Spvp Matchmaking

Spvp Matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: Makaal.1753


Hi, I just wonder How the actual matchmaking in Spvp is done ?

‘Cause sometime it’s complete madness considering opponents and team-mates classes.
By default, I mean because you can switch to any classes during the match countdown.
Do we have any insight on how it’s done ?

(edited by Makaal.1753)

Spvp Matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: Silentshoes.1805


Lots of old threads cover this in great detail.

But basically, it tries to find people whose MMR (matchmaking rank) is close.

But when few people are available, it’ll put you up against anybody it can find. Even in a 4×5.

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Silentshoes (Thief), Wind of the Woods (condi ranger)

Spvp Matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: Ostricheggs.3742


I can tell you for sure it is definitely not based on class and that’s a really big deal.

Having a decent composition in this game is very important. Having 2 thieves is such a massive hindrance to winning that in a lot of cases you’ll feel useless (if you have them on your team). It’s just because you’re just getting rekt by getting outnumbered yourself.

Same goes with getting matched with players better than your team as a whole.

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Spvp Matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: Obsidia.5127


It’s kittening awful.

ArenaNet sit back and do nothing about it. I take it Justin is no longer at ArenaNet? I remember him being one of the only people that actually seemed like he knew what he was doing.

Spvp Matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.9524


Hi, I just wonder How the actual matchmaking in Spvp is done ?

The real question is…is there a matchmaking system or something even close to it? Aside from what they told us..i can’t see a real balance between teams, i can’t see my mmr…i can’t see kitten, but they said it’s there…somewhere..

Ark 2nd Account

Spvp Matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: Lupanic.6502


Last week I dropped out of the top1000. Two days later I joined soloQ on prime time and I was matched against a team with two top 10 player. It was on prime time EU (9 pm.). I am not sure why this happens.

Spvp Matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


It’s all about the hidden mmr. Its finds player close to each other ratings, and some how compiles teams based on this. It doesn’t take classes, e-fame, or anything else in consideration. Just players’ mmr.

My guess is it does something like this:

Team A
Player 1: 1750 ELO
Player 2: 2100 ELO
Player 3: 1722 ELO
Player 4: 1699 ELO
Player 5: 1425 ELO

Team rating: 1739

Team B
Player 1: 1865 ELO
Player 2: 1700 ELO
Player 3: 1667 ELO
Player 4: 1750 ELO
Player 5: 1550 ELO

Team rating: 1706

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(edited by Harbinger.8637)

Spvp Matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


It happens because even at prime time there are basically no players, you end up with and against the same people over and over again because there are no other options.

Even the best match making system is pointless if there are no playes to match. I am pretty sure that even successful games like LoL or Dota2 would have similar problems if they had a comparable playerbase.
How many active solo queue players does gw2 have during its pime time? 100? 200? Pretty sure its even less for team queue.

Spvp Matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: SPESHAL.9106


Hotjoins are bad and teach bad habits because of Anet.

sPvP is bad mainly because of the player base. People quit or afk far too much for any quality player to want to participate.

Just like in real-life, repercussions for poor behavior need to be immediate, not “some time down the road”. Players need to be able to vote-kick players and there needs to be stiff penalties to the player if justified.

Once you get rid of the cowards, afkers, and people with bad internet connection trying to play competitive PvP…then you will get quality players interested again in sPvP.

Ohhh…and maybe removing a map where you can get 1 shot (sometimes from stealth) may be a good idea too.