Stealth Classes OP in PvP

Stealth Classes OP in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Acandis.3250


Look, it boils down to this. All of us started out from being complete noobs at this game, not much different from you, I imagine.

The few people that made it to top tier teams and are actively, and consistently, winning tournaments didn’t do it by QQing. They did it by learning from their failures and getting better.

When we lost to a particular class or build, we rolled that class, played that build for a few games, figured out its weaknesses and learned how to beat it with our existing knowledge of our favorite class. Nobody is telling you to reroll indefinitely, people have clearly told you how to get better at the game. Look at the present mechanics, and learn how to counterplay them.

As a point of reference, in any game of mechanical skill, there will always be player skill disparity. For example, I’m sure if I ran into you in a solo queue (or a hotjoin) I could play a sword/fist warrior and still beat you. It’s not because you’re bad, it’s not because sword/fist is OP or cheating, it’s because I have played every class extensively and I know how to counter them.

That being said, with enough proficiency, certain players adapt a different playstyle that masks the weaknesses of the class and highlights its strengths. As such, you can see some really good players playing non-meta builds and still eating noobs for breakfast.

So yea, you can keep typing 4 paragraph essays every other hour and MAYBE you’ll get a dev that feels sorry enough for your stupid kitten to post a metric that isn’t even relevant to how the game works… Or you could spend that time rolling the other class, reading its skills and hitting a light golem a few times to figure out how those skills work.

Up to you, either way, this QQ isn’t helping anybody, least of all, you.

(edited by Acandis.3250)

Stealth Classes OP in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Dave.2536


GUYS you’re having a Stats War over a SINGLE person’s PERSONAL average with THE ENTIRE HISTORY OF THAT PERSON xD You’re making Confidence Intervals – do you know what they are? They say that you are “95% Sure the true Mean sits in this bracket” YOU ARE USING THE POPULATION MEAN TO CALCUATE IT xD You already know it…

I was just kind of miffed seeing the dude throw around statistics buzzwords randomly.

The thing with the confidence intervals was in jest, but I don’t see any issues with my calculations. Of course I acknowledged the possibility of improvement and that the mean over time was not static, but this was a simplified calculation and I was not corrected on that point. At this point I’m just replying to see how many more times the guy wants to double down and continue to embarrass himself.

That said…no, I am not using the “population mean” (perhaps “true mean” would be better here, so people aren’t confused with the virtually exact 50% mean for the whole population), although with n=1000 (or 894 if we take out “bad” games) we are going to be pretty close to it with the sample mean.

Be careful that you aren’t going down the same road of using buzzwords randomly. The smiley faces and random caps aren’t helping your credibility either.

Content in this game will always seem
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.

Stealth Classes OP in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Brigg.6189


You know, if the heart of the post is that OP want’s more statistics available, I can totally agree with that. When it comes to making balance decisions based on those stats, that’s a much harder question.

I’m not going to argue with just having more data available though, I think that’s a fin idea. The devs said they have some new backend systems upgrades, if it’s reasonably possible to add things like this, I’d love to see it.

Stealth Classes OP in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

Look, it boils down to this. All of us started out from being complete and utter garbage at this game, not much different from you, I imagine.

The few people that made it to top tier teams and are actively, and consistently, winning tournaments didn’t do it by QQing. They did it by learning from their failures and getting better.

When we lost to a particular class or build, we rolled that class, played that build for a few games, figured out its weaknesses and learned how to beat it with our existing knowledge of our favorite class. Nobody is telling you to reroll indefinitely, people have clearly told you how to get better at the game. Look at the present mechanics, and learn how to counterplay them.

As a point of reference, in any game of mechanical skill, there will always be player skill disparity. For example, I’m sure if I ran into you in a solo queue (or a hotjoin) I could play a sword/fist warrior and still beat you. It’s not because you’re bad, it’s not because sword/fist is OP or cheating, it’s because I have played every class extensively and I know how to counter them.

That being said, with enough proficiency, certain players adapt a different playstyle that masks the weaknesses of the class and highlights its strengths. As such, you can see some really good players playing non-meta builds and still eating noobs for breakfast.

So yea, you can keep typing 4 paragraph essays every other hour and MAYBE you’ll get a dev that feels sorry enough for your stupid kitten to post a metric that isn’t even relevant to how the game works… Or you could spend that time rolling the other class, reading its skills and hitting a light golem a few times to figure out how those skills work.

Up to you, either way, this QQ isn’t helping anybody, least of all, you.

This. All day errday this. +1 and I will save this quote for future QQs.

Stealth Classes OP in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Master Charles.7093

Master Charles.7093

Look, it boils down to this. All of us started out from being complete and utter garbage at this game, not much different from you, I imagine.

The few people that made it to top tier teams and are actively, and consistently, winning tournaments didn’t do it by QQing. They did it by learning from their failures and getting better.

When we lost to a particular class or build, we rolled that class, played that build for a few games, figured out its weaknesses and learned how to beat it with our existing knowledge of our favorite class. Nobody is telling you to reroll indefinitely, people have clearly told you how to get better at the game. Look at the present mechanics, and learn how to counterplay them.

As a point of reference, in any game of mechanical skill, there will always be player skill disparity. For example, I’m sure if I ran into you in a solo queue (or a hotjoin) I could play a sword/fist warrior and still beat you. It’s not because you’re bad, it’s not because sword/fist is OP or cheating, it’s because I have played every class extensively and I know how to counter them.

That being said, with enough proficiency, certain players adapt a different playstyle that masks the weaknesses of the class and highlights its strengths. As such, you can see some really good players playing non-meta builds and still eating noobs for breakfast.

So yea, you can keep typing 4 paragraph essays every other hour and MAYBE you’ll get a dev that feels sorry enough for your stupid kitten to post a metric that isn’t even relevant to how the game works… Or you could spend that time rolling the other class, reading its skills and hitting a light golem a few times to figure out how those skills work.

Up to you, either way, this QQ isn’t helping anybody, least of all, you.

Wow, man: that’s pretty toxic. You’re calling this guy ‘utter garbage’ and a ‘stupid kitten ’ because he posted his opinion. It’s easy to see that you’re putting this guy down so that you can feel special and strong.

Truth is, only a few thousand people play your little pvp game now, and it’s not ‘cause leaderboards, or mmr, or rewards, or spectators, or lack of esportz support, the lack of more than one game mode, or any other confused, distractionary bs: it’s because of balance. Even in conquest, when it’s 1v1 on a point and people get facerolled by invisible, untargetable garbage just because they didn’t delete 2 of their characters or buy more slots to roll and study the stealth classes for hours or days on end, it’s enough to make most people wanna quit. (obviously)

The fact that you don’t have to study other classes for hours just to be competent against them should speak for itself. And besides, when is the last time you heard of a dominant warrior or necro duelist? They’re aren’t any, because all the other classes are hands-down better at 1v1, whether it’s on point during conquest, or in a custom arena. And thus, no dueling mode.

How many balance changes have been made so far? I assure you, there will be more, yet there will always be people like you screaming L2P and QQ moar when people try to talk about balance, so that they can protect their cheese and feel smart.

Your comments are out of line, and your personal character is weak. Get humble, son.

Stealth Classes OP in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Relentliss.2170


You should try to incorporate more burning into whatever build you have. That seems to be the only counter to stealth.

We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional

Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)

Stealth Classes OP in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360


Even though the OP is completely hopeless, and he seems to just fail hard at spvp…..

I do still feel that the pvp meta of stacking condi is to blame for his qq moreso than stealth.

Stacking up a bunch of condi then hiding while it ticks away sort of abuses the entire concept behind stealth….

You can’t attack while stealthed….. but you can continue dealing damage (through condi) in stealth….

This is what made PU mesmers such a viable build for the longest time, and you can’t deny that was not overpowered, since anet decided to step in and nerf it.

Stealth Classes OP in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.5924


You continually avoid altering the sample to exclude potential bad data, say like matches that could not be won. Interesting.

I knew you’d go there. Again, if you want to remove 50 games for 4v5 due to AFK/DC, probabilistically there will be about 25% more games (62.5, we can round down to 62 just for you) where you had a 5v4 advantage—remember 5/9 vs 4/9? But instead of 50 games of 4v5 and 62 games of 5v4, it would actually be more like 47 games of 4v5, 59 games of 5v4, and 3 games of 4v4.

If you keep arguing for “real” data, then I’m perfectly happy to take out your unfair games, so long as we can adjust for your confirmation bias (the 5v4s you conveniently ignored) as well. So from your record of 470 wins and 530 losses, we can remove 47 invalid losses and 59 invalid wins.

That puts you at 411-483, or 45.97%…
N = 894, avg = 0.4597315, stdev = 0.4986548

New 95% confidence interval…[0.4270, 0.4924]

GG WP…removing unbalanced matches from your record has made you even worse. Now I can remove the “almost” in “we can be almost 95% sure you are worse than average”.


Cheers indeed. Someone’s going to be drinking a lot.

EDIT: I just noticed this again…

a 95% confidence interval calculates to 49.7 +/- 3.2. Which then places me squarely at or above “average”.

Plus/minus goes both ways. The interval [46.5, 52.9] still averages under .500, and I’d still come out slightly ahead betting you were below .500 than betting you were above.


There IS no adjustment, because for WHATEVER reason it’s MY team getting the brunt of DC’s, NOT the other way around. Which is ALSO an indicator of a problem in the queuing system.

“Shakes head”. God, I would love to see you on the factory floor. Then again, maybe not. Chappies like you cause little problems like that airbag issue that most of us should have seen in the news.

When a problem shows up, is DOCUMENTED, IS OBSERVED, You. Do. NOT. DISCOUNT IT. Because if you DO, then…. bridges collapse. Planes fall out of the sky. Airbags malfunction. In short, in the real world, vice theoretical, people get HURT when you PERSIST in IGNORING THE DATA given to you.

Don’t create imaginary theoretically based numbers to try to Contradict REALITY.

“shakes head”

Stealth Classes OP in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Dave.2536


Don’t create imaginary theoretically based numbers to try to Contradict REALITY.

“shakes head”

The “REALITY” of your confirmation bias is evident when the only games you define to be invalid are the 4v5’s.

Because you (and everyone else) is more likely to reconsider “why I lost” rather than “why I won”, it’s pretty evident you have zero recollection of the 5v4 blowouts (which are equally invalid).

Another lesson in Statistics! (since you apparently never paid attention in your classes beyond the recall level that you used to pass your final)

When you want to adjust data, you must do so in a way that does not introduce bias. I adjusted for your bias with probability and expected value, as I had a reasonable expectation of its accuracy and neither you nor I had nothing better to use.

If you are unable to adjust your data without introducing bias, you must leave the data as-is


EXCEPT. That. The. Only. Games. You. Observed. Were. The. Ones. That. Stood. Out. (Negatively). In other words, your observations are statistically useless, and we’d be better not using them (sorry, I had to change from your format because it was getting too nonsensical)

When a problem shows up, is DOCUMENTED, IS OBSERVED, You. Do. NOT. DISCOUNT IT. Because if you DO, then….

Annnnnnd now we have the non sequitur of frustration. The only thing anyone is ignoring and discounting is you, with your confirmation bias. Observations have value, and we will always consider them, but they are also anecdotes and have no place in objective statistical analysis.

Content in this game will always seem
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.

(edited by Dave.2536)

Stealth Classes OP in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.5924


Don’t create imaginary theoretically based numbers to try to Contradict REALITY.

“shakes head”

The “REALITY” of your confirmation bias is evident when the only games you define to be invalid are the 4v5’s.

Because you (and everyone else) is more likely to reconsider “why I lost” rather than “why I won”, it’s pretty evident you have zero recollection of the 5v4 blowouts (which are equally invalid).

Another lesson in Statistics! (since you apparently never paid attention in your classes beyond the recall level that you used to pass your final)

When you want to adjust data, you must do so in a way that does not introduce bias. I adjusted for your bias with probability and expected value, as I had a reasonable expectation of its accuracy and neither you nor I had nothing better to use.

If you are unable to adjust your data without introducing bias, you must leave the data as-is


EXCEPT. That. The. Only. Games. You. Observed. Were. The. Ones. That. Stood. Out. (Negatively). In other words, your observations are statistically useless, and we’d be better not using them (sorry, I had to change from your format because it was getting too nonsensical)

When a problem shows up, is DOCUMENTED, IS OBSERVED, You. Do. NOT. DISCOUNT IT. Because if you DO, then….

Annnnnnd now we have the non sequitur of frustration. The only thing anyone is ignoring and discounting is you, with your confirmation bias. Observations have value, and we will always consider them, but they are also anecdotes and have no place in objective statistical analysis.

There’s a saying. “Check your assumptions at the door.”

If, for instance, many of the people making replies earlier to this thread HAD considered the Possibility that I was being honest and serious, perhaps One of them would have EXPLICITLY said something like “Dude, when you create a new toon you can take it right into PvP. And when you do all the powers are there.”

But no one did that. It would have saved all of us lots of time. But I guess some people were entertained, so really it’s a wash.

Here you are making assumptions again, without considering that there is a REASON that certain data hasn’t been commented on.

Because it Does Not Exist. Here’s how many games I’ve played where MY team it the Five and the Other Team is the Four….. Z E R O. At least since I’ve been keeping track.

Because after a few queues where I got stuck w/ the four man team, I started keeping track. Like it has been said before… 32 CONFIRMED 4 VS 5 in the other teams favor. Zero for ME. SO, by removing the probable 50 games, I have REMOVED the SYSTEMIC (and currently unexplained) bias of the System forcing unwinnable situations on my team.

Go ahead. PLEASE SAY THAT 4 AGAINST 5 IS CONSISTENTLY WINNABLE. OR that there is even a STRONG (say to 95% confidence) chance that a Four man team will defeat a five man team, given parity of skill. Then I can sit back and watch everyone else tear you apart!

Stealth Classes OP in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Solori.6025


what is this thread about anymore?

The world needs more KUNG FURY!

Stealth Classes OP in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: FrostAntler.9123


Nor do we care, because Conquest PvP is not about 1v1 duels.

^ The statistic will prove nothing based on his false assumption.

Stealth Classes OP in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: RKyrk.4761


stealth OP in 1v1? Have i missed a patch?

1 close 1 animal 1 far rest mid

Stealth Classes OP in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Dave.2536


Here you are making assumptions again, without considering that there is a REASON that certain data hasn’t been commented on.

I’ve considered it plenty. Given your ignorance of basic statistical concepts and repeated attempts at deception and befuddlement, I’ve considered that you either forgot to consider it, forgot to observe it, or intentionally left it out.

Because it Does Not Exist. Here’s how many games I’ve played where MY team it the Five and the Other Team is the Four….. Z E R O.

Forgive me for being skeptical at this point. Going by your later use of confidence intervals it is more clear that my initial assessment of your ignorance of statistics has been corrected to one of malicious deception.

At least since I’ve been keeping track.

That last comment reinforces my doubt about your observations.

It is unfortunate, but because of your credibility and history of deception attempts (and the probability of this claim happening in the first place) I would much rather accept the ~5% chance that you fall outside the confidence interval (and ~2.5% change of being above).

I don’t think it needs to be said, but you probably should not read this as a compliment.

Go ahead. PLEASE SAY THAT 4 AGAINST 5 IS CONSISTENTLY WINNABLE. OR that there is even a STRONG (say to 95% confidence) chance that a Four man team will defeat a five man team, given parity of skill. Then I can sit back and watch everyone else tear you apart!

I don’t think I need to go this far. I’ll stick to challenging the reliability and credibility of your memory. And so will “everyone else”.

what is this thread about anymore?

Trying to see how far this guy will distort things to fit his reality. The guy could put Mitt Romney’s whole family to shame.

Content in this game will always seem
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.

Stealth Classes OP in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


Woah woah let’s not bring Mitt into this k.

OP gets noob checked by mesmears because all he does is aoe button mash and can’t keep track of the real mesmer…. simple as that.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Stealth Classes OP in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: manveruppd.7601


While I acknowledge that you have a point, that is WHY I want a STATISTICAL SAMPLE. There are millions of players in GW2. Most of those millions hopefully play PvP, if for no other reason than they want to get the daily points.

The thief was just an example, as another class that has good escapes. The point of my post was that the statistics you requested (killed:kills ratio) is meaningless. As was also pointed out by DaveGan.8065 and Aereniel.7356 and half a dozen other people. It doesn’t matter that they can stealth and run away. The point is they haven’t killed you, they haven’t budged you off your point, they’ve wasted their time and didn’t help their team.

As an aside, it sounds like the kind of mesmers you’re having trouble with are PU, as the standard shatter build these days rarely carries more than 1 stealth skill and often none at all. Against PU mesmers there’s 2 things you need to remember: they can’t cap while they’re stealthed, and you can still hit them with aoe attacks (eg grenades, bombs, cone attacks from offhand pistol or flamethrower, blowing up turrets etc).

A bad necromancer always blames the corpse.

Stealth Classes OP in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Stealth is actually weak in PvP. I love to face a mostly stealth Mesmer or thief because they are pretty much useless to the other team.

Even with the poor matchmaking, I haven’t seen one of those specs in a long time in PvP.

Stealth Classes OP in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: THuGaNoMiX.5036


Thiefs still have to get close to you to do any damage. Just drop conditions and AoE’s. I’ve killed so many Thiefs without ever even seeing what I am hitting. I just AoE/Condi them down and always keep moving so they can’t backstab you.