Stronghold Ideas and Feedback
As far as number 3 goes, what if tengu archers moved to defend your team’s gates rather than push in the offensive lane?
Many people complain that they aren’t useful because players can kill guards faster and they do negligible damage to players. However if they served a purpose of manning broken gates to reinforce defenses and had a damage bonus against doorbreakers like normal guards do it’d be a way to force the enemy to back track and patrol their defensive lane to make sure their doorbreakers aren’t getting picked off by newly spawned tengu archers.
Theres too much running/channeling/pve’ing going on.
I think a certain amount of DB’s and Archers should spawn by default; like 2 archers 2 DB’s every minute. Then the focus could be more on the 2 lanes and there would be more teamfighting rather than running around. It would also leave the possibility to go for strong pushes when the opportunity presents itself.
.I think a certain amount of DB’s and Archers should spawn by default; like 2 archers 2 DB’s every minute.
The problem with that though, would be that players would camp the spawn of the DBs and Archers of the opposite team, never allowing them to get through the gate ever. That would cause a bigger problem rather than fixing a minor flaw.
I would, however, say that maybe 2 DBs and Archers should spawn automatically along with Supplied Archers/DBs. That might be what you meant, and I might’ve misunderstood you.
I really like this idea
Too bad , i didnt have time to play that Beta
Or they could use some clunky Old (chest) style npc script to help the mode a bit .
a) There could be visible ques on the ground where ppl can intecept and block the projectiles with the bodies , to prevent damage done from the Archers to the Guards (see pic below).
b) They could dodge-roll to intercept and flip back the attack (lets assume that when you dodge , you can accidentally hit the arrow with your tip of your shoe and change its course) .
If you waste endurance to return the arrow to that Archer , you will have less Dodges for the actual combat in your lane .
c) The Guards will do a very slow Bull Rush towards the Archers+Bombards . IF you CC them while they use Bull Rush they will stop their attacks and they have a painfull very slow Recovery ( if they are knockbacks , they get up extremly slowly) .
In the meantime the Archers-Bombers take a leap backwards or sidestep to keep up their distance from future Bull Rsuhes.
If the Guards succefully reach their target … a choreography will start , where the enemies npcs will try to block 2 attacks from the Guards with the bombs or Bows and get hit in the 3rd .
In this choreography , no friendly mobs or npc can be cc-ed or blined.
If the Guard has a blind on him and reach his target , or when the guard and the enemies npcs do the choreography , both will be damaged and will Kick each other , so a new round to start up soon .
d) If you use your Blinds+CC+ Endurance on the mobs , you will have less to do in the enemies in your lane
e) If both mobs havent succefully hit each other every round , then their attack animations/speed/choreography inscreased , till they succed
f) each mob can 2-shot (need 2 rounds) each NPC
Or accidentaly throwing the Torch that is hanging from the nearby walls , into the the nearby Mushrooms may cause ‘’Undrelaline Rush’’ buff (something like the ’’Lucy’’ movie), where each nearby mob have extremly slow movement/attack animations in combat and you can more easily intercept their attacks or give you more time to stop caring abou the npcs and focus on the enemis
(but you get Random conditions from throwing that Torch into the smhrooms :P)
(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)
I’ve said this before in other threads….
1. Remove supply. It is boring and not any fun.
2. Have doorbreakers and archers spawn automatically on a set interval
3. Add a capture point to the middle of the map. Holding this point will increase the number of npcs that spawn.
Basically, we need to find ways to encourage PvP. Right now, it is still the best strategy to PvE.