Spicing up boons/condis/runes/sigils

Spicing up boons/condis/runes/sigils

in PvP

Posted by: Kabangers.7263


Came up with a list of things I feel like would help make condis and boons more interesting and promote more skill play and counter play with them. And added a few new skills for my favorite class the Engineer utilizing some of these new condis/boons. Feel free to post ideas for your prefered class or rip this thread apart with critque if you like. Making some or all of these changes would open up a huge number of builds for professions across the board.

Racial Abilities Allow Racial utilities and elites to be used in The Mists for spvp/tpvp
Condition/Boon Icons Allow Conditions and Boons to show duration at a glance without the need to hover over
Target GUI Allow your Target GUI to be moveable on the screen.

Weakness now strips 1 boon upon application and 1 Boon every 5s weakness is applied.

Burning now stacks intensity instead of duration. Max Stacks 10-25

+20% dmg increase in pvp

Allow chill to stack intensity max 3 stacks. Each stack reduces movement speed and skill recharge by 33%. At 3 stacks reduction will be 99%

Doubles activation times on enemy players, Cancels quickness direct hard counter

-35 Toughness and Healing per stack. Max Stack 25, stacks in intensity

Damage increased by 25%

Rejuv now stacks in intensity max of 3 stacks. Allowing 3 regens to tick together @ 3 stacks

Reduce +%crit chance from Fury to +10% (down from +20%)but allow Fury to stack intensity, max Stack 5

+35 Toughness and Healing per stack. Max Stack 25, stacks intensity

Each stack will nullify 1 incoming condition. Will not remove existing condis. Stack to 25

Combo Fields
Blast/Leap Finish
All Blast finishers now last 5s (up from 3s)and Leap finishers last 8s (up from 5s)

Static Armor*NEW*
5s blast, 8s leap duration, stuns enemies when attacked, combo field lightning

Acid Armor*NEW*
5s blast, 8s leap duration, Grants 1 stack of Annointed to you and 1 stack of Weakness to your enemy everytime you are hit by an enemy player, combo field Poison

Lightning Field
Give this field to 3 classes (Engi, War, Ranger)

Ice Field
Give this field to 3 classes (Engi, War, Necro)

Runes of Befuddlement 1: +X Condition Damage
2: +20% Confusion duration
3: +XX Condition Damage
4: 20% chance on hit to apply 2 stacks confusion for 5s to nearby foes. 15s CD
5: +XXX Condition Damge
6: Your confusion is now viral and will hit enemy players who are within 500 yards of your target

Runes of Baffled Thought 1: +X Precision
2: +20% Confusion Duration
3: +XX Precision
4: 50% Chance Confusion ticks will daze an enemy for 1s
5: +XXX Precision
6: 20% Chance Daze will Stun for its duration

Runes of Stable Mind 1: +X Toughness
2: -20% Confusion Duration on you
3: +XX Toughness
4: Using a Healing Skill grants 5s of Stability. 20s CD
5: +XXX Toughness
6: Using any Utility Skill grants Stability for 2s. 10s CD

Runes of Holy Mending 1: +X Healing
2: +15% Boon Duration
3: +XX Healing
4: Grants 2 Stacks of Annointed when using a healing skill
5: +XXX Healing
6: Allows Annointed to apply 2 stacks instead of 1 when applied.

Sigil of Befuddlement 60% chance on crit to apply 3 stacks of confusion to enemy foes. 10s CD

Sigil of Baffled Thought Apply 3 Stacks of Confusion when swapping weapons in combat to all foes around you. 10s CD

Sigil Of Time Lapse 10% chance on crit to inflict Slow on enemy target. 30s CD

Sigil of Rage 10% Chance on crit to gain Quickness. 30s CD (down from 45s)

Sigil of Enlightenment Apply 3 Stacks of Purity when swapping to this weapon in combat

Sigil of Cooperation Blast, Leap, and Whirl finishers apply 1 stack of Purity on allies and 1 stack of Decay on foes.

Engi Util Skill
Displacement Set transponder beacon for return portal.
Ground target 3 targets max, displace 3 foes and teleport them to your transponder beacon 120s CD, 1200 range of beacon
XXX dmg, Applies 5 stacks of confusion for 10s to all foes effected
Toolbelt: 3 Target 360 pull. Light Damage, applies 2 stacks of confusion, 60s CD

All Turrets Change Turrets into Golems, reduce multiple CDs to increase effectiveness. Golems follow you.

Deadzone 210s CD, 10s AOE Slow, direct hard counter to Time Warp *Elite Skill replaces Mortar

Absortion Barrier Grants 7s Protection and 5s Stability to nearby allies. 45s CD
Toolbelt: Overcharge your barrier knocking back foes. Medium Damage, 40s CD, applies 2s Slow to foes.

Spicing up boons/condis/runes/sigils

in PvP

Posted by: Jax.5261


Sorry but I disagree with everything you just wrote.

edit: except for condition duration times without hover.

Spicing up boons/condis/runes/sigils

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

Dat weakness, would just force thieves to stand back and spam shortbow 4.

Spicing up boons/condis/runes/sigils

in PvP

Posted by: SwickHobo.5096


Better idea, lets make every condition over powered….o wait that was your idea. my bad.

Spicing up boons/condis/runes/sigils

in PvP

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


lol norn eles that can now run 4500 units cross map while invis? GG.