Spvp Pet Visual Revamp

Spvp Pet Visual Revamp

in PvP

Posted by: Knote.2904


Just an idea I had.

Scale down the models for all pets (except illusions obv.), then remove their names and replace them with icons showing which pet they are with either a blue or red border to show alliance.

This would be exclusive to Spvp, but wouldn’t be bad in WvW either.

Here are some roughly edited pics to show a before and after using Ranger Spirits.

I figured this might possibly help reduce all the noise pets make, where only 2-3 people with pets out looks like a 10 v 10 match up. Making the pets smaller and more importantly hiding their names makes it MUCH clearer what is a player and what is a pet.

Let me know what you think, and post more ideas to help reduce the clutter.


(edited by Knote.2904)

Spvp Pet Visual Revamp

in PvP

Posted by: Writetyper.1985



Too many pets on your screen makes for a big mess. It’s not fun.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Spvp Pet Visual Revamp

in PvP

Posted by: Pocket.8406


Personally I find although they clutter your screen the fact the rez spirit is large is a good thing, it makes in incredibly easy to spot the animation for the rez making it easy to interrupt. Really though there shouldn’t be any viable build in sPvP which uses any kind of AI, it’s the low point of competitive play.

Bowler Hat – Elementalist – WvW
Fêz – Elementalist – sPvP
[TUP] and [team]

Spvp Pet Visual Revamp

in PvP

Posted by: Amaterasu.6280


Good idea here, I like the visual! Only thing is, just like the wording right now, once 1 or 2 more spirit rangers / minionmancers come into play, it’ll look cluttered all over again.

Kuro – Thief – NA
Undercoverism [UC]

Spvp Pet Visual Revamp

in PvP

Posted by: Knote.2904


Personally I find although they clutter your screen the fact the rez spirit is large is a good thing, it makes in incredibly easy to spot the animation for the rez making it easy to interrupt. Really though there shouldn’t be any viable build in sPvP which uses any kind of AI, it’s the low point of competitive play.

They can always add extra telegraphs to the spirit.

Like how Heals or Mass Invis is very obvious even with a subtle character model animation.

I find the giant spirit blinding, and can end up hiding animations on other players, so it’s a trade off in that regard lol.

Spvp Pet Visual Revamp

in PvP

Posted by: Knote.2904


Erhm… bump…

Spvp Pet Visual Revamp

in PvP

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


This isn’t a end-all fix. For example, Necromancer minions give frankly little to no cluster at all, being a mix of ranged and melee, and not stacking on the Necromancer. But, their tells are very much about their body; bone fiend’s tell would be impossible to see with him smaller (its already never noticed), and Flesh Golem charging would be harder to see.

What they should do is reduce the size of the offenders, which we can all agree is almost all just spirits, and then increase their specific tells. This should be the case for most things in the game really. Small damage/effect skills should have relatively small special effects, big skills should have big effects.

So, in this case, keeping the res spirit big makes sense, he’s noticeably kill this ho now, and his res has a tell. The others could serve to have their sizes reduced, but also they really need to have their shiny-ness reduced. They shouldn’t be nearly so eye-drawing.

Take a note from League of Legends, which has really mastered the art of making things nice to see, and easy to follow. Even someone who has never played or watched LoL can follow and appreciate the action. Whereas even most people who play GW2 can’t tell what is going on half the time.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Spvp Pet Visual Revamp

in PvP

Posted by: Knote.2904


This isn’t a end-all fix. For example, Necromancer minions give frankly little to no cluster at all, being a mix of ranged and melee, and not stacking on the Necromancer. But, their tells are very much about their body; bone fiend’s tell would be impossible to see with him smaller (its already never noticed), and Flesh Golem charging would be harder to see.

What they should do is reduce the size of the offenders, which we can all agree is almost all just spirits, and then increase their specific tells. This should be the case for most things in the game really. Small damage/effect skills should have relatively small special effects, big skills should have big effects.

So, in this case, keeping the res spirit big makes sense, he’s noticeably kill this ho now, and his res has a tell.

I think they’re all problematic.

A pet user by themself maybe not so much, but you get a 3v3 going on and those pets along with the name tags and hp bars blend in with the players and it looks like a 10 v 10.

I think they should all be shrunk, and given better tells period. Just give them their own glow effect when using skills.

Spvp Pet Visual Revamp

in PvP

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Glowing makes no sense. Part of good visual design is that the tell itself makes sense. Flesh Golem’s tell is a big charge, if you get hit it makes sense that you get knocked around. If he just glowed and walked forward faster… it wouldn’t make any sense.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Spvp Pet Visual Revamp

in PvP

Posted by: Knote.2904


Glowing makes no sense. Part of good visual design is that the tell itself makes sense. Flesh Golem’s tell is a big charge, if you get hit it makes sense that you get knocked around. If he just glowed and walked forward faster… it wouldn’t make any sense.

Golem has no tell.

1. He’s usually in melee range.

2. He just instantly charges and hits you.

3. The “tell” is the necro casting something which could be anything.

The tells with glows are the easiest to see in the game. None of the necro pets for example have ANY tells except for maybe shadow fiend, and that’s only because he stops and slightly pulses a tiny bit.

Flesh Golem’s active should be instant (like the other necro pets) and give him an animation where he kicks dirt like a bull does when getting ready to charge, then charge.