EDIT: Yes, staff got good QoL improvements! Now onto focus and dragon’s tooth! DONT forget arcana VIII blasting staff which cuts too much into our build!
More than 8 months since release, Anet, yet the state of staff ele keeps deteriorating. Every nerf that ele have received have been aimed at D/D, which is arguably a very strong choice [still] but it has effectively weakened an already borderline bad staff.
Do not mistake the staff as a support weapon, due to us lacking the option to switch weapon mid-fight, we have to do and adapt to each situation as it appears, therefore 4 attunements have to fill in the role of 2 weapons each best at each scenario. Im not saying staff is useless, just that it is lackluster, underwhelming, easily replaced and could use some QoL improvements and some buffs.
Staff ele should be in a constant arms race vs gap closers, capable of hitting hard and reliably on foes at range, while trying to keep its distance from everything, failure to do so would mean a swift death. I dont mind blowing up in close combat, Im used to it from other games, all Im saying is, give us an equal chance to kill stuff at range as they have to finish us off up close. Right now seeing a staff ele means only 1 of two things; it is either a bunker, CC punching bag (aka, no damage, and in a 5v5 tournament where most of the time you are alone or in pairs, there is no denying that this scenario has to be heavily considered) which makes you dead weight to your team, or you are a zerker/valkyrie which blows with the press of D/D thief #5>#2>#2, [easy kill] unable to hit him even once because every. single. ability. is. aoe. and . near. impossible. to. hit. at. range.
Before you go; “but ele is impossible to catch, have you seen the D/D?!” Let me redicrect you to the beginning of this thread; STAFF. Every single nerf directed at this class has only indirectly nerfed eles (the nerfs to water healing, boon durations, arcana nerfs, etc) while getting absolutely nothing in return for the underdog staff. Im willing to lose some of my wasted utility to gain some killing potential if possible, but that would mean staff is in a “good state” and that is not the case.
But enough bashing, now to the suggestion, easy fixes;
- fire #1 please, reduce the 1 second casting time, ONE, plus travel time is almost 1 3/4 , thats nearly 2 second to hit an ability, winding time is horrible, oh, and it can be sidestepped.
- fire #4 ; please make it go the full 1200 range, 900 plus casting means that you can almost walk next to the person and be on top of him in no time (tested it with a mate) Like I said, we should be in a constant arms race to keep our distance, not a self stun that leave us in no better situation than before)
- fire #2 Why the skill has an animation time, PLUS activation time of 3/4 till first tick is beyond me, you can literally (not exaggerating here) walk out of it, even with the increased staff radius on arcana. Please make it like necro’s marks. No negotiations on this one.
Fire should be the element of damage, right now it does not reflect this.
- water #1; can we please increase the splash radius so that it can….actually hit a mate who isnt right on the very top superimposing axis of the enemy?
- water #5 same treatment as guardian’s staff #5, self root has to go away, period.
Air; air is supposed to be the 1v1 element….
- air#1 needs to be a little bit faster (a lot) , make it so that the first hit REALLY hard, 3 bounces and each consecutive hit is 50% weaker (meaning the last hit hits for 12.5% of the original damage)
- air #3 please make it actually connect something that isnt an Af(. Away from Keyword is a censored word?!)k player or a gollem
- air #5 targets inside receive either fumble or a DoT.
- earth #2 mixed feeling here, if I decrease the winding up time then I cant use the blast finisher, on the other side, right now even critters can walk out of it. This is the moment where I mean that Im willing to give away some support for killing potential.
- earth #4 ; only 2 seconds cripple? two? cmon.
Overall we need to distribute some power to the other elements, right now fire has a lot of potential but, once out of fire you are pretty much sitting ducks, the decisions we should be taking are; “ok, a thief is coming at me, I better earth into air once he pops out of stealth, finish with a fire if he tries to run, or wear him down if he stays with water” NOT " crap, im out of fire and i cant cast AoE on top of myself, GOTTA RUN UNTIL FIRE IS UP! here, let me blow ALL CDs in the hopes i can stale long enough to survive until fire is up"
Please mind you, this is sPvP and tPvP.
edit; another suggestion is; spread out damage. Example, lets say X skill hits 1000 damage to a single person, but if say, 2 people are there, then it hits 750 each, and 3 people would be 600 each.
Legendary SoloQ
(edited by Fortus.6175)