a serious note, after LoL had this discussion for like an eternity already I don’t think we need this. Deal with it, there is no way to change it, thats the nature of soloq in a teamgame.
And how do you know that the enemy team synced queues, sounds like a lame excuse for loosing, there is actually a good chance that this is technically impossible and if it isn’t yet it will be easy to implement (even I with my limited knowledge on this matter have a multitude of ideas how to prevent it, code wise).
There was a huge debate in League of Legends for a reason. If Riot catered to the minority which claimed Elohell didnt exist and there was no genuine evidence for claims as those it wouldn’t have right now the best MMR system which is superior in every single sense to how it is with Guild Wars 2.
And right now people who reach i.e Gold genuinely deserve it. Of course there are exceptions and you do see evidently bronzy-silverish mentality of players in Gold as well. Let me give you an example.
I jumped on my brother’s account for one game (he is Gold 5) and played with Master Yi. I haven’t played Leagues for 2-3 years and I have only played with Master yi in total about 10 games of X thousand games of X years. My items were random as hell. We still won and I was the top killer in there with such an unbelievable mediocre class.
It is really not relevant whether for you or <insert player’s name> MMR works fine or you get the sense that you deserved every single win. If we gathered up data on what classes are top <insert number here> in total I am 100 percent sure first would be Ranger and Necromancer and the third position split evenly.
Because the fact remains that if you to pick up a class in Soloque and want to carry then those are the two classes that can by default.
You don’t know the nature of soloque. So stop acting like a GW1 elitist defending a massively flawed system because being an elitist in such an unbalanced game, with 75 percent of animations not being able to be seen (in which that increases fundamentally with asura) as well as a non-existence random MMR system with a rating that has been hidden god knows how many months and is still (because it is again extremely flawed) only makes you a fool.
People WANT to be matched against and with evenly skilled players. No one cares about losing when they know that they lost to better players or more organized team than them.
People are fine losing at equal terms. And this soloque is not fine.
And let me tell you something else about MMR in LoL. You don’t go up and down in position because you get matched unevenly with Afkers, Daily-runners ect ect. Whereas in here you can reach a position, have generally a couple of games with kitten MMR and be back at the bottom.
(edited by Authority.6145)
QQ my team is so bad, stuck in elohell, cant carry bla bla bla. On a serious note, after LoL had this discussion for like an eternity already I don’t think we need this. Deal with it, there is no way to change it, thats the nature of soloq in a teamgame.
And how do you know that the enemy team synced queues, sounds like a lame excuse for loosing, there is actually a good chance that this is technically impossible and if it isn’t yet it will be easy to implement (even I with my limited knowledge on this matter have a multitude of ideas how to prevent it, code wise).There was a huge debate in League of Legends for a reason. If Riot catered to the minority which claimed Elohell didnt exist and there was no genuine evidence for claims as those it wouldn’t have right now the best MMR system which is superior in every single sense to how it is with Guild Wars 2.
I don’t think you have enough insight into both, how the GW2 and the LoL MMR systems work to comment on which is “better”, at least I do not. I guess one could assume its better since they had more time to possibly refine it.
And right now people who reach i.e Gold genuinely deserve it. Of course there are exceptions and you do see evidently bronzy-silverish mentality of players in Gold as well. Let me give you an example.
I jumped on my brother’s account for one game (he is Gold 5) and played with Master Yi. I haven’t played Leagues for 2-3 years and I have only played with Master yi in total about 10 games of X thousand games of X years. My items were random as hell. We still won and I was the top killer in there with such an unbelievable mediocre class.
I genuinely don’t know what you want to show me with that example.
It is really not relevant whether for you or <insert player’s name> MMR works fine or you get the sense that you deserved every single win. If we gathered up data on what classes are top <insert number here> in total I am 100 percent sure first would be Ranger and Necromancer and the third position split evenly.
Because the fact remains that if you to pick up a class in Soloque and want to carry then those are the two classes that can by default.
How can “MMR” only work for some people and some not? And why is that irrelevant like u said?
There are no prof. in top “x”, only players, idk about others but I enoy playing different prof. from map to map/teamcomp/mood. Concerning certain prof. “carrying”: I agree there are some that are better in soloq, for the most part everything that is good in teamq as well is quite strong and some of the lesser used prof. are fine too like e.g. ele since you can oneshot ppl with the low coordination that is an inherent element of soloq. I guess you wanna say that people who are maining these prof. have a higher chance to win and that if you play e.g. mesmer (totally made up example by me) you have a lower chance of winning and its out of your reach to influence the result of a game? You are free to be a better player and learn the “op” prof. and being able to “carry” then – there always have been better prof. than others, that is not a flaw in the soloq system, its a flaw with game balance overall and we shouldnt argue over that as well, you are reaching out to to many topics already.
Message Body length must be less than 5001 lol tbc.
You don’t know the nature of soloque. So stop acting like a GW1 elitist defending a massively flawed system because being an elitist in such an unbalanced game, with 75 percent of animations not being able to be seen (in which that increases fundamentally with asura) as well as a non-existence random MMR system with a rating that has been hidden god knows how many months and is still (because it is again extremely flawed) only makes you a fool.
I never played GW1 and I am expressing my opinion independent of whether its criticizing Arenanet or “defending” them. I am not a Arenanet “fanboy” or anything like that and I will criticize them were it is needed. The flaws you mention here are irrelevant to this current discussion and part of another one and again the MMR is neither random, nor hidden – you can read up how Glicko works.
People WANT to be matched against and with evenly skilled players. No one cares about losing when they know that they lost to better players or more organized team than them.
People are fine losing at equal terms. And this soloque is not fine.
Basically every concern formulated by the community with the GW2’s rating system can be explained with decent mathematical knowledge, if you have any specific concern that you can’t find a feasible reasoning for, I am willing to answer you questions here (I am not saying that I am a genius or something at this matter, every dev knows 100 times more than me about that, but with my limited knowledge I couldn’t find anything unreasonable in the current system as I have experienced it until now).
Maybe it’s just me, but to be honest, does rank in solo Q really matter? Or better yet – SHOULD it matter? I don’t really see the bragging rights for being #1 on the solo Q ladder…does it mean that you won the lottery for being rolled with good people consistently or does it mean you’re playing synced? It’s a joke, even more so than team leaderboards.
To me, solo Q is the perfect place to test new builds, theory craft, earn those champion titles across all classes, and just bug out and have fun without doing it in hotjoins since it’s almost always a zergfest.
If you care so much about rank, I think team arena may be the way to go…you can’t have a decent game without VOIP anyway.
Undercoverism [UC]
(edited by Amaterasu.6280)
i dont know if they really sync’ed or not and find it hard reasonable to say so.
what could be a problem as far as i see it, is top tier players whom know each other and the ts3 data of many other top tier players immediately join together on ts as soon as they recognize being on the same team.
i’ll say, why not. if i would meet a friend i would definitely do the same.
but… put your guts together and don’t do that!!! for the sake of a healthy soloQ!
no gutz no glory
“Tranquility has a beard.”
3 losses…1 4vs5, idiot left after 1 minute for no reason and 2 vs 4 ppl sinch + 1 pug, got them 4 two times in a row (Admitted by them and explained as a “smart way to play, it’s not forbidden to sinch like ra..”)
(edited by Archaon.6245)
Maybe I’ll give a crap about the leaderboard when ppl have had some time to play and settle in to their ranks.
Everyone needs to chill about the syncing thing. There are probably a few who are really trying to cheese the system, but c’mon… When you get out of a winning match, don’t you want to requeue right away? Obviously the pool of players at any time is finite, and they don’t want you to wait too long…
It’s just hard to really carry. There is ofcourse a ‘carry’ element, but it’s much less than in different games. Anyway, I’m getting better balanced teams (my team and the opposite).
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
everyone think he is better than he is – thats our nature
Look there are problems but if you lose alot then you are probably bad.
This is incredibly close-minded. Just pointing out that what you said ignores what you’re talking about which is solo queues in a team game. There are roles to fill and not all of those roles are filled by nature of its randomness. Players that play a support or bunker spec are at the mercy of the noobs they queued with. Thieves, mesmers and high physical DPS classes can vary in effectiveness from completely useless to god among men based on who’s on the other team and what map it happens to be.
Solo queues are so ridiculous that you can win EVERY SINGLE FIGHT, win 2v1s and hold a point an entire game and STILL lose because your team sucks. That is not hyperbole. It’s happened to me dozens of times solo queueing.
Just sayin. Just because you lose doesn’t mean you’re worse than your opponents or did worse than your opponents.
Also, back on topic, yes this is totally unfair and should at least be minimized. It’s also a problem when you get the same people over and over again on your team when you’re legit solo queueing. It’s frustrating playing with the same set of glassy players over and over.
I just think what he was trying to say is that everyone, given sufficient sample size, will encounter the same types of problems you mentioned the same percentage of the time. So, if you lose more than other people over a long period of time, the main variable that is left is your own play skill. Of course, there are other factors too, such as the class(es) you can play (some classes can carry harder than others depending on the matchup). Being able to multiclass, or at least play multiple builds for a single class well, will put you farther ahead in SoloQ. Also, communicating with text and map pings will help you too. But personal skill is the main factor that will enable you to win games that would otherwise be close and that extra little bit of carry changes it from a loss to a win.
I would agree with this if we were allowed to change classes. Sadly we can’t, at least we aren’t intended to, we can’t leave a rated match to switch classes or we’ll be punished.
The only time I’d give what he said any sort of credit is if there were 2 people playing the same class and same build over a very large sample size. But is statement is easily read as “you lose, you’re bad” when the reality of it is incredibly nuanced and it’s impossible to carry on most classes in this game.
@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!
First of all, I have played LoL since it first came out and I am aware what changes it went through; from just elo number to leagues.
Secondly, I provided the example to show that even though there are a few exceptions in League of Legends (who God knows how they reached a certain league) you can’t be dropped down by others. The only person responsible is you.
Thirdly, there is NO MMR.
Here goes what really happens in Solo Queque
a.Been matched with and against players such as Xeph, Super, Yolo Que, Xerrex, Starcraft Six Pool, TMO Lee ect. I don’t share anything with them so if there was a mmr I would have never grouped up or played against them.
b.One third of my games are we low ranks. And low ranks mean below 30 or 20. So care to explain to me how the hell I shared rating with a rank one or a rank five?
c.I have had the opposite where I had with me all 40s and 50s against 20s and 10s as well as below.
Same kitten doing it solo in Team Que. I have played in there far too many times vs CN, MiM, TP, ect while being below 100%.
And speaking of the devil, read Adam’s response
Look there are problems but if you lose alot then you are probably bad.
This is incredibly close-minded. Just pointing out that what you said ignores what you’re talking about which is solo queues in a team game. There are roles to fill and not all of those roles are filled by nature of its randomness. Players that play a support or bunker spec are at the mercy of the noobs they queued with. Thieves, mesmers and high physical DPS classes can vary in effectiveness from completely useless to god among men based on who’s on the other team and what map it happens to be.
Solo queues are so ridiculous that you can win EVERY SINGLE FIGHT, win 2v1s and hold a point an entire game and STILL lose because your team sucks. That is not hyperbole. It’s happened to me dozens of times solo queueing.
Just sayin. Just because you lose doesn’t mean you’re worse than your opponents or did worse than your opponents.
Also, back on topic, yes this is totally unfair and should at least be minimized. It’s also a problem when you get the same people over and over again on your team when you’re legit solo queueing. It’s frustrating playing with the same set of glassy players over and over.
I just think what he was trying to say is that everyone, given sufficient sample size, will encounter the same types of problems you mentioned the same percentage of the time. So, if you lose more than other people over a long period of time, the main variable that is left is your own play skill. Of course, there are other factors too, such as the class(es) you can play (some classes can carry harder than others depending on the matchup). Being able to multiclass, or at least play multiple builds for a single class well, will put you farther ahead in SoloQ. Also, communicating with text and map pings will help you too. But personal skill is the main factor that will enable you to win games that would otherwise be close and that extra little bit of carry changes it from a loss to a win.
I would agree with this if we were allowed to change classes. Sadly we can’t, at least we aren’t intended to, we can’t leave a rated match to switch classes or we’ll be punished.
The only time I’d give what he said any sort of credit is if there were 2 people playing the same class and same build over a very large sample size. But is statement is easily read as “you lose, you’re bad” when the reality of it is incredibly nuanced and it’s impossible to carry on most classes in this game.
Well, you can change class before the match starts, though, so if your group doesn’t have a Guard you can switch to it to add a bunker to the group, or doesn’t have a Spirit Ranger, or whatever else is OP that would round the group out and give you higher winning chances. That’s all I meant. But I agree that there’s other factors, as you say.
First of all, I have played LoL since it first came out and I am aware what changes it went through; from just elo number to leagues.
Secondly, I provided the example to show that even though there are a few exceptions in League of Legends (who God knows how they reached a certain league) you can’t be dropped down by others. The only person responsible is you.
Thirdly, there is NO MMR.
Here goes what really happens in Solo Queque
a.Been matched with and against players such as Xeph, Super, Yolo Que, Xerrex, Starcraft Six Pool, TMO Lee ect. I don’t share anything with them so if there was a mmr I would have never grouped up or played against them.
b.One third of my games are we low ranks. And low ranks mean below 30 or 20. So care to explain to me how the hell I shared rating with a rank one or a rank five?
c.I have had the opposite where I had with me all 40s and 50s against 20s and 10s as well as below.Same kitten doing it solo in Team Que. I have played in there far too many times vs CN, MiM, TP, ect while being below 100%.
And speaking of the devil, read Adam’s response
to a.: There is nothing unexplainable here, you guys had similar MMR so u got matched up together.
to b.: It is entirely possible to have a similar MMR to a low glory rank player, its entirely independent of the glory rank of anyone. Since everyone started at the base MMR when soloq was released and due to the still pretty low player base you were treated the same skill lvl as everyone else at your very first game, same for every glroy rank 1, 5 or whatever player on his first game. As you play more games you get closer to your real MMR and everyone who plays games gets closer to his real MMR. There is something like a “variety indicator” a value that is adjusted after every game, it shows how close to your real MMR the system is rating you. E.g. if you play games and your MMR changes the “variety indicator” shows that you are get closer to your real MMR and you will loose less and win less MMR with more games. If you don’t play for a long time it shows that your current MMR is inaccurate since you could have gotten worse or better in that timeframe and your MMR changes more rapidly after every game.
Basically any argument involving glory rank as a measurement of skill and comparing it to MMR is invalid, it has nothing to do with each other. Due to the nature of this system you can be placed in uneven matchups, it takes some time and a lot of games to determine everyones real MMR.
to c.: Same as b. glory rank doesn’t have anything to do with MMR and if you are talking about uneven matchups, there is no way to prevent that with a new system, since it needs to collect the data, as I described, first. It needs time, thats not a flaw, thats unpreventable.
Regarding the Team Arena thing you meantioned: Afaik it got a lot better than it was at the start and is still getting better, that shows that the MMR’s of all those players are more accurate now and further apart, which took time. And if it is still happening now thats again due to low population, if Team Curse is in the queue and the second best team in the queue is some mapchat pug with way less skileld players, than after a certain timeframe of waiting for others to queue it will just match them up, better than 1h queue time.
nice explanation!
although i think those guys will always be referring to rank, no matter how often someone tells them otherwise. i think its a matter of ego – “uuhh, he has lower number, he shouldnt beat me – lets complain on forums about bad MMR”
because of that i think it was a fault showing peoples rank after match.
no gutz no glory
“Tranquility has a beard.”
thanks! gotta correct “variety rating” doesnt make any sense at all its more like “variance” or smth like that, no idea what the right term is in english.
nice explanation!
although i think those guys will always be referring to rank, no matter how often someone tells them otherwise. i think its a matter of ego – “uuhh, he has lower number, he shouldnt beat me – lets complain on forums about bad MMR”because of that i think it was a fault showing peoples rank after match.
Rank is correlated with how GW2 match makes.
But be in denial in a very imaginary universe where a rank 10 has more tournament experience than a rank 40.
Delano Stark – Thanks for your trolling. 0 points and in the next game he was running around close dancing.
But yeah MMR is working yo.
First excuse was “timezone”. Both screenshots taking 8pm which is probably the highest peak time.
Second excuse was that rank is not correlated.
What is your third excuse?
You want to know what a great mmr system can do?
Ask Shava from Boon who was with Zalamander and some others and even though they tripple capped us twice (buff + normal), we still won by 20-30 points. Also ask Xeph who lost by my team by 200 points in which I played exceptionally well (including two ncp’s steal).
If we had the right tools to “compete”, you would see most of the time close matches first of all with a max point difference of 250 or 200. Those that are on top 100-200 let them be. We are not trying to become pro or trying to get funded. We just want to compete with a great system.
(edited by Authority.6145)
My argumentation has nothing to do with excuses.
My first “excuse” was not timezone, it was low player base, it is still low at our primetime compared to games like LoL, check the soloq leaderboards, everyone with 11+ games is on it and yesterday we didn’t have more than 500 players on it (fortunately i just looked it up and its more than 1k now), compare that to other popular games that have 1000x as much in the same timeframe, then you see that the system just with that limitation can’t work as great as other systems are, nothing can be done about it directly, only by getting many new players into gw2 pvp.
Second “excuse”: Rank is not directly correlated to skill, you may say a rank 40 is generally better than a rank 10, but, to my knowledge, there is no game out there that uses “time played” as a value in their MMR system (and glory rank is basically just a number to show how much time you played). Rightfully so, because “generally” better is not good enough for a proper system. Arenanet is aiming to get as good as a system as possible and that needs data to collect to rate every player appropriately, just as I explained before.
The reason for team getting stomped, one way or the other, is not a bad MMR system, its the huge skill difference at the moment in the top tier of teams, which is again due to lack of player base.
My argumentation has nothing to do with excuses
My first “excuse” was not timezone, it was low player base, it is still low at our primetime compared to games like LoL, check the soloq leaderboards, everyone with 11+ games is on it and yesterday we didn’t have more than 500 players on it (fortunately i just looked it up and its more than 1k now), compare that to other popular games that have 1000x as much in the same timeframe, then you see that the system just with that limitation can’t work as great as other systems are, nothing can be done about it directly, only by getting many new players into gw2 pvp.
Second “excuse”: Rank is not directly correlated to skill, you may say a rank 40 is generally better than a rank 10, but, to my knowledge, there is no game out there that uses “time played” as a value in their MMR system (and glory rank is basically just a number to show how much time you played). Rightfully so, because “generally” better is not good enough for a proper system. Arenanet is aiming to get as good as a system as possible and that needs data to collect to rate every player appropriately, just as I explained before.
The reason for team getting stomped, one way or the other, is not a bad MMR system, its the huge skill difference at the moment in the top tier of teams, which is again due to lack of player base.
Yesterday we had more than 500 players because my win/loss ratio was 15-21 at 650 and that is a fact. I made it 24-24. Now I was 30-28 on a 3-0 streak and lost again the usual 500-75 vs TS/Sync group (). From all my losses 90% are the typical 100-0 while 10% is losing by half points.
Like I said if the system needs more time to work better they should have added a actual MMR System not a system that because it is so flawed it will just put you in regardless of the situation.
That is why I said excuses. ANY good MMR system would have already taken into consideration important factors.
Let me give you another example. Yesterday at 8-10pm (can’t remember) I was grouped with Sheslat at 600 position. He was 150-200 on Leaderboard so we had 400 difference. What exactly did I share with him? Win/Loss ratio? Rating? Position?
Let me give you another example. I have been grouped us with a player called Miss Signoritas (39/54 770) God knows how many times. What do I share with him? Similar win/loss ration? Rating? Position?
Absolutely nothing. YET it still grouped us like that for purely unreal reasons.
No one said rank is correlated to anything regarding skill but if you want to downplay rank since tournament experience is not important and call it “glory” feel free to shoutcast a group of 20s and below vs a group of 40s and above and randomize the sample each time.
Make them play 7 games.
Short version, system is stupid.