|||Necro the masterclass very few know about.|||
Something has to change
|||Necro the masterclass very few know about.|||
I disagree with your comment.
I believe Anet have put way too much resource into sPVP compare to WvW and other content of the game. What Anet needs to do is to stop luring PVE, WvW and other game mode players into sPVP.
Anet needs to remove all reward from sPVP, include all ascended, daily, gold…etc.
So that way sPVP is only for players who are here looking and enjoy small scale fights.
Things are not going alright with WvW – we won’t ever see a new season and if you think PvP balance is in bad shape, head to wvw to see how to really f up balance (both skill balance and player balance).
Playing both pvp and wvw, I can see that a lot more development effort has gone to the pvp area than to wvw. Vastly more. Is it effective effort? I’m not sure it is, but its clearly there.
Things are not going alright with WvW – we won’t ever see a new season and if you think PvP balance is in bad shape, head to wvw to see how to really f up balance (both skill balance and player balance).
Playing both pvp and wvw, I can see that a lot more development effort has gone to the pvp area than to wvw. Vastly more. Is it effective effort? I’m not sure it is, but its clearly there.
As someone who has played both more then PvE.
I agree from the perspective of effectiveness.
PvP was Dwayna awful for Seasons 1 & 2. Seasons 3 and 4 were better but they still had major issues since the HOT specs ruined what balance was therefore Anet had to go all the way back and fix things like down state health. (which still isnt working as well as it did prior to HOT)
WvW has gotten alot of small changes but once again they didnt think about WvW or PvP when coming out with HOT specs, with mallyx revs taking condi from team mates only for necros to epi them and kill full zergs instantly. Currently the trapper thief has gotten on peoples nerves which once again is full HOT specs with HOT runes.
You can make the legit case that Anet has attempted to fix PvP more then WvW but every decision they have made has turned off the PvP community.
When you had 2 things that were so good PvP and WvW before HOT. Then Anet throws out a terrible WvW maps and now 6 straight seasons of PvP where the majority of players absouletly hate the meta, style of play as well as build diversity. I dont know how we judge these 2 things.
Also Anet said they wouldnt do another WvW season because there was a huge drop off in players after the season occurred.
- if this game had a smell it would be fetid
as far as I’m concerned it’s all corpse carts and calls of ‘bring out your dead’ untill the next expansion hits.
stronghold is more PvP than conquest? smh
all of the mechanics and objectives in stronghold are PvE lol. a game mode based around summoning AI and kill AI is not a very good PvP mode.
conquest is a tactical game of map control. you use tactics and combat prowess to win, and all bar two maps have no AI. it’s much better for PvP than summon AI to kill gates so u can kill AI lol.
still, I’d much rather have For Honor’s gamemodes. 2v2 is excellent in that game.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
(edited by choovanski.5462)
Changes?! Who wants changes? We voted for team max of 2, we voted for changing characters before game starts and manipulation of MMR. Please stop making such threads.
- if this game had a smell it would be fetidas far as I’m concerned it’s all corpse carts and calls of ‘bring out your dead’ untill the next expansion hits.
stronghold is more PvP than conquest? smh
all of the mechanics and objectives in stronghold are PvE lol. a game mode based around summoning AI and kill AI is not a very good PvP mode.
conquest is a tactical game of map control. you use tactics and combat prowess to win, and all bar two maps have no AI. it’s much better for PvP than summon AI to kill gates so u can kill AI lol.still, I’d much rather have For Honor’s gamemodes. 2v2 is excellent in that game.
Actually there was only one pure pvp map,which was removed “hello courtyard” cause ppl dont like just PvP that much as they say…..With this in mind,talking about conquest which you can win by sitting on nodes,or a dude with high mobility caping empty nodes as a true pvp compared to evil stronhold where you get points by channel spawning npc or destroying gates,is just ridiculous.If you want to say you like conquest more,just say it,no need to live in self-deception and talk about SHs being more pve than conquest maps …. .
- if this game had a smell it would be fetidas far as I’m concerned it’s all corpse carts and calls of ‘bring out your dead’ untill the next expansion hits.
stronghold is more PvP than conquest? smh
all of the mechanics and objectives in stronghold are PvE lol. a game mode based around summoning AI and kill AI is not a very good PvP mode.
conquest is a tactical game of map control. you use tactics and combat prowess to win, and all bar two maps have no AI. it’s much better for PvP than summon AI to kill gates so u can kill AI lol.still, I’d much rather have For Honor’s gamemodes. 2v2 is excellent in that game.
Actually there was only one pure pvp map,which was removed “hello courtyard” cause ppl dont like just PvP that much as they say….
.With this in mind,talking about conquest which you can win by sitting on nodes,or a dude with high mobility caping empty nodes as a true pvp compared to evil stronhold where you get points by channel spawning npc or destroying gates,is just ridiculous.If you want to say you like conquest more,just say it,no need to live in self-deception and talk about SHs being more pve than conquest maps …. .
courtyard, like stronhold and any other “brilliant” idea they have will turn in kitten cuz no build manager, a diferent game mode needs diferent builds, and ading gamemodes in the mix of playable without the skill of quick changing build to the one for the scenario turn them kitten
Thats actually a good point.Having pre-set few builds and easy swaping between em would be a nice thing indeed
Lets throw all the changes they made the polls and the tweaks from rewards to games needed to stay top 250 out of the window. They never happened
I disagree with your comment.
I believe Anet have put way too much resource into sPVP compare to WvW and other content of the game. What Anet needs to do is to stop luring PVE, WvW and other game mode players into sPVP.
Anet needs to remove all reward from sPVP, include all ascended, daily, gold…etc.
So that way sPVP is only for players who are here looking and enjoy small scale fights.
This but less extreme. Don’t rekove the rewards just make it so you get rewarded for getting better and being good. Not for just playing…
Slightly off-topic but I hope you will understand the point.
When I was kid at school, we were graded A, B, C etc. When you competed at sports winners got a trophy or sash, losers got nothing. In my mid-twenties I decided to do some more study and discovered the tradition A, B, C grading had been replaced with a result of “Competent” or “Not Competent”. There was no room for extra credit for extra work, you could only be graded Competent or Not. Nowadays kids get a “participation” token just for turning up to sports.
With this lack of competition or measurement of skill, where is the incentive to improve?
This is kinda what we have going in Ranked pvp atm. You get reward pips simply for turning up. You don’t even have play the match, simply afk at base & you will get your “participation reward”.
Personally I think most urgent change required is for there to be a very real & clear difference between Ranked & Unranked. Ranked should be solely for the glory of being the best. Or for us mere mortals, the satisfaction of seeing improvement.
My 2cents FWIW
Find pvp players: https://www.reddit.com/r/GuildWars2PvPTeams/
I disagree with your comment.
I believe Anet have put way too much resource into sPVP compare to WvW and other content of the game. What Anet needs to do is to stop luring PVE, WvW and other game mode players into sPVP.
Anet needs to remove all reward from sPVP, include all ascended, daily, gold…etc.
So that way sPVP is only for players who are here looking and enjoy small scale fights.
>I hope to god you never get anywhere near pvp’s development.
I do agree PvP rewards need to be completely revamped… but taking away everything in PvP in asinine. No one would play PvP for the sake of “enjoying small scale fights”.
Instead of taking PvP down make it actually enjoyable.
Unique and challenging new titles/AP for PvP
A MUCH better introduction to PVP with AI(AI vs New Players) for new players/with changing scenarios/A mentoring system for PVP
More Maps/Differentiating Map Mechanics
PVP reward tracks that aren’t purely based on monetary account value. ( Fashion Wars gets real old real fast when thats all my going for in PVP)
1v1, 2v2, 4v4, 8v8 and 12v12 choices for pvp.
If you want to make gw2 PVP more viable and enticing to people you dont need to take and stripe it all away, you just need to add some minor changes and balances and get a new way to reward players without punishing everyone else.
Put legendary armor with unique skins and good requirements. For example:
1.Legendary Boots – 1000 spvp points with Mesmer and 1000 spvp points with Revenant
1 win in ranked gives you 2 points, 1 win in unranked gives you 1 point, no points for losing
Average player( win ratio 50%) playing ranked will have legendary piece after 2000 ranked games.
You will get more people who will need to learn how to play atleast 2 professions. Trying to farm it will be kinda painful because of the 0 points per loss
I’m gonna use the same argument i’m giving for few weeks, but getting rid of seasons should solve the problem( or let’s say reworking these).
Many games are having seasons, and it’s good to have activity and stuff to do regularly, but the issues are :
- Frustration when season starts if you’re unlucky on first games : leads to lack of motivation if you have to experience it during few seasons
- Farming mind : you have to do the seasonal x games in order to get all rewards, which means you’re more enclined to use a " meta " builds to win quickly
Rewards should remain the same, but if we had longer periods, the " farming spirit would " run off and give more space to competitivity. But this concerns many games, not GW2 only.
- if this game had a smell it would be fetidas far as I’m concerned it’s all corpse carts and calls of ‘bring out your dead’ untill the next expansion hits.
stronghold is more PvP than conquest? smh
all of the mechanics and objectives in stronghold are PvE lol. a game mode based around summoning AI and kill AI is not a very good PvP mode.
conquest is a tactical game of map control. you use tactics and combat prowess to win, and all bar two maps have no AI. it’s much better for PvP than summon AI to kill gates so u can kill AI lol.still, I’d much rather have For Honor’s gamemodes. 2v2 is excellent in that game.
Actually there was only one pure pvp map,which was removed “hello courtyard” cause ppl dont like just PvP that much as they say….
.With this in mind,talking about conquest which you can win by sitting on nodes,or a dude with high mobility caping empty nodes as a true pvp compared to evil stronhold where you get points by channel spawning npc or destroying gates,is just ridiculous.If you want to say you like conquest more,just say it,no need to live in self-deception and talk about SHs being more pve than conquest maps …. .
well, at the end of my post i advocated for gamemodes like For Honor, specifically the 2v2 mode. so yeah, I’m very much in favour of TDM.
eh, i don’t know how you can honestly say conquest can be more pve than stronghold, considering the goal in stronghold is to summon NPCs so you can kill another NPC. you can’t really get more pve than that.
with stronghold sure you can win by sitting on node and not doing PvP, but that’s only if the other team is afk. assuming that neither team has afk members the winning team will be the one who choose better fights (rotation) and fought better as a team. considering on most conquest maps the only thing to fight is players, yeah conquest is more PvP than a gamemode where the winner only has to kill one NPC.
I’m not saying don’t play, or don’t like stronghold. i played it a bunch, it’s ok, can be really fun sometimes, but don’t kid yourself that it’s some sort extreme PvP mode. it’s not. the whole gamemode is based around NPCs.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
I’m not saying don’t play, or don’t like stronghold. i played it a bunch, it’s ok, can be really fun sometimes, but don’t kid yourself that it’s some sort extreme PvP mode. it’s not. the whole gamemode is based around NPCs.
You know that game, LoL? The entire game mode from start to finish is 100% NPC related.
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld