Some fresh air....
There’s no time to explore. Only time for esports.
Because you are supposed to be locked in HotM with fellow hardcore PvPers, form up a pro team, participate in leagues and eventually win money. If you are bored while waiting for que, you can always watch replays of tournaments on twitch.tv.
In a business model where new customers gives more money than customer retention, the above gif has lots of sense… if you know what I mean.
Edit: Don’t blame the developers, they just follow the company policies, after all it’s a business and there’s a chain of command.
(edited by kuritsutian.2987)
Older players can remember times, when we actually could que from anywhere outside of HotM. While waiting, I used to run jumping puzzles*, roam WvW or do world completion achievements.
Yes, blame developers, who are unprofessionally forcing competitive atmosphere in sPvP, ruining fun for many, especially veteran, players. This change should be reverted asap, but who cares anyway…
* my favourite was obsidian sanctum; dueling with random people – it’s dead after changes
(edited by Dagins.5163)