Spvp and GW2 in general

Spvp and GW2 in general

in PvP

Posted by: Jubai.2097


Okay its my first and LAST post.
Guild wars 2 pvp is total cr@p! i have been playing around 1.5 months now and even when i started the pvp took some getting used to but seriously this is the MOST unbalanced game i have ever played.
I have played MMO games since the start of wow and have clocked up many hours and have also won a world of warcraft pvp arena season in first place twice so when it come to pvp i know what i am doing.
The community on this game or at least the realm i play on is horrible, (Underworld) people are just total morons (mostly) the way how you guys have developed the game seems to force people to gank in 3-4 size groups, its almost impossible to have fair 1on 1 fights and while the main objective is team based (as with ALL pvp games) at least on others you can do your own thing as well and have some fun.
I have been in countless pvp games on gw2 and worked my kitten off running and capping while 2-3 others on my team do absolutely nothing and you lose the game.
I play as my necro people qq me for being op, i play a theif they call me a coward, if i play a gaurdian im called a gw2 vending machine its ridiculous how many a holes there are out there in the world.
I tell you, most of you guys that play really need to find a life as too much gaming leads to depression and thats why you are all such a holes.
The gw2 staff seem to do nothing to rectify bad behavior on the game which juust puts people off playing full stop (myself included)
I dont play games to be some dweeb bullied child’s anger release i play to have fun and thats almost impossible in this game.
My friends that made me try this god awful game have already left last week and i left today.
I know the staff at gw2 dont care about this but you should as in the end the number of loses will force you to shut don this game.
I beleive if you are going to do something you should do your best to keep the people who pay money to play these games happy and you are not.
You only have to read what people say about this game on Youtube or other sites and many many many people share my opinion.
Everytime you release a patch you have updates for at least 2 days (like 5-6) to correct the errors you make but what i dont understand is why you do not have a test realm to check if the patch is working before you decide to break it again.
Today i was playing my necro and the leech life ability my pets have does not even work so my necro is flying down so fast he is like a glass thief but without the damage those “cowards” do. its utter ridiculous. Why dont you employ some people that actually know what they are doing? i played this game and on the first day i noticed way to drastically improve pve and pvp in this game so why cant you guys?
You copied most of world of warcraft anyways so hy not take another leaf out of their book and treat people like the GM do on that game. I think the only other game that i have had a worse time with the staff is gotta be the old republic where as a player you are left to your own devices to annoy who ever you ant, and gms dont get back to you for over a week.
I mean whos idea was it to have a big gun to shot people down with in skyhammer stage anyways, that guy should be fired. nobody (apart from idiots who cant fight fair) wants that kind of thing in pvp, we want to test others skill and compare it to our own, not get ganked by nukes ffs! its just, well, DUMB!
Capture the flag has been a proven success in most pvp games and while some slightly change that approach you completely passed it by, why?
Can you please also try to explain to me the point in doing pvp on this game anyways? cos you dont get gear upgrades just new skins it just seems so pointless.
Truly the only thing i think about doing after playing guildwars is stop playing mmos in general.
Id rather pay a monthly subscription and have something to do rather than mindlessly ganking people, cos that is how it goes down in this game and me for one can take NO satisfaction in killing people who cant fight back, maybe these keyboard warriors get some kick out of it as now they get to do the bullying or what ever i dont really know, all i do know is this game sucks big time and needs some serious attention.
Good luck to all the losers who enjoy this sort of behaviour and good luck to the staff of this game as you need it more than anyone else, bless!

Spvp and GW2 in general

in PvP

Posted by: Divinity.8041


Whenever you make a post about how ANET is supposed to help after you PAY them for their services, it gets infracted by mods and deleted.

+1 to this post though. The only way to really give them attention is to leave. The game will never be an esport, as much as they want it to

I too am leaving soon.

R40 Mesmer

Spvp and GW2 in general

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


Game just need deathmatch, conquest is boring as a arena player you know this. Even AB had a better conquest mode.

Agree so much on skyhammer…. why is it in the soloqueue rotation lol.

Anyway chill out a bit GW2 is a good game just needs a rethinking of the PvP side regarding game modes and gear choices.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Spvp and GW2 in general

in PvP

Posted by: MonMalthias.4763


Sounds like you were trying to get into Hotjoin.

Iva Malthias – 80 Engineer
Marellune Malthias – 80 Elementalist
Devil’s Dominion [DD] – Yak’s Bend

Spvp and GW2 in general

in PvP

Posted by: Divinity.8041


Game just need deathmatch, conquest is boring as a arena player you know this. Even AB had a better conquest mode.

Agree so much on skyhammer…. why is it in the soloqueue rotation lol.

Anyway chill out a bit GW2 is a good game just needs a rethinking of the PvP side regarding game modes and gear choices.

why do we have to wait over a year after release for at best…decent pvp? I think decent is stretching it as well? I paid 60 to pvp on this game, not pve, and I am left in the dust, ANET stole my money!

R40 Mesmer

Spvp and GW2 in general

in PvP

Posted by: Poxxia.1547


“Fair 1vs1”? Why waste time on a fair 1vs1, when you can kill him fast and move on? Mobility and escape-options are a part of the game.
You DO have a point about burst (imo), but went completely overboard in your criticism. Yes, dmg on some classes are a bit too bursty for my taste as well.
Conquest is not about being fair, but about strategic planning. If you get ganked by nukes you were at the wrong place at the wrong time? Choose your battles with more care, if you play a class with few escape-options?
It all sounds as some bad experiences in hotjoins?
Being good at WoW-arena shows you were good at that. Nothing more, nothing less.

Spvp and GW2 in general

in PvP

Posted by: Halo Bond.7302

Halo Bond.7302

/bye bye
You better go back to WoW, it seems to be your favourite game.