Some common sense regarding ranked complaints

Some common sense regarding ranked complaints

in PvP

Posted by: Cuddle Time.4027

Cuddle Time.4027

It seems the more time I spend in HotM and ranked games over the past couple days, the more I see the same complaints. “mm is broken,” “oh I have xxxxx games played I shouldn’t even see you in my games,” etc. Here’s my understanding of the pvp system using good old fashioned common sense:
It is made to start everyone out on an even playing field. There will always be people that can pick up a game after 100 matches and play better than somebody that has played thousands; some people are just better at certain things. This system is designed to start everyone off at the same place, and progress each individual based on their performance. The more you win, the higher you get; losing simply keeps you at the bottom. One of the first things I did among looking at the tiers was to look over the division rules for each division. There is a soft wall at Sapphire and a hard wall at Ruby as far as progression. If you are anywhere below that, you should expect to be matched with any and everybody. There is literally no difference between a person playing in Amber and a person playing in Sapphire other than the fact that the Sapphire player has won at least 40 ranked games; losses don’t even matter before this point.

What’s the point of this post? A plea; here it is: Please for the love of all that is kitten, wait until you are Ruby rank apart the pvp system. If you are anywhere below that, you literally have no consequence for losing aside from time lost.

Cuddle Time, out!