Spvp needs a personal or team rating system
Like it. Anything is better than this pvp grind lvl thing gw2 actually has x(
I’m rank 30 and know every map and class and pvp has no teamfights (it always feels like a 1/1/1 vs 1/1/1 instead of 3v3 to me if you understand that.. can’t really support my team) and thats why im happy with every innovation for pvp :o
You can tell this guy didnt read the post properly.
need team rating
I disagree greatly with Anets leader-board and the system in which they calculate it.
i think its too confusing/poorly implemented.
I’m the sort of person who enjoys a scoring system that is clear and simple.
Guild-wars 2 has a great combat and potential for pvp sadly these things are not taken advantage of by Anet for some reason only they can explain.
i think there is a better way to give players a sense of achievement and that is to build incentives off gaining unique items from a simple rating system.
I’m all in for your suggestion.