Solution to fighting off points
Kills was on the daily probably has a bit to do with it, that and there are some with the opinion that any other objective beside kills takes away from what pvp is ‘supposed’ to be.
play courtyard, best solution
Don’t worry boys, Blade and Soul is coming.
play better so your mmr get better and you get teamed with better players.
play better so your mmr get better and you get teamed with better players.
If you read the MMR thread you will see that if your MMR improves you are teamed with worst ppl to play against the same ppl, instead of be teamed up with better ppl to play against better ppl O.o
Don’t worry boys, Blade and Soul is coming.
play courtyard, best solution
play better so your mmr get better and you get teamed with better players.
If you read the MMR thread you will see that if your MMR improves you are teamed with worst ppl to play against the same ppl, instead of be teamed up with better ppl to play against better ppl O.o
so basically it is better for me to sand bag lol?
LOL. Those people don’t pursue targets off point for the kill for +5 points, they do it for the kill only. They don’t think about the score. Most of them either assume another ally stayed behind the capture the point, that it’s their job to chase down runners, or just don’t think at all, without having awareness of their immediate surroundings or giving thought to their team’s composition and how that might affect the role they should fulfill. Just like some players sit on a single point for the entire match thinking that is all there is to it. Just like some players fight to the death or wait to respond to what the other team does instead of predicting and rotating. It has nothing to do with points awarded, it’s difference in player skill, knowledge and experience.
To summarize: tweaking the points awarded will change nothing at that level.
LOL. Those people don’t pursue targets off point for the kill for +5 points, they do it for the kill only. They don’t think about the score. Most of them either assume another ally stayed behind the capture the point, that it’s their job to chase down runners, or just don’t think at all, without having awareness of their immediate surroundings or giving thought to their team’s composition and how that might affect the role they should fulfill. Just like some players sit on a single point for the entire match thinking that is all there is to it. Just like some players fight to the death or wait to respond to what the other team does instead of predicting and rotating. It has nothing to do with points awarded, it’s difference in player skill, knowledge and experience.
To summarize: tweaking the points awarded will change nothing at that level.
lol, ppl just get mad when they cant kill someone, then you start running from one guy, when you see theres 3 guys running after you calling you puusssy on map chat.
Don’t worry boys, Blade and Soul is coming.
a lot of people just don’t think about anything but what abilities they are using. I have a pal who has been playing for a few months and although he has become somewhat decent at fighting he has no idea what classes his opponents are most of the time.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
Its called the FPS mentality. No matter what the actual objective of the game is, people will ALWAYS overvalue kills. Whether it gives 100points or 0.