Some thoughts about improvements (Summary)

Some thoughts about improvements (Summary)

in PvP

Posted by: Sensotix.4106


This thread aims to summarize all the problems and solutions atm and represents not only mine but also the opinion of other top players in this game
Some suggestions:

Video Link too:
- nerf all classes except for mesmer elementalist and guardian
- reduce the number of pets on the battlefield

so why do that?:
- if they buff mesmer and ele every class is kinda “op” so to stay “op” we have to stick to certain builds..if you nerf the “op” classes you have a better chance to create build diversity
- if there are less pets you have better overview and it depends on the skill of every player to kill an enemy instead of letting your pets do the work (i am mesmer and i think phantasm mesmer is ridiculous)

Some more suggestions:
- give players the opportunity to display their leaderboard ranking in pvp if they wish to do so (motivation for the players)

- solo q: let players decide which map they want to play.. if two maps reach the same amount of votes it will be decided by chance
- team q: let players decide which map they want to play…it will obviously be 5:5 everytime so it will decided by chance

- implement legendary weapons for pvp if you reach a certain win/loss ratio (just an example but i think its good because it shows the best how good a player/his team is….i dont really like the idea of getting them by playing a certain amount of matches etc)

- implement titles for players in the top 100 (you can keep the title even if you drop out of the top 100)

- improve the skill animations to give the possibility to react to certain skills better

- solo q: if someone leaves the game early or is afk only he looses leaderboard ranks and his group mates dont

- add professionally organized tournaments once a month so people can practise with their team for them (= therefore add special rewards for winning such a tournament)

- seperate pvp and pve skills like you did in guild wars 1

- implement a guy standing around in the heart of the mists where you can check the leaderboard because what player really want is to see it ingame and not on a website)

-implement a trading post guy in the heart of the mists

-make tutorials on how to play tournaments etc for beginners (simple tipps and tricks) so that 4 people dont cap a single point

- being able to buy pvp skins with glory instead of diamonds

-reduce spammable aoe (=give every class certain powerful aoes with a good animation but not spammable ones)

IF you have any ideas or suggestions feel free to post them so i can add good ones to the current post to make it easier for anet to see the summary

(edited by Sensotix.4106)

Some thoughts about improvements (Summary)

in PvP

Posted by: The Boz.2038

The Boz.2038

I’m sorry, I lost it at “nerf everyone but guardians”

Some thoughts about improvements (Summary)

in PvP

Posted by: Sensotix.4106


guardians are okay as they are

Some thoughts about improvements (Summary)

in PvP

Posted by: Forsaker.9213


i have no time to write more do i will just say , start think about reward system that will brin much much much more ppl to pvp becouse atm the comminty is super low.

Some thoughts about improvements (Summary)

in PvP

Posted by: Sensotix.4106


yea hopefully they will do that

Some thoughts about improvements (Summary)

in PvP

Posted by: Sensotix.4106


Bump it please ! its important

Some thoughts about improvements (Summary)

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


Bump it please ! its important

it’s important for what?

Some thoughts about improvements (Summary)

in PvP

Posted by: Sensotix.4106


to save pvp in guild wars 2 it lacks balancing and rewards for playing like long-term motivation

Some thoughts about improvements (Summary)

in PvP

Posted by: The Boz.2038

The Boz.2038

OK, I read the rest now, there are some pretty good ideas in that post. But still, no to the “nerf everyone but guardian”. It’s literally the only class that has been a mandatory team member for every viable PvP match since launch, and it isn’t all because of one build. It is at least half a culprit in bringing about the current meta, thanks to his “I lol at power damage” stance.

Some thoughts about improvements (Summary)

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


to save pvp in guild wars 2 it lacks balancing and rewards for playing like long-term motivation

everyone already knows man, even the devs

Some thoughts about improvements (Summary)

in PvP

Posted by: Sensotix.4106


OK, I read the rest now, there are some pretty good ideas in that post. But still, no to the “nerf everyone but guardian”. It’s literally the only class that has been a mandatory team member for every viable PvP match since launch, and it isn’t all because of one build. It is at least half a culprit in bringing about the current meta, thanks to his “I lol at power damage” stance.

yea but most people i spoke to are fine with guard as “THE BUNKER” so thats why i added guardian to the list of “non-nerfs”

Some thoughts about improvements (Summary)

in PvP

Posted by: Sensotix.4106


to save pvp in guild wars 2 it lacks balancing and rewards for playing like long-term motivation

everyone already knows man, even the devs

i know but to summarize it and to bring up some additional good ideas i wrote it

Some thoughts about improvements (Summary)

in PvP

Posted by: Sensotix.4106


Bump still important for anet

Some thoughts about improvements (Summary)

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Your ‘suggestions’…
Your ‘suggestions’ are ‘ehh’ where they aren’t vague/intuitive to the point of uselessness.
Yes Anet knows battlefield clutter is bad.
Yes Anet know better telegraphing is better.
Yes Anet knows there are many, many bad specs out there.

If they didn’t, well, you better pray that isn’t the case.
There wouldn’t be cause for an ounce of hope if the devs didn’t realize those things…. I mean it’d be like they aren’t playing their own game, if they don’t play their own game, they would laugh at the idea of taking the forums seriously.

(edited by garethh.3518)

Some thoughts about improvements (Summary)

in PvP

Posted by: Sickness.9831


very nice… and so true
a very good point imo is to not buff every weak class….its more important to nerf the very strong/op classes to make other builds (and classes) viable
if anet could change the game like this i would be sooo happy

Shaku – Elementalist – Made in Meta [MiM]

Some thoughts about improvements (Summary)

in PvP

Posted by: Aajolea.8132


yes, down powering the very good builds is better for balancing, as it makes the others build far more valid and overall diversity more interesting and varied.

I echo others that there are too many pets and minion things, very annoying when its hiding the asura necros.

Should be an option to ‘normalise’ visual player size, making all races about human size for balance purposes, ie norn+ charr shrunk, asura enlarged.

heck i’d just like to play a class in pvp that is not needed to be fotm to have any solid success.

Some thoughts about improvements (Summary)

in PvP

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


Video Link too:
- nerf all classes except for mesmer elementalist and guardian
- reduce the number of pets on the battlefield

uhmm….. Welp…. nvm.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|