State of the Game w/ Jpeters + Jsharp Today!

State of the Game w/ Jpeters + Jsharp Today!

in PvP

Posted by: Nord.5360


Just a reminder: We’ll be having the Guru State of the Game over at today at 12pm PST.

ArenaNet dev Jon Sharp will be returning to the show, and he’ll be bringing fellow dev Jon Peters with him. In addition, we’ll be joined by Java from PZ and Lowell from Curse.

It should be interesting! Hope to see you there.


(edited by Nord.5360)

State of the Game w/ Jpeters + Jsharp Today!

in PvP

Posted by: Choops.3710


Thanks for the reminder! Will definitely be tuning in

Pikachoops – Engineer, Fort Aspenwood

State of the Game w/ Jpeters + Jsharp Today!

in PvP

Posted by: DXIEdge.2789


Question for them grouch:

Can you ask them two things about the new map.

1) is this a test to see if capture the flag can work in this game?

2) does portal work with the orbs?

And about the “rated” team v team. Will this include a leader board

Also can someone post a TL;DR of this later I’m at work and can’t see it

R40! Ele/Ranger for GW2 Esports Guild
@DXIEdge on twitter.

State of the Game w/ Jpeters + Jsharp Today!

in PvP

Posted by: ZenoSpyridon.1396


I would appreciate it if someone inquired about a solo queue for the new Ranked gameplay.

Now that 1v1 and matchmaking/rankings are coming in, I feel solo queue is the most important thing missing from making the current game mode implemented near perfectly!

It’s very important any of us who had their freinds quit, and to help players find more partners to play with!

Also it solves the problems of where some mists/servers have more or less players than the others. My server doesn’t seem to have the most active sPvP player base… Going to be harder for some servers, and solo queue would fix this problem!


State of the Game w/ Jpeters + Jsharp Today!

in PvP

Posted by: rEaPeX.8415


here are also some questions from me:

1.) is there also a balancing patch on the 26.?
2.) what is about if you want to guest in a paid tourney with another guild? how does it affect your own rating? cause it’s a TEAM game and if you lose it’s not always your personal fault..

thanks a lot

R E A P E X – Necromancer – EU

State of the Game w/ Jpeters + Jsharp Today!

in PvP

Posted by: Dsquaredcri.9421


Ask the most important question of paid tournament. Why still mm allows 2 teams fight each other multiple time in a row?

Dsquaredcri, necro for Rush team

State of the Game w/ Jpeters + Jsharp Today!

in PvP

Posted by: jim.5380


ok since you asked for questions grouch i am giving u some.
1)Better rewards for paid tournaments ?
2)Map random rotating on every queue?
3)what is the possition of ANET on bugs that are abused on paid games (exploiting)?
4)Is this game going to be an esport? (bring more casuals/pro players somehow!!!!!) we need at least 100 times the pvp population we now have for the game to become an esport.
5)Tournament with money reward to attract viewers/players/tournament organizations??


Jim Battlemaster

State of the Game w/ Jpeters + Jsharp Today!

in PvP

Posted by: tiko.9206


1.) Why player-based ladder/rating (is there any kind of ladder in this patch?) and not guild-based? Why not separating guild and non-guild teams?
2.) Like above said how will guesting be affected because it cannot be the plan that nobody wants to guest because ur own rating gets lower when u lose a match…
3.) Time-warp and def chars, I’d like to hear a comment on the current meta and if they want to change it
4.) Is there a new kind of (paid) tourneys planned, e.g. like daily AT in GW1 with swiss system?

I Am Elementalist – Ele for [CroW] – tPvP

State of the Game w/ Jpeters + Jsharp Today!

in PvP

Posted by: Lady Sara Goldheart.2764

Lady Sara Goldheart.2764

1.) Why player-based ladder/rating (is there any kind of ladder in this patch?) and not guild-based? Why not separating guild and non-guild teams?
2.) Like above said how will guesting be affected because it cannot be the plan that nobody wants to guest because ur own rating gets lower when u lose a match…

I really want those two questions answered. Either I guest for others ( in case my rating does not get affected ) or play only with my team.
LoL is the most prominent example of how things better be done.

Also: What about Gems as Reward again ? Maybe 5 or 10 each time you win ?
What do they plan to make PvP more attractive ?

State of the Game w/ Jpeters + Jsharp Today!

in PvP

Posted by: nastyjman.8207


One question from me: When is custom arenas slated for release?

First Team to reach 250 has 87% chance to win (Updated 7/30/2014) :

State of the Game w/ Jpeters + Jsharp Today!

in PvP

Posted by: Med.6150


Q: Are you not in the least concerned with the impact of Time Warp but also quickness in general?
Specifically Time Warp almost certainly decides group fights in favor of the side using it. Quickness, however, seems to be a problem in general as reaction times are virtually a constant, while abilities under quickness are sped up by 100%.
I’ll give an example in order to explain what I am trying to say with above statement:
Assume you are getting targeted by 3 devastating attacks with an animation time of .5 seconds under the influence of quickness. For clarity I will also assume reaction for the targeted player (he might be busy handling a situation) to be .8 seconds. Under normal circumstances, this player would get hit by the first attack and be able to evade attack #2 and #3. Due to quickness, however, he would get hit by all 3 of these attacks, which amount to .75 seconds of execution time, since his reaction time remains constant at .8 seconds.
Analyzing the situation, the targeted player just took 3 times the burst, just because of quickness cutting execution time in half. I think we can agree on the fact that many, if not any, classes out there, will be dishing out devastating, lethal in fact, amounts of damage, if they are able to apply 3x times their regular burst for whatever reason.
Q: Assuming you follow the current meta in the EU, you may have noticed that when both sides utilize a heavy burst thief (regardless of whether players deem this to be balanced or not), there’s a high chance that the thief coming out of stealth and actively participating in the fight first, is going to put his team at a disadvantage, as he’s most certainly being taken out instantly by the opposing thief.
As a result these two thieves usually play their own 1v1 match within the match itself. I honestly believe that this is not the way matches should be played or decided (4v5 on the map for 20+ seconds usually means you lose the team fights or small skirmishes on a node).
On the other hand, many thieves seem to be of the opinion, that they need to be as glassy as they are (and thus being easy preys for the opposing thieves), simply because there’s no other way to neutralize certain bunker builds on the enemy team in any timely fashion. These bunker builds, being as strong as they are, will undoubtedly cost you the match, if they manage to stall your team on a node.
Are there any plans for reducing burst damage and survivability and bring both ends of the spectrum down a little, in order to address the inherent issues? If so, what specifically are your goals in this regard?
You may be aware that while burst is simply based on chaining devastating attacks in the least amount of time possible, survivability comes in different flavors. While usually survivability equals high sustain through healing, there are professions/builds that become as survivable as they are by means of excessive damage evasion and/or damage negation, so that any changes would have to be targeting all of these capabilities.

State of the Game w/ Jpeters + Jsharp Today!

in PvP

Posted by: Kaylogin.2846


- design of the ladder system? What features’ll it offer??
- Rewards get also increased facing equal teams? → Matchmaking system
- time frame for costume arenas, ladder system, …
- new rewards in pipeline? Because paid stuff is not special anymore

State of the Game w/ Jpeters + Jsharp Today!

in PvP

Posted by: Xolo.3580


Whatever you do, try to ask questions that 1) don’t exclusively revolve around tPvP/sPvP and organized teamplay balance, 2) haven’t been answered before or are of the kind “When do we get mounts?”.

For instance, there hasn’t been a direct question regarding the state of Downstate (pun intended) …like ever. It’s not a fun mechanic outside of organized teamplay and PvE and I wish the huge number of complaints about DS would at least be recognized and commented on for a change. Neither had we ever a question about the spammy (is that a word?) nature of combat that doesn’t emphasize tactical gameplay enough and instead promotes 1,2,3,4,5, swap, 1,2,3,4,5 gameplay too much. Another question that has never been asked is if the team is aware that zoning and kiting basically don’t exist in GW2, which is amplified by the current map design where you fight in super small areas all the time.

I really wish questions like these, that affect a much larger part of the PvP community than “just” the sPvPers (but them too, of course), weren’t ignored.

State of the Game w/ Jpeters + Jsharp Today!

in PvP

Posted by: Powerr.3649


When are you planning on releasing the ratings publicly?


State of the Game w/ Jpeters + Jsharp Today!

in PvP

Posted by: hharry.1967


Did this happen already? Can we get a summary of questions/answers as usual?

State of the Game w/ Jpeters + Jsharp Today!

in PvP

Posted by: Choops.3710


Did this happen already? Can we get a summary of questions/answers as usual?

2 and a half hours to go, I believe. Someone usually pops out a TL;DR version of these things afterwards, so if you can’t catch it, I’m sure someone will fill you in on what you missed

Pikachoops – Engineer, Fort Aspenwood

State of the Game w/ Jpeters + Jsharp Today!

in PvP

Posted by: ensoriki.5789


Heres a State of the game question.
What is the priority on debugging skills and traits? These are global issues for all 3 game modes that affect every profession and also influence the profession balance of all 3 game modes.
Since it’s not pvp team specific, what is the process in the office behind these? Is there a weekend where someone decides “let’s sweep through these skill bugs so everything is playable?” I’ve got counters to things I want to try and cannot because they are bugged, not cool.

The great forum duppy.