Strange conditions (question)?

Strange conditions (question)?

in PvP

Posted by: Swim.6830



So I fought an Ele 1 on 1 with my Warrior and lost.

Our fight lasted no longer than 40 seconds (judging by my elite cooldown), however in my combat log I saw burning 68 hits for slightly above 20k dmg if I remember correctly.

My question is, shouldn’t burning tick only once per second, even if reapplied, or does it tick on TOP of my current condition?

Are conditions supposed to work like this?

I noticed a similar thing when fighting a Guardian with my Ele, where I had taken some falling damage and from half health he burned me down in less than 10 seconds, but the log showed 30 hits burning ?!?

Zwim Elementalist
The Dragoon Brotherhood

(edited by Swim.6830)

Strange conditions (question)?

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


Did you just come from fighting someone else and didn’t get fully out of combat before engaging the ele?

Strange conditions (question)?

in PvP

Posted by: Swim.6830


Nope, was right from spawn and on side point. For the second fight I had fought in mid, healed up and jumped from top of clocktower and killed by guard from half HP

Zwim Elementalist
The Dragoon Brotherhood

Strange conditions (question)?

in PvP

Posted by: Swim.6830


Well it seems conditions re-apply themselves as I assumed. After 20 second fight (AT THE MOST) with an engineer I get 42 burn hits.

Is this intended?


Zwim Elementalist
The Dragoon Brotherhood

Strange conditions (question)?

in PvP

Posted by: Cirax.9231


Condition damage in death breakdown has been broken for some time now. It doesn’t display the values correctly at all, so in reality, you didn’t take 30k burning damage.