Spirit map advice for solo joiners?
A pair of Eles to run the flag, a Bunker, and then two team fighters is what is shaping up currently to be what works for me. It’s probably too early to tell though.
Tirydia – Scrapper
Classes with teleport-skills dominate the scene.
Yes, I am thinking that only a general suggestion is going to work, because others won’t remember anything detailed that requires coordination. And some people never read their chat or even have it set to combat messages only.
Yes, I am thinking that only a general suggestion is going to work, because others won’t remember anything detailed that requires coordination. And some people never read their chat or even have it set to combat messages only.
Use “say” so they see your speech bubble at the start of the game. Say lets talk tactics in team chat. Then assign people a starting role. I would suggest sending someone round the side way to cap ur close point with the instruction to then move to the mid point. Then tell everyone else to fight at the orb and win a fight.
Advise people to focus the targets which are called and to call targets. Also set an order in team chat about which targets to focus first generally (warrior and necro usually).
Alot of my tournament play has been solo queuing and this I have found works best.
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
If you pick up the orb, strafe sideways and don’t run. You will move faster as you are not affected by the speed debuff. its annoying to do but gets the job done.
A lot of my solo tournament play hurts my kittening brain.
People do stupid stuff.