Spirit Watch & Skyhammer in Solo Q vs. Team Q

Spirit Watch & Skyhammer in Solo Q vs. Team Q

in PvP

Posted by: AlbertoUlkesh.4517



Why are those two maps in Solo Q but not in Team Q?

People here keep asking for them to be removed from Solo Q, because of their many issues.

If these two maps are deemed okay and the forum users are “only” a vocal minority, why are they not in Team Q?

I don’t get it.

Spirit Watch & Skyhammer in Solo Q vs. Team Q

in PvP

Posted by: Oulov.7913


I completely agree with people saying Trollhammer, it is a crap map, but why is Spirit Watch bad?

Spirit Watch & Skyhammer in Solo Q vs. Team Q

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


Cuz some classes have crazy mobility for orb running whereas others don’t (ie. imbalanced).


Spirit Watch & Skyhammer in Solo Q vs. Team Q

in PvP

Posted by: Oulov.7913


Hmm maybe you’re right, but it is not as brainless and plan-free as shooting from megalaser and only pushing ppl off of a clif.

(edited by Oulov.7913)

Spirit Watch & Skyhammer in Solo Q vs. Team Q

in PvP

Posted by: AlbertoUlkesh.4517


Well, I think it also quickly degenerates into mindless Orb Carrying (if your team happens to have the classes for it). The orbs are supposed to be secondary objectives. But they are so frequent and give so many points they become primary.

I’d compare this to being able to kill the Lord on Foefire over and over again.

Spirit Watch & Skyhammer in Solo Q vs. Team Q

in PvP

Posted by: Iason Evan.3806

Iason Evan.3806

Well, I think it also quickly degenerates into mindless Orb Carrying (if your team happens to have the classes for it). The orbs are supposed to be secondary objectives. But they are so frequent and give so many points they become primary.

I’d compare this to being able to kill the Lord on Foefire over and over again.

Maybe a good suggestion would be that Orb respawn rates for solo queue were a little longer so that if there were balance problems it wouldn’t carry as much weight point-wise during the match. The bigger problem to me though is that people are playing solo queue now instead of hotjoin for the bags that are dropping, but they aren’t actually trying to learn how to win in the map they are playing. They just want to get in 1v1s. I see it way too often where a team is down cap points, they aren’t running the orb, but they look for classes they may do well against and pick a fight. Hopefully 1v1 arenas will assuage that problem in the future, even though I don’t think people realize this game isn’t really balanced for 1v1.

Leader of The Guernsey Milking Coalition [MiLk] Sanctum of Rall

Spirit Watch & Skyhammer in Solo Q vs. Team Q

in PvP

Posted by: Nikaido.3457


Cuz some classes have crazy mobility for orb running whereas others don’t (ie. imbalanced).

The funny thing about that is that they didn’t consider putting it in teamq, where you CAN control what classes are brought to the party, but not in soloq, where you can’t control anything (yelling that you don’t want to play in a team with two+ elementalists is not going to make the players change their characters). That imbalance is inherently worse for soloq than it could’ve been for teamq.

Also I wish I knew why people play staff ele in soloq. It can be good in a coordinated group but I never saw a staff build being anything other than free points for thieves in soloq. The sad thing about soloq is that you can often have an idea as to whether you will win or lose just looking at the classes and the weapon sets used in your group before the match even starts.

- “No tears, please. It’s a waste of good suffering.”

(edited by Nikaido.3457)

Spirit Watch & Skyhammer in Solo Q vs. Team Q

in PvP

Posted by: cheese.4739


Cuz some classes have crazy mobility for orb running whereas others don’t (ie. imbalanced).

The funny thing about that is that they didn’t consider putting it in teamq, where you CAN control what classes are brought to the party, but not in soloq, where you can’t control anything (yelling that you don’t want to play in a team with two+ elementalists is not going to make the players change their characters). That imbalance is inherently worse for soloq than it could’ve been for teamq.

Aye, in team queue you can at least expect some counterplay in the case of premade vs premade… though also this would mean that premade vs randoms (or premade vs partial premade) would result in horribly OP team comps completely dominating on these maps.

Spirit Watch & Skyhammer in Solo Q vs. Team Q

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Both should be removed from solo queue. At least spirit watch is somewhat fixable if they remove skill use when carrying the orb.

Spirit Watch & Skyhammer in Solo Q vs. Team Q

in PvP

Posted by: AlbertoUlkesh.4517


So… I see some good suggestions on how to improve on the map, if not removed. And how Team Q might be able to counterplay it on a premade team.

What I don’t see is a single reason why they are in Solo Q, but not in Team Q.


Spirit Watch & Skyhammer in Solo Q vs. Team Q

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


So… I see some good suggestions on how to improve on the map, if not removed. And how Team Q might be able to counterplay it on a premade team.

What I don’t see is a single reason why they are in Solo Q, but not in Team Q.


Maybe you just missed the 30 other threads on this topic.

Spirit Watch & Skyhammer in Solo Q vs. Team Q

in PvP

Posted by: cheese.4739


So… I see some good suggestions on how to improve on the map, if not removed. And how Team Q might be able to counterplay it on a premade team.

What I don’t see is a single reason why they are in Solo Q, but not in Team Q.


No, I explained the extra problem with teamq – premade vs premade might be able to counter each other, but premade (with gimmicky builds for that one map) vs anything that’s not a full premade (so isn’t running synergetic gimmicky builds) would absolutely dominate it.

Premades already have a pretty good advantage in teamq, since they’re, um, a team that’s queueing together. Letting them run 5 preorganised map-oriented builds on such teamcomp-reliant maps would be OTT, though.

Spirit Watch & Skyhammer in Solo Q vs. Team Q

in PvP

Posted by: AlbertoUlkesh.4517


Ah, yes, you’re right. They would dominate their matches.