Spvp Devs Poll
The problem is that the PvP community here is really toxic, so there are better options like reading reddit instead or just using their metrics of what are the most played things.
The problem is that the PvP community here is really toxic, so there are better options like reading reddit instead or just using their metrics of what are the most played things.
Just the opposite. The WvW community was much more toxic since there wasn’t any communication there for a long time. People had stopped playing the game mode.
If community outreach worked for WvW, it would definitely work for PvP.
PvP Gameplay Programmer
Interest in polls for PvP is noted.
Bra (80 Guard), Fixie Bow (80 Ranger), Wcharr (80 Ele)
Xdragonshadowninjax (80 Thief)
Interest in polls for PvP is noted.
I’m not sure seems like we don’t have enough data…
Can we have a poll deciding on whether or not we want polls?
Interest in polls for PvP is noted.
noted and…
Interest in polls for PvP is noted.
I’m not sure seems like we don’t have enough data…
Can we have a poll deciding on whether or not we want polls?
Woa, slow down. Let’s form a committee to decide that!
In all seriousness though polls are always a good idea. If for no other reason than that they show the devs are actually listening.
Interest in polls for PvP is noted.
But do we really need a poll to know that Solo Queue player matchups are the #1 issue that needs fixing?
Remember to include in the poll: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/Queuing-Outside-of-HotM
Well there are a lot of hot topics about spvp issues, QoL changes and structural changes
From one side there is the necessity to help players and spectators to understand better the game, so improved spectator mode, replay, slow motion, rework some animations, practice 2vs2 arena gamemode, etc.
From the other side there are the usual structural issues, matchmaking, off season, progression, rewards etc. Every area should be improved.
Balance ofc is another chapter, is always a issue
A poll about what? The pvp community is the most fractured, undecided and hostile community in Gw2.
I can already see the hordes screaming about SoloQ without even understanding the underlying issue. I hope Anet won’t cave in to them and bring it back.
A poll about balance won’t work either. People are still complaining about Dragonhunter, even though it’s arguably the worst class atm.
At best, Anet should poll us about what weapons/traits/utilities should they work on next.
-Do you think skill split between pvp and pve should happen?
-Do you like powercreep?
-Would you rather have us maybe nerf some of your stuff instead of powercreeping even more classes?
-Do you think it is good that every player can reach ruby and every decent player legendary?
Is one balance patch every season enough?
Do you like mandatory traitlines?
I srsly dont know why we need a poll on those, but appearently threads like ‘pls dont buff the warrior’ are getting plain out ignored.
From my point of view the balance team intentionally follows a path of powercreep, and it has to be our main goal to convince them they are wrong before its too late.
If polls help, so be it.
And yes, im pretty sure to know what outcome those polls would have.
A poll about what? The pvp community is the most fractured, undecided and hostile community in Gw2.
I can already see the hordes screaming about SoloQ without even understanding the underlying issue. I hope Anet won’t cave in to them and bring it back.
A poll about balance won’t work either. People are still complaining about Dragonhunter, even though it’s arguably the worst class atm.
At best, Anet should poll us about what weapons/traits/utilities should they work on next.
The game would be even worse if ANET actually listened to all the bullkitten that is posted here.
At best, Anet should poll us about what weapons/traits/utilities should they work on next.
That’s exactly what their WvW poll was about, asking the community which items on their “roll out” list should be prioritized. Either ways, their item list will be rolled out in the upcoming patchs so it’s a matter of which ones we want first. The pollings have nothing to do with intricate PvP changes, though, suggestions are still welcomed i’m sure…
Anyways, I highly prefer this polling idea for several reasons,
- There’s likely a plethora of items on Anet’s “to do list”.
- It shows us what these items are, knowing we’ll get to them eventually.
- The community gets to choose which items are prioritized.
- It’s another form of interaction between the community and the Devs. More interacton the better!
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
(edited by Saiyan.1704)
Polls are fine but Anet needs to understand that instead of players modifying their approach and direction towards PvP development, it is Anet who should direct their players to the best way they can offer their product and gradually players will fall in line. For this they need to apply basic logic and do things which would justify the name of the game, ie “Guild Wars”. So they need to ensure taht “Guilds” actually have wars, be it WvW or Ranked PvP games, with PvP specific rewards, PvP specific motivation, separation from PvE and lastly removing soloQ in Ranked games and keeping it only for Hotjoin and Unrankeds.