Some suggested changes to Spvp Seasons

Some suggested changes to Spvp Seasons

in PvP

Posted by: Lithril Ashwalker.6230

Lithril Ashwalker.6230

  • Daily People should be prevented to doing a daily and trumping the team during seasons in a ranked match. People don’t care usually as long as they get their daily match completed which ruins the rest of the match if so said daily player afks for the entire match.
  • Afk This should be completely disregarded in some points as the queuing usually prevents those that would be afk from getting in a match. however those that need to step away during the match, nothing can really be done.
  • Class Stacking I’m sure everyone has been there and fought against several trap guardians with 2 Auramancer/bunker eles or revanents…its not fun to play against and near impossible to beat. suggestion: In a team comp, say you have a tempest, reaper, daredevil, dragon hunter and a support guardian. The dragon hunter or guardian will have to reroll to an entirely different class because they share the same core class. Even if the dragon hunter were to drop elite spec, the team would have 2 guardians, which wouldn’t be allowed. This would better flex the team compositions and mostly reduce power creep. waves goodbye at triple “rise” necro teams bringing me to the next suggestion.
  • Rerolling Seeing a team composition and then rerolling would probably be needed to be prevented. It proves no skill except you may know what counters what against the other team. True skill comes with knowing your weaknesses and their weaknesses with what you queued with. After you queue with a class and check up to accept you should be locked on that class, period, until that match is finished. Character Select via log out/client close would be locked and upon re-opening the client would instantly log you back in to the character you queued with unless the match would be over. Guild wars 1 series didnt allow you to reroll in Random Arenas mid match(gw2 solo queue copy) and neither should this.
  • Leeching We all know about reporting a player for botting as instructed if they afk or throw the match…but we truly need the leeching option as a report feature or griefing option. The leeching via report feature should automatically trigger the leech effect for the after match against the player reported for leeching. Abuse of this report feature is highly prohibited and can result in bans if abused… 3 reports for leeching should be all it takes. This suggestion/idea can help weed out the trolls/botters/leechers and help get players that actually WANT to play and help.
    see the daily suggestion which could link to this one Each time your leech timer runs out and you get re-reported for a seperate instance, the timer goes up more, further preventing you from joining matches and will take longer to expire….If reported player literally plays and explains it was accident or whatever, and you re-report out of spite see= abuse of this report feature may result in a ban for griefing
  • MMR Reset PER Season NOT PER pvp Year Let’s face it, we were all new at one point and absolutely sucked at gaming (cept me, im awesome) so why should we be constantly lined up with other newbies or low mmrs? Exactly!…Each sPvP season should have a reset and your game play per season should show how good you are and shouldn’t keep you in the “MMR hell” If you stink horribly or are learning a new profession one season and you get stuck in a bad MMR, you should be able to learn from your mistakes one season and have a fresh MMR start next season to prove yourself. As of now the only way to get better MMR is to be carried/have a really good team.
  • Selectable PvP Season Rewards That NEVER Expire Yes, that’s right, some of us started the season late and had to grind crazily for that beautiful backpack win skin(I’d personally love to thank whomever designed it) and will never acquire it this season…Unless they allowed selectable achievements that you could choose to work on, without being time-gated. Much like Reward-tracks in wvw and spvp, however locked into your achievements, maybe even have a progression bar for that backpiece and every time you complete an achievement you can move the bar closer to the backpiece! Of course, the only time you could progress would be during spvp seasons…As of now, the next (unconfirmed as far as i know) the next season YEAR (not next month) will be a legendary Amulet/another backpack skin…Well with this suggestion if you wanted to finish the Wings of Ascension, you can select which one to work on. *I understand that its exclusive to spvp but it would be a better accepted idea than the current one by the community and probably reduce the rage…(what am i kidding, pvp is full of salt)[pun intended]Living story exclusive skins are understandable, they were limited time things but then again, look at the vendor that trades for festival tokens…all in all this idea may come into play eventually.

to be added

The rest of you voice your opinions

(edited by Lithril Ashwalker.6230)

Some suggested changes to Spvp Seasons

in PvP

Posted by: epouvante.7392


Really nice synthesis dude. This is clear and easy to implemente.
I think one problem will not be solve easily: the MMR management.
I want to add one suggestion: i think they have to add more “map goal” in pvp. Actually the pvp is to “win time one points”. Why not imagine other goals: capture the flag, best killer, survivor or what ppl want.

Some suggested changes to Spvp Seasons

in PvP

Posted by: Lithril Ashwalker.6230

Lithril Ashwalker.6230

Really nice synthesis dude. This is clear and easy to implemente.
I think one problem will not be solve easily: the MMR management.
I want to add one suggestion: i think they have to add more “map goal” in pvp. Actually the pvp is to “win time one points”. Why not imagine other goals: capture the flag, best killer, survivor or what ppl want.

pass the link along

Some suggested changes to Spvp Seasons

in PvP

Posted by: Ramoth.9064


definitely don’t agree with 3 and 4. without reclassing games really can turn into a roll of the die; you could be stuck with 3 thieves against 3 guards. Class stacking can’t be prevented either because it is likely it will create extremely long queue times, MMR and other things considered.

What Spvp needs is a robust interface that lets you decide your class once your teammates are selected, like any good MOBA game. The current 1.5 minutes we get waiting at our respawn point hoping everyone clicks ready faster is a complete waste of time. It is clunky to coordinate reclassing with and highly unintuitive to the planning process.

Some suggested changes to Spvp Seasons

in PvP

Posted by: Regon Phoenix.8215

Regon Phoenix.8215

Stopped reading at “several trap guardians…. its not fun to play against and near impossible to beat”.
op obviously trolling.
Nice attempt, though.

When you fall, i will be right behind you and whisper: “Who will protect you now?”

Some suggested changes to Spvp Seasons

in PvP

Posted by: Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318

Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318

Don’t agree with almost anything listed. Quite a few of your suggestions would increase que time and decrease pvp population. Espically those that outright determine what u want to play.‘’ Class stacking, rerolling bans, pretty much translates to. U can only play the class i want u to play. ’’

Not everybody is a Multi classer. forcing them to reroll would pretty much force them in a playstyle they could potentially not be comforable with. And banning re-rolls pretty much kills strategy what if your entire team comp is full of builds that lack dps? and u can’t re-roll. U pretty much force a player in a match he’s prolly bound to lose.

Reporting for leeching is can be abused so hard and outright kill your options for strategies to employ as holding points can be frowned upon, even if u stay on close for just 15 seconds seeing a slow moving guardian going for the decap. Sorry.

The ascension is a legendary pvp backpack with achievements spread over 4 pvp seasons lasting longer then a month. Just because some of u started late for reason XYZ doesn’t entitle you to an items supposed to be rare. It’s supposed to be hard to get. You play this game by choice. If u lack free time or chose to start this season late then that’s on you. Then become a casual player instead. U cannot expect to have content meant for dedicated players to become easily accesible.

Ressting MMR is fine and all. But that would mean that litterally everybody starts again. Which means u could litterally get farmed by players with an skill level far above you. Heck u could meet an pro leaguer that destroys you as collateral damage on thier sprint back up to thier appropiate mmr? Do u really want that to happen? What if u are one of those unlucky players that got farmed over and over and over again?

We still have whiners here. As everybody is litterally thrown into the jungle. Instead I suggest u lower the MMR of new players instead.

Some suggested changes to Spvp Seasons

in PvP

Posted by: Mortifer.2946


I love your ideas OP.
Especially the long term goals suggestion. I missed season 1 and now I had big problem getting to tier high enough to get that beautiful backpiece. Thankfully I managed to do it in the end and next season I will need Ruby division again to get the legendary version. But it would be really nice if I could do it at my own pace. Like…why there can’t be off-season ranked …seasons.. ? Ones that are not bound to any tournament and serve only as something where you can grind your achievements and have fun.