Stability needs a visual queue

Stability needs a visual queue

in PvP

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


Stability is one of the best buffs in the game – decides teamfights, secures stomps, can claim a point at the last second because of it, etc, but as of now it has no visual queue at all – compared to something borderline redundant like might should be read off the bar anyway having a visual queue on the model. I am of the opinion that when walking into a teamfight you should be able to immediately identify who has stability up and who doesn’t for the purpose of target identification.

I mean, check out Dota’s equivalent of stability – Black King Bar:

Even in the mess of effects half way through it’s still very obvious that the Enigma is immune to magic due to the size increase and giant yellow ring flashing around him, and that spells need to be focused on other players. In GW2 we have to individually click on every single player to determine if they have stability up – really intuitive.

I’m not an advocate of visual clutter and I’d like to retain clarity but this is something that is a priority over that imo.

EDIT: Oh kitten, it’s visual “que” not “queue” isn’t it. asdasdfasdf

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Stability needs a visual queue

in PvP

Posted by: Oxygen.5918


I’d love a larger/more obvious one for aegis too! It’s impossible to see on anyone standing within any aoe, or near pets. So mesmers, mostly.

I was the best at burning things. Especially bosses that
didn’t move.

Stability needs a visual queue

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


For Stability it could be a giant Pillar sign that pops up on top of the character casting it and those affected.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

Stability needs a visual queue

in PvP

Posted by: Chopps.5047


Stability needs a giant, massive nerf bat. It is by far the best boon in the game because, for a short duration, it completely negates 1/3 of the trinity: control.

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

Stability needs a visual queue

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Stability needs a giant, massive nerf bat. It is by far the best boon in the game because, for a short duration, it completely negates 1/3 of the trinity: control.

Blind, immob, cripple, chill. Those are also forms of control so you’re wrong.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

Stability needs a visual queue

in PvP

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

Yes. It is true. One can only determine stab by the little boon icon, how well Ive gotten to know that one. Why not move the retal animation to stab and ex nil the retal frames…

Just call me Lunar

Stability needs a visual queue

in PvP

Posted by: ExaFlare.1390


The boon itself is not that hard to see, just pay attention to your target.
but I’m not saying it shouldnt have a more visual effect

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Stability needs a visual queue

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


How about the pillar icon appearing on the floor in a consecration-like manner? That would be pretty classy and fitting with the theme of stability.

Stability needs a visual queue

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


How about the pillar icon appearing on the floor in a consecration-like manner? That would be pretty classy and fitting with the theme of stability.

This please.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

Stability needs a visual queue

in PvP

Posted by: Chopps.5047


Stability needs a giant, massive nerf bat. It is by far the best boon in the game because, for a short duration, it completely negates 1/3 of the trinity: control.

Blind, immob, cripple, chill. Those are also forms of control so you’re wrong.

I disagree because of definitions. I always thought control was defined as crowd control. Your citations appear, according to my own criteria which is apparently wrong, to be conditions that provide support to the team by denying the enemy’s ability to attack. Crowd control denies control period. Stun, knockback, daze, fear: all 100% negated by stability. I’m allowed to have an opinion that stability should stack sort of like defiant, aren’t I? Maybe I’m wrong. At least I’m not mean and bullheaded like most of the people on the spvp forums. Really, this place is a bit of a cesspool recently.

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

Stability needs a visual queue

in PvP

Posted by: Jericho.4521


Stability needs a giant, massive nerf bat. It is by far the best boon in the game because, for a short duration, it completely negates 1/3 of the trinity: control.

I disagree. We are already seeing a big outcry from CC heavy builds, namely warrior skull crack, which is very easy to repeat with a short duration. There’s also chain fear necros which are insanely popular and have been for a while. Stun breaks alone, assuming the player has at least one and they are up, are often just not enough as they can be baited, while both fear and skull crack are not easily telegraphed. Stability helps fill this gap, and is far from an “auto-win” skill. It simply allows you to control your character for a few seconds against these builds. Long duration stability may need looked at, but I believe shorter, easy access stability should stay unless something drastic changes in the meta.

Also, I suppose one could make the argument that “CC completely negates 1/3 of the trinity for a short duration as well: Damage.” Actually, it shuts down damage, healing, damage mitigation, positioning, and interrupts whatever you were just doing.

The rally / stomp system is also something that would need considering, as if stability becomes too hard to access, it can shift teamfights even more into the zerg mentality where whoever has more players wins.

On topic: A better visual queue might help, or it might hurt. We already have a ton of flashy things going off on the screen, especially in teamfights, the devs might not want to add more clutter. I personally am not opposed to the idea however, but I think paying attention your target’s buffs is already doable, and should be encouraged.

Stability needs a visual queue

in PvP

Posted by: Chopps.5047


Interesting thoughts jericho, thank you for being intelligent and informative rather than combative.

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

Stability needs a visual queue

in PvP

Posted by: Jericho.4521


Interesting thoughts jericho, thank you for being intelligent and informative rather than combative.

Haha no prob, I try to be! But I do see your side of it too, and I think things that provide a huge amount of stability need looked at, as it shouldn’t completely shut down a build. We don’t want Build Wars 2 after all.

Stability needs a visual queue

in PvP

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


I think the current way to see whether an enemy has stability or not is fine (just click on him/her). A good player will wait for stability to wear off while less experienced players will most likely waste their ccs. But I do agree that it’s a bit unorthodox at first. I actually never learned how to fight against heavy stability players until Skyhammer came out and I had to duel competent guardians at the canon—and it became a battle of who could knock one or the other off when their stability wasn’t active.

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

Stability needs a visual queue

in PvP

Posted by: Kwll.1468


No way a nerf to stability unless we have some kind of CC immunity or diminshing returns. I could care less if they added something more visual most people still would just spam there cc and watch it fail.

Stability needs a visual queue

in PvP

Posted by: dejay.2598


just let us edit the boons/buffs icon sizes so I don’t have to squint down through a tiny row

Stability needs a visual queue

in PvP

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


No way a nerf to stability unless we have some kind of CC immunity or diminshing returns. I could care less if they added something more visual most people still would just spam there cc and watch it fail.

You could totally nerf stability and make it still fill its role, EX: Stability prevents the next 3 CCs from taking effect for X seconds.

@op, I totally agree, we need a visual que.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Stability needs a visual queue

in PvP

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


It does have an animation. It is a Icon on the opponents bar. If anything, perhaps make the HuD customised like it was in gw1, so player can arrange different on screen info to be in area’s that is more user friendly to their play style.

I for one would love to see my skills attached to the right side screen and move my buff/condi to lower left screen and my opponents buffs/condi’s to lower right screen so I can evaluate quickly where I am at and where they are at.

Stability needs a visual queue

in PvP

Posted by: Jericho.4521


It does have an animation. It is a Icon on the opponents bar. If anything, perhaps make the HuD customised like it was in gw1, so player can arrange different on screen info to be in area’s that is more user friendly to their play style.

I for one would love to see my skills attached to the right side screen and move my buff/condi to lower left screen and my opponents buffs/condi’s to lower right screen so I can evaluate quickly where I am at and where they are at.

I like this idea, then everyone could basically get what they want tailored to their interests. Problem is it would probably take a significant amount of developing time, but I think it’d be worth it.

Stability needs a visual queue

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


It does have an animation. It is a Icon on the opponents bar. If anything, perhaps make the HuD customised like it was in gw1, so player can arrange different on screen info to be in area’s that is more user friendly to their play style.

I for one would love to see my skills attached to the right side screen and move my buff/condi to lower left screen and my opponents buffs/condi’s to lower right screen so I can evaluate quickly where I am at and where they are at.

Your definition of “animation” is completely contrary to the norm, stability is a prime example of “starting at ui rather than the game”. What if you have a ground targeted cc and can’t look at the status screen of every single target in range?

Adding a subtle animation to stability is a win-win scenario almost every way you spin it.