Squishy builds need tips (Marauder ,...)

Squishy builds need tips (Marauder ,...)

in PvP

Posted by: Urkara.9035


So I saw some squishy builds mostly Marauder Amulet builds I try them but struggled to survive in them and I need tips for playing them , and before anyone says blinds , blocks , invul,… and stuff I already try them. Mostly I’m asking about what should I do and shouldn’t I do like not staying in cap points or not 2v1ing and stuff any help will be appreciated

Squishy builds need tips (Marauder ,...)

in PvP

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


cant help if you dont specify wich profession you need help with as they all play diferently

Squishy builds need tips (Marauder ,...)

in PvP

Posted by: Urkara.9035


Fresh Air Elementalist or D/P thief ?

Squishy builds need tips (Marauder ,...)

in PvP

Posted by: Vieux P.1238

Vieux P.1238

Yeah….. you need a bit of practice on not to play like before. With no consequences. There squishy for a reason. So you need to time your attacks & coord your defense accordingly. Or keep playing like you use to & get ganked.

Squishy builds need tips (Marauder ,...)

in PvP

Posted by: Shinja.5642


It’s mostly just about learning your class.

For example:
You try to play chrono
Most builds tell you to run marauders or even berserkers amulet.

But in my opinion you should just start with something more forgiving.
So maybe try celestial with some defensiv rune.
Once you feel comfortable try it with an offensive rune.
After that you go for something more offensive amulet wise and defensive runes and sigils.

If you follow this trend you will most likely figure things out by urself.

Hope this helped.

Squishy builds need tips (Marauder ,...)

in PvP

Posted by: Urkara.9035


It’s mostly just about learning your class.

For example:
You try to play chrono
Most builds tell you to run marauders or even berserkers amulet.

But in my opinion you should just start with something more forgiving.
So maybe try celestial with some defensiv rune.
Once you feel comfortable try it with an offensive rune.
After that you go for something more offensive amulet wise and defensive runes and sigils.

If you follow this trend you will most likely figure things out by urself.

Hope this helped.

Thanks that’s the kind of stuff I was looking for

Squishy builds need tips (Marauder ,...)

in PvP

Posted by: Shinja.5642


One thing i forgot to mention.

Don’t only look at runes and sigils learn your traits.
Some traitlines are mebt to keep you alive you just need to find out how.

For example: (sry that I’m mostly talking about chrono it’s my main )
This traitline is met to prevent dmg before it happens. Trough things like chaos-armor and protection. It’s still good after you took some dmg but much better at preventing dmg.

Ask yourself what is it this traitline excels in.
How do I play?

Thinking like this helps a lot. Especially if you don’t know your own play style yet.

But most importantly never give up. We all have these lose streaks just stop playing for 5 minutes an think about what happens in this 1v1 that situation.

Did your build let you down? Did you use it right? Was it nothing you did wrong? (2 DH out of nowhere interrupting your 1v1)

Squishy builds need tips (Marauder ,...)

in PvP

Posted by: rennlc.7346


With D/P, a lot of it is about continually finding the other team’s more offensively built players and focusing them. It’s also about limiting the amount of time you’re in melee, particularly when there’s multiple people around. If there’s just a single person, you can make melee fighting much easier by trading blows when they’re debuffed with something that makes their ability to counterattack considerably weaker, such as weakness, blinds, stun from Basilisk Venom, daze from Steal, and the slowing effect from Impairing Daggers. Bound can be used to make dodges a form of offensive pressure. Dash is also good for easily disengaging when a debilitating effect has worn off or been countered with an ability.

Overall, D/P is very hard to learn to play well because it’s best defense in a small skirmish, particularly against other Marauder types, is to fight extremely aggressively. This is difficult to do without understanding the class mechanics of whatever you’re attacking because there are so many forms of invulnerability and crowd control. Against more experienced players, this also involves understanding their own personal tendencies as well (although hopefully the matchmaking won’t make you play them anytime soon or too often).

(edited by rennlc.7346)

Squishy builds need tips (Marauder ,...)

in PvP

Posted by: Urkara.9035


Thanks I realized it I kind of easily give up on builds when I had a bad game but I guess it can be that I meet my counter or some bad match-ups
And I really should find my own style maybe I’m not good at class cannon builds maybe I should find something else for me

also thanks for D/P Thief tips it’s really hard to play actually I’m not sure where to use Basilisk Venom or where not to some games I realized that I totally forget to use it for entire game :/