Soloqueue no lose pip if unbalanced game

Soloqueue no lose pip if unbalanced game

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


Ok, it’s pretty clear is not possible to filter every unbalanced composition to not have long queues

But i think is possible for the system detecting an unbalanced game from the roster size view (for example 4+1 vs 11111, 3+2 vs 11111 or 11112 etc.) and at least save the soloquers from losing a pip if they lose the game (you can lose the win streak bonus).

Honestly from ruby is super hard to mantain the win streak and have a good progression considering how many premades there are and the fact you don’t have a save point.

Starting from a duo queue you can coordinate better your game but like solo players is really really random. It’s not really a matter of skill, it’s more how much luck you have


Unbalanced games (like 5 vs 1-1-1-2, 4 -1 vs 1-1-1-1 etc. )
soloque don’t lose pip if they lose the game
soloqueue lose the win streak bonus


Soloqueue no lose pip if unbalanced game

in PvP

Posted by: Torafugu.1087


just check MMR, if the difference is over 1000 then no pip should be taken.

Soloqueue no lose pip if unbalanced game

in PvP

Posted by: TPMN.1483


So what about a 500 vs a 100 MMR Team with no chance of winning ?

A full team of solo Q (1+1+1+1+1) vs 4+1 : we won solo Q – just outplayed the 4+1 team by a large margin 500v200. It is possible as there is a MMR bump for that team > 3 people- so they should in theory have a better +1.

If anything due to the way the system works 3 people grouped together get a MMR bump this is probably the optimal way of bumping your teams MMR to get better teammates.

[MYTH] The Mythical Dragons -PvX

Soloqueue no lose pip if unbalanced game

in PvP

Posted by: R O C.6574

R O C.6574

According to what i’ve read, the MMR actually rates a pre-made with a slightly lower chance of winning, because supposedly they match pre-made teams against teams with a higher MMR to account for the lack of coordination on the solo q teams. Supposedly

Soloqueue no lose pip if unbalanced game

in PvP

Posted by: TPMN.1483


Chance of winning is not calculated for the matchmaking in ranked.

It’s only pip ranged now.

[MYTH] The Mythical Dragons -PvX

Soloqueue no lose pip if unbalanced game

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


I think going in solo queue from ruby is really too much penalizing instead of going in premade, for this reason solo queue players (the majority) should have a system like this.

This would be a great incentive for solo players and for the entire community would be great.

Game is fair? Ok try your best if you win +1 if you lose -1
Game is unfair? 0 pip if you lose (but you lose the bonus streak if you had it)

Maybe is not really necessary for amber-emerald and sapphire but in ruby the players attitude is really different.

(edited by philheat.3956)

Soloqueue no lose pip if unbalanced game

in PvP

Posted by: Tarhana.3561


Real question if the developers CARE ?

Soloqueue no lose pip if unbalanced game

in PvP

Posted by: Rolisteel.1375


If they don’t care a lot of players will leave PvP or even GW2 for other game very soon. That will hit the GW2 playerbase very hard.

Soloqueue no lose pip if unbalanced game

in PvP

Posted by: R O C.6574

R O C.6574

What if there was a sort of dynamic lfg that allowed solo players to form teams?

Soloqueue no lose pip if unbalanced game

in PvP

Posted by: Phil.8901


I like this suggestion.

From ruby the solo experience is terrible.

There are too many premades with optimized classes, If you don’t have the same equilibrium dps/sustain in Your team, Your game is lost from beginning.

A simple Duo queue with a support class and a strong dueler for sides has a huge impact if you don’t have the same skill/communication/builds on the other side

There is huge difference between a duo queue and solo queue, is not the same thing at all, If you have 2 expert player on one side on ts.

So yes, solo player should be more “protected”

Soloqueue no lose pip if unbalanced game

in PvP

Posted by: Rolisteel.1375


I like this suggestion.

From ruby the solo experience is terrible.

There are too many premades with optimized classes, If you don’t have the same equilibrium dps/sustain in Your team, Your game is lost from beginning.

A simple Duo queue with a support class and a strong dueler for sides has a huge impact if you don’t have the same skill/communication/builds on the other side

There is huge difference between a duo queue and solo queue, is not the same thing at all, If you have 2 expert player on one side on ts.

So yes, solo player should be more “protected”

+1 for "protect " solo players and/or another ranked league where you only can join solo!

Soloqueue no lose pip if unbalanced game

in PvP

Posted by: Ravenmoon.5318


How to make soloQ viable?

If a premade is supposed to win, but loses, strip a tier for every member.

This way people without balls of steel will not go premade.

Everybody will be happy.

Soloqueue no lose pip if unbalanced game

in PvP

Posted by: Pakkazull.6894


How to make soloQ viable?

If a premade is supposed to win, but loses, strip a tier for every member.

This way people without balls of steel will not go premade.

Everybody will be happy.

Terrible solution. Penalizing people for playing as a team, in a game mode based on teamplay? Besides, the people who get stomped by premades won’t be any happier for it.

Soloqueue no lose pip if unbalanced game

in PvP

Posted by: childhoodtwo.7095


Cant they just bring back soloQ?Seems the obvious solution.

Soloqueue no lose pip if unbalanced game

in PvP

Posted by: Phil.8901


Cant they just bring back soloQ?Seems the obvious solution.

The issue is the population, with only the soloqueue there would be some problems to start other games and long queues with other compositions.

I think this is a good compromise, I don’t see why you should be penalized like solo player if the match is unbalanced from beginnig.

In this way you contain the matchmaking fault (inevitabile in some games)