Something Something DH suck?

Something Something DH suck?

in PvP

Posted by: Sororita.3465


Believe, i know that sounds like a cat poster but it’s true.

I’ll be back in WvW roaming, PvP is such a silly place.


Commander Starlight Honeybuns[BUNS]
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.

Something Something DH suck?

in PvP

Posted by: Fivedawgs.4267


Lol, only noobs think DH sucks.

Something Something DH suck?

in PvP

Posted by: Sororita.3465


Lol, only noobs think DH sucks.

Don’t even use a bow #MLG

Commander Starlight Honeybuns[BUNS]
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.

Something Something DH suck?

in PvP

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


Lol, only noobs think DH sucks.


In the high tier ESL meta (even without the no class-stacking rules), DH really isn’t great at all, mostly because of the many hardcounters:

- Scrappers
- Rev’s
- Clerics Ele

Often, they hardcounter DH so hard in teamfights, that it benefits the whole team (swirling winds, magnetic aura, defense field and stuff like that) and DH looses a lot of it’s teamfight-power. Also, because of low mobility and not the best 1v1-capabilities (smart teams will rotate the right player and get a freewin in every 1v1), you can’t simply go for 1v1’s.

Now in the current ranked meta, things look quite differently: much less rev’s and scrappers (noticed that on all levels from Div1 to Div6) that do well against DH and much more thiefs, mesmers, necro’s that neither do well against DH in teamfghts nor in 1v1’s.

That’s my main problem with DH, it goes from useless to likely OP just based on what you are playing against, no other class has such devestating hardcounters like DH, but is as strong if it’s not effectively hardcountered.

Something Something DH suck?

in PvP

Posted by: Booms.2594


well im in legendary 8 in NA which is 4th highest rank (Darek) and played every single game on dh so yes i think ppl understand you can use dh in ranked q… doesnt mean its even top 6


Something Something DH suck?

in PvP

Posted by: Sororita.3465


well im in legendary 8 in NA which is 4th highest rank (Darek) and played every single game on dh so yes i think ppl understand you can use dh in ranked q… doesnt mean its even top 6

Player makes the class, not the other way around. Wish other people would stop complaining about it and get on with it.

- a necro main for 2 years.

Commander Starlight Honeybuns[BUNS]
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.

Something Something DH suck?

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Most DH are bad players who got carried by their traps in div 1-4 because spamming them destroys bad players. Then they get to diamond and lose games and come to forums to complain about MMR hell.

Something Something DH suck?

in PvP

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


If you are just solo queuing or even with 2 or 3 friends, any class, even warrior will do. I’ve been queued with a fair amount of warriors recently and they have done great. It’s all player skill when you get to a certain point.

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Something Something DH suck?

in PvP

Posted by: Ruru.1302


well im in legendary 8 in NA which is 4th highest rank (Darek) and played every single game on dh so yes i think ppl understand you can use dh in ranked q… doesnt mean its even top 6

Player makes the class, not the other way around. Wish other people would stop complaining about it and get on with it.

- a necro main for 2 years.

Some classes are objectively better than others regardless of player skill.

[Mada] Apocryfia

Something Something DH suck?

in PvP

Posted by: Asrat.2645


I main a thief. DHs suck.
I dont mean as in ‘completely unviable’ or ‘wont ever do it’ or ‘bringing their team down’
But I would prefer every single class but warrior on my team over dh. Even thieves if I know theyre good. (took me some time to admit that tho)

I can stand in a dh’s traps. They can push and pull me over test of faith (If I have no stability that is)
They can interrupt my heal skills. They can use the damage skills as they want…
They wont kill me. And im not talking about ele, not about scrapper, im talking about druid.
Theyve got some heals, but my bristleback could kill a dragon hunter without me even attacking (might be overexagurating here, havent tried it ^^)

There are two levels of dh. The noob hunters, who hunt noobs, give them a good player and they fail.
And the guard players, people who knew the class before it got that op flavour for one season.
But both types are extremely easy to counter (stability, protection and reflection), have little sustain in teamfights, and rely on high-cd utilities for a good portion of their damage.
Big parts of the damage a dh does is shifted from weapon skills to utility skills. That means in order to deal high damage they have to sacrifice their stunbreaks, boons, jail escapes, heals, aoe cleanses…

Something Something DH suck?

in PvP

Posted by: Sororita.3465


The dream is over guys. 12 wins into a lose. #gganetnoclassbalance

Won next game, killed 2 players in a 1v3 for a point ( DH me vs two guards and a ranger).

I don’t use traps apart from the heal. Never liked them even on ranger. ( Easily avoidable in roaming). Only take DH for the virtues. Medi DH with GS/Ham and you can easily take on most opponents.

I always laugh at the warrior hate on this forum , you guys should go into WvW and see some of the warriors there. Sure, most die easily but some of them are the shawshank Redemption ( The fight seems as if you’re trying to escape prison with a rock chisel.

Commander Starlight Honeybuns[BUNS]
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.

Something Something DH suck?

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnar the Rock.3174

Ragnar the Rock.3174

I main a thief. DHs suck.

There are two levels of dh. The noob hunters, who hunt noobs, give them a good player and they fail.
And the guard players, people who knew the class before it got that op flavour for one season.
But both types are extremely easy to counter (stability, protection and reflection), have little sustain in teamfights, and rely on high-cd utilities for a good portion of their damage.
Big parts of the damage a dh does is shifted from weapon skills to utility skills. That means in order to deal high damage they have to sacrifice their stunbreaks, boons, jail escapes, heals, aoe cleanses…

This ^

DH & guard are extremely predictable and reliant on cool downs.

Also a good 50%+ of their traits, utility skills & weapons are also utter crap for pvp (due to losing sustain if they use them or because they require you to stand on top of 3-4 allies) which means its either meditations/traps or you wont even do well against noobs.

Something Something DH suck?

in PvP

Posted by: mrauls.6519


…Buns, which division are you in, and are you solo queuing?

Guardian/DH needs an overhaul…

and WvW =/= PvP… game modes are too different because of available gear, etc.

Mes (Guardian)
I make PvP & WvW videos

Something Something DH suck?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I use DH when the enemy team has necros, thfs and mesmers. I usually switch to something else if i see multiple eles or revs.

Something Something DH suck?

in PvP

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Yes, because all those blowouts are a result of DH being that good [/sarcasm]

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Something Something DH suck?

in PvP

Posted by: Sororita.3465


Yes, because all those blowouts are a result of DH being that good [/sarcasm]

And every time your team loses it’s because of a warrior, yup.

Commander Starlight Honeybuns[BUNS]
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.

Something Something DH suck?

in PvP

Posted by: ResJudicator.7916


I see good DH’s in legend provide a lot of value for their team.

They aren’t versatile all-around bruisers like rev and scrappers, but there are certain situations where they really shine. The good DH’s I’ve seen know how to rotate into those situations and/or help set those situations up.

Something Something DH suck?

in PvP

Posted by: rwolf.9571


That win streak has no context, could be amber for all we know.