SoloQuing against premades, good job anet
It would be ideal if they could split the solo que players and make them only optable into a matchmaking where you can meet up with premades. It would solve to many issues.
I play around 7-10 matches a day, most of the games in solo q i play against premade teams, its especialy frustrating when you lose vs a guy with a Dragon finisher.
But hey people are exploiting what Anet left to exploit, matchmaking of lower MMR players with high MMR players, basically boosting them for free.
Did i mention they were 4+1 premades vs us 5 solo quers?
Yeah, I just did a 5 person premade vs 5 pugs. I don’t know who does matchmaking, but they really need a complete revamp of the system. It’s a complete disgrace.