Spvp is going well
finally, something positive.
yes i believe gw2 is the perfect pvp game. keep it the way it is because it is just perfect.
I call troll on this one.
yes i believe gw2 is the perfect pvp game. keep it the way it is because it is just perfect.
By no means is the pvp perfect, it needs a lot of work. I started out this game strictly doing pvp, but have slowly been moving away from it because it feels as if there is no reward, and boring playing the same game modes over and over, not to mention the same map "temple, temple, temple, temple, khylo, temple temple temple, foefire, temple, temple, skyhammer…………
yes i believe gw2 is the perfect pvp game. keep it the way it is because it is just perfect.
By no means is the pvp perfect, it needs a lot of work. I started out this game strictly doing pvp, but have slowly been moving away from it because it feels as if there is no reward, and boring playing the same game modes over and over, not to mention the same map "temple, temple, temple, temple, khylo, temple temple temple, foefire, temple, temple, skyhammer…………
I agree. This game needs 2v2, 3v3, 5v5 arenas and capture the flag.
This is a very balanced game and I have experimented on every class, and learned that you can counter different builds by going different traits/gear. I am really enjoying this game, and keep up the good work. Please don’t listen to the whiners, because they don’t realize every class has a counter. They must stick to one build and try nothing new, from what it sounds. Keep on fixing the little things that need to be done. Thanks for all your hard work!
Oh, man you discovered the secret of PvP! Change your class or build depending on who you face! Why no one told me this before?
I’ll tell you about few fights I’ve just had with my engineer (experimental melee/elixir build). Without stunbreaker (I forgot to take one) warrior got medieval on my kitten by stunlocking me and killing with 100b. Lesson learned hard.
I’m still getting to know engineer and PvP in general (I’ve got LvL 18) so I will fare better for sure but even now I know that there are thing that MUST CHANGE!
I’m using pistol/shield and tool kit. With smallest mistake my every skill can fail and do nothing at all – enemy moves a little too much – static shot fails. He has aegis or I’m blind – static shot fails and won’t bounce to other targets. Throw shield have the same problem. Poison shot is weak in general. You may say – well, position yourself better, try a little harder, etc. My complaint is that to do something with this build I must be perfect – perfect positioning, perfect aiming, I must count on luck, because rotation depends on succesful hit or I can do nothing at all, like if Magnet fails, I won’t use Pry Bar. I am lacking skills that give me a bit of ease in case of mistake like Poison Valley – if first show misses, next ones may hit.
I was just fighting with ele more than 3 or 4 minutes, I used Elixir X 3 times and my health was getting lower and lower while ele could heal himself to max in a hearthbeat. I was pressing keys like I was playing on piano, my hands were sweaty. I can bet that player behing ele wasn’t sweating.
One thing I cannot stand in different classes is when one class to achieve an effect have to put a lot more effort while other class presses one button and have a lot more out of it and then just waits for cooldown. I may stack 7 confusion on someone which is nice but it can be cleansed instantly by many means. DoTs put on me I can heal with Elixir C only every 32 seconds. This counter is many levels weaker than fully getting rid of my confusion combo that can happen once every 10 seconds if I manage to land 2 succesful hits (and these are my only hits that put confusion).
I knew that Engi was supposed to be hard to play but hard shouldn’t mean – hybrid of weaker version of other classes. Another thing with Engi is this kittening RNG in effects from skills, especially Elixir X, on which I depend most. 9/10 I wanna turn to Rampaging Brute but instead I turn to Tornado and often I make it harder to kill downed enemy players by knocking them back. This skill gives 2 completely different paths of fight which you cannot predict while elementalists know exactly what they will get from their skills.
In general I don’t feel like I’m in control even when I am facing average player. Too many times I see “obstructed” or “miss” or “blocked” or “interrupted” and every time I know that it’s bad, very bad for me. I’m lacking burst to be very dangerous and 1 on 1 situations are too rare.
Last thing I just despise is downed #2 skill. This stupid skill is very slow and hits first enemy it encounters, so mermer clones are often hit by it and I’m dead half the second later. Almost every other class just uses stability (most kittened-up mechanic in the game in my opinion, it just should go to hell) and I’m done.
He mains a spirit ranger, that is all that we need to know.
I don’t know how one could say that sPvP is doing good at the moment… I think he’s trolling.
This is a very balanced game and I have experimented on every class, and learned that you can counter different builds by going different traits/gear. I am really enjoying this game, and keep up the good work. Please don’t listen to the whiners, because they don’t realize every class has a counter. They must stick to one build and try nothing new, from what it sounds. Keep on fixing the little things that need to be done. Thanks for all your hard work!
Oh, man you discovered the secret of PvP! Change your class or build depending on who you face! Why no one told me this before?
I’ll tell you about few fights I’ve just had with my engineer (experimental melee/elixir build). Without stunbreaker (I forgot to take one) warrior got medieval on my kitten by stunlocking me and killing with 100b. Lesson learned hard.
I’m still getting to know engineer and PvP in general (I’ve got LvL 18) so I will fare better for sure but even now I know that there are thing that MUST CHANGE!
I’m using pistol/shield and tool kit. With smallest mistake my every skill can fail and do nothing at all – enemy moves a little too much – static shot fails. He has aegis or I’m blind – static shot fails and won’t bounce to other targets. Throw shield have the same problem. Poison shot is weak in general. You may say – well, position yourself better, try a little harder, etc. My complaint is that to do something with this build I must be perfect – perfect positioning, perfect aiming, I must count on luck, because rotation depends on succesful hit or I can do nothing at all, like if Magnet fails, I won’t use Pry Bar. I am lacking skills that give me a bit of ease in case of mistake like Poison Valley – if first show misses, next ones may hit.
I was just fighting with ele more than 3 or 4 minutes, I used Elixir X 3 times and my health was getting lower and lower while ele could heal himself to max in a hearthbeat. I was pressing keys like I was playing on piano, my hands were sweaty. I can bet that player behing ele wasn’t sweating.One thing I cannot stand in different classes is when one class to achieve an effect have to put a lot more effort while other class presses one button and have a lot more out of it and then just waits for cooldown. I may stack 7 confusion on someone which is nice but it can be cleansed instantly by many means. DoTs put on me I can heal with Elixir C only every 32 seconds. This counter is many levels weaker than fully getting rid of my confusion combo that can happen once every 10 seconds if I manage to land 2 succesful hits (and these are my only hits that put confusion).
I knew that Engi was supposed to be hard to play but hard shouldn’t mean – hybrid of weaker version of other classes. Another thing with Engi is this kittening RNG in effects from skills, especially Elixir X, on which I depend most. 9/10 I wanna turn to Rampaging Brute but instead I turn to Tornado and often I make it harder to kill downed enemy players by knocking them back. This skill gives 2 completely different paths of fight which you cannot predict while elementalists know exactly what they will get from their skills.
In general I don’t feel like I’m in control even when I am facing average player. Too many times I see “obstructed” or “miss” or “blocked” or “interrupted” and every time I know that it’s bad, very bad for me. I’m lacking burst to be very dangerous and 1 on 1 situations are too rare.Last thing I just despise is downed #2 skill. This stupid skill is very slow and hits first enemy it encounters, so mermer clones are often hit by it and I’m dead half the second later. Almost every other class just uses stability (most kittened-up mechanic in the game in my opinion, it just should go to hell) and I’m done.
Yes engi takes a bit more skill then some such as my spirit ranger hybrid. (I don’t do the regular condition spam thing). But also, if played right engi is one of the best pvp classes. Check this out – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2MdZZJXJdg
Just keep trying, it will pay off. And after a bit classes such as spirit ranger will be easy for you since you put in so much effort to learn your class. Good luck
Gizmo got baited so hard by an obvious troll. Looking at that wall of text makes anyone laugh
i main a spirit ranger and i think the game is balanced.
He mains a spirit ranger, that is all that we need to know.
I see I see…Yup, the game is pretty “balanced”…Hails to the Devs, thank for all the “hard” work…
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.
Please don’t listen to the whiners, because they don’t realize every class has a counter.
A thick bible in your chest pocket is a good counter against a bullet as well. Doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to bring it to a gunfight.
Please, get out of my post trolls. You will ruin this game the more you cry. I hope Devs keep fixing things and don’t listen to the whining trolls trying to make the game fail.
Gizmo got baited so hard by an obvious troll. Looking at that wall of text makes anyone laugh
He wasn’t the reason for me writing this much text, he just delivered a spot for me to put it.
Glad you had your laugh In the morning it indeed makes you smirk :}
Totally agreed, balance is awesome and fun.
Looking forward for you to play your first tournament match and hit r10 and let’s see what you think
Ofc it’s good at start. But “whiners” played this for at least half year, and know what they are talking about.
Fear The Crazy [Huns]
Wait what??? He is r10 o-O?
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.