SoloQuing against premades, good job anet

SoloQuing against premades, good job anet

in PvP

Posted by: denkadoll.1405


So i’ve been trying now for 2 days to get through last tier to sapphire but i always get matched against better or even players to me on enemy side and in my team i have newbies most often also enemy team is almost everytime full premades against my pugteam.
This makes the game really frustrating, it’s impossible to carry a team on this mmr system anet has come forth with.
Like 6 hours playing and no progression is just bad concept for the game and i think if they dont change this like in one month the player base in pvp will decrease about the half of what they have now so please anet listen to the people.

please make mmr so you always have even fights, every game now is like 500-200 or less. make mmr so if you play really good you get up against better players instead of getting newbies for you to carry on your team. its frustrating for me and for the newbies that gets farmed by all the premades.

thank you

SoloQuing against premades, good job anet

in PvP

Posted by: Wing.5487


It would be ideal if they could split the solo que players and make them only optable into a matchmaking where you can meet up with premades. It would solve to many issues.
I play around 7-10 matches a day, most of the games in solo q i play against premade teams, its especialy frustrating when you lose vs a guy with a Dragon finisher.

But hey people are exploiting what Anet left to exploit, matchmaking of lower MMR players with high MMR players, basically boosting them for free.

Did i mention they were 4+1 premades vs us 5 solo quers?

SoloQuing against premades, good job anet

in PvP

Posted by: Trigonhoras.7042


SoloQuing against premades, good job anet

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Yeah, I just did a 5 person premade vs 5 pugs. I don’t know who does matchmaking, but they really need a complete revamp of the system. It’s a complete disgrace.