I am only going to talk about the specialization traits, since they are what has been more concretely covered on stream.
- Lingering Elements – which the changes that are being done and the fact that it will be literally impossible to trait for all the linger traits I would highly suggest to revamp this trait to include the passive traited buffs, reduce duration to 3s.
- You have the reduce the duration since streamlining attunement recharge to 10s base makes 5s uptime ridiculous.
- Eg, if you trait for Stone Heart, it will linger for 3s after you swap out of Earth.
- Arcane Precision – this is a very weak minor, since the proc % is so low. Maybe give it a bit of a boost. The output condis are fine, though.
- All of these are fine.
- Elemental Contingency – the ICD is a bit long for how low the duration of these boons are. Considering nobody is going to be lingering in an attunement for that long, I would suggest lowering this ICD by a little bit.
- All of these are fine. I particularly liked that there is a big choice to be made between Elemental Attunement and Evasive Arcana. To be quite honest, I see Elemental Attunement being picked over Evasive Arcana in 80% of builds. The boon durations, along with the new ~8s attunement recharge, is too good.
- These are all fine.
- These are all fine.
- I would like to see Rock Solid Give 2 stacks of stab instead of 1. Otherwise these are all fine.
- Diamond Skin – I can’t give any informed judgement on that at the moment, but this might be dangerous depending on how the stats have been redistributed.
- These are fine.
- Soothing Ice – You cannot, CANNOT give this trait Frost Aura, no matter how short the duration, the consequences are catastrophic. Frost Aura gives 10% damage reduction and 2s chill, 1s ICD. If traited, with other aura traits, it will also give 3s protection, 5s swiftness and fury, and don’t even get me started on aura sharing this.
- I strongly suggest this becomes something like “Gain regeneration and chill your attacker (2s) when you are critically hit,” and even that is kind of strong. The original Soothing Wave is perfectly fine.
- The rest are fine.
- There are all fine, though I’d suggest potentially lowering the HP threshold on Aquamancer’s Training (presently Vital Striking), depending on how stats are adjusted.
- These are all fine, though I’m slightly impartial to Bountiful Power being a major trait now—and a GM at that. Even at 9x, +18% damage isn’t that significant considering you have to trait into Water for this. Just my 2c
- All fine.
- I like the slight buff to One with Air, some people might actually take it now. You briefly mentioned maybe going another direction with Ferocious Winds (which is a good idea seeing how bad Ferocity scales with small amounts). Fine otherwise.
- I really like that you finally put Tempest Defense in a place where it’s worth selecting over other traits. These are fine.
- These are fine.
Before I go into these, I want to mention that there is a LOT of Fire Shield spam potential. It should probably be toned down.
- Largely fine. Though, I would suggest reducing Flame Barrier duration to 2s, down from 3s.
- Conjurer – Interesting boost to this trait, though, without a serious revamp of all conjured weapons, it is still not a good enough incentive to ever take them over cantrips or signets.
- Burning Fire – This is one of those traits that you should’ve done away with and reworked entirely. Nobody in their right mind will ever take this, it is just too ineffective.
- The rest are fine.
- These are also fine.
Overall, I think ele changes are mostly good, though there were a couple crazy things cough Soothing Ice cough that should definitely get redacted.
(edited by Acandis.3250)