Spot on: Losses in ranked, when winning?

Spot on: Losses in ranked, when winning?

in PvP

Posted by: Chukree.1756



Hello, Phd here

- Yesterday I was playing ranked team queue pugging and winning every game but 1. We played both the 12th, and the 13th being undefeatable. We played several hours, and after 00:00 the enemy teams were free wins, to be fair.

- Gw2score allows me to look at winnings (Biggest loser/winner of the day) and I was curious after 12 o clock.

- I see a 50% win/loss rate with 3 wins, 3 losses, which doesn’t make sense, since we did not lose a game. (or 3!)

Status quo

1) I didn’t lose a game
2) I DC’ed during one game, and got back in 30 sec before game win (heard rumours that you lose rank by doing that? fix!..)
3) My winrate shows my average winning, to give this topic some credibility (win% in contrast to previous days)

I want to englighten the issue, that there is something wrong with the leaderboard’s calculation. 00:00 is a run over in wins (no teams playing). We were 5 man queued. It happened to the whole team. Kees Flodder.1269 [Amsterdam], which is my guild mate from asdf, got the same losses.


Spot on: Losses in ranked, when winning?

in PvP

Posted by: lvis.3824



As the above poster just wrote, they added the games you previously ( since the beta-season started ) lost due to d/c to your lose games.

However they did not substract any points as this was already done when you received the disconnect .

It’s just to calculate the “right” win / loss percentages because there was a time ( bug ) when beein disconnected at the end of a match did not count the losegame.

I was confused by that action too yesterday as i at once had +5 losegames out of nowhere….

Spot on: Losses in ranked, when winning?

in PvP

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Did you by any chance switch your class?

Also I think they added some loss for desertion you did this ladder season. So if you DC or something a few weeks ago, it’ll be added on your loss column today.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Spot on: Losses in ranked, when winning?

in PvP

Posted by: Chukree.1756


This happened to the whole pug-team, who I didn’t play with in same setting pre 16 december.

I doubt it. Had a win streak of 72% of 3000 games +, winning even more games before old ladders. Considering my loses were before playing with proper team.

I am not sure I understand what you mean.
- I think you me pre 16. december patch, which doesn’t make me any wiser.

In your example, Dc’ing 3 times, let’s say last week, gives you 3 losses next week? Seems odd, and unprofessional.

Spot on: Losses in ranked, when winning?

in PvP

Posted by: laokoko.7403


You should read that post. Desertions isn’t counted before. Anet just added the desertion you did previously.

Edit: In case someone noticed some ninja loses, it’s because desertions wasn’t counted before. I changed topic title to be more clear.

Spot on: Losses in ranked, when winning?

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Disconnect is automatic -3 pointz unless you get back in immediately and i mean immediately like good luck if you have to cold reboot and log back in if the game crashed. If you swap classes at any time once the match loads in also an automatic -3 pointz. If you drop any queue also a -3 pointz. So I don’t know what happened with you exactly but its quite easy to bleed points if you don’t how the new system works. Edit: Just read that desertions are now rolled into the loss column.

(edited by brannigan.9831)