Stronghold Supply Lessons & Terminator Tirzah

Stronghold Supply Lessons & Terminator Tirzah

in PvP

Posted by: Lewis Burnell.2493

Lewis Burnell.2493

New article on Stronghold over at Ten Ton Hammer discussing Stronghold and “Terminator” Tirzah.

[Edit] Video has just gone live on the article.

(edited by Lewis Burnell.2493)

Stronghold Supply Lessons & Terminator Tirzah

in PvP

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


Just gonna pick out some quotes I wanted to address:

“By increasing the map size and implementing a variety of objectives that are critical to success, ArenaNet have been clever in ensuring that any team is (rightly) stretched thinly across the map”

I’m not sure if I’m as excited about this fact as Tirzah: A large part of what makes team-based games great is coordination in teamfights. Less players in a teamfight results in a smaller requirement/possibilities for coordination.

I think one game made the balance between splitting up and setting priorities on a big map and the possibility and necessity for bigger teamfights really well: Heroes of the Wind or sth. ^^’

It has 3 lanes and a jungle and the possibility for ganks, so much room for different strategies and playstyle to emmerse. But once every few minutes, a big objective pops up that forces ppl to engage in teamfights. This, coupled with more skills at the start and no gear-progression during a match, made early teamfights possible and even necessary as well as interesting.

—> GW2 has all the same options: Teamfights don’t get more interesting later in the game because more skills and gear is available like in msot MOBA’s, also, there is already a secondary Objective that spawns every so often that would just needed to be a little bit more impactful to really force teamfights.
I’d also like the area around the Hero-channeling-points a bit more open, to enable more movement and smart positioning.

“On the subject of Heroes and Mist Essence, I absolutely adore this mechanic and for a variety of reasons. Unlike in Conquest where side objectives, such as the Beasts in Forest of Niflhel, are largely negligible, there’s nothing in Stronghold that should be ignored.”

As written before; I think it could be even a bit more impactful. Can’t really judge it too well, since I only played in random Groups that often didn’t capitalize much on the spawned hero. It could even be overpowered if the whole team gathers behind the hero and you coodrinate mass-spawns of archers with it or sth.

“Other notable professions and builds that I think will have a resurgence in Stronghold are:”

I wanted to add a few he didn’t mention:

- Terror-Necro: Boonremoval and CC is very strong against channeling (one of the few classes that can interrupt easily through stability), good AoE, good snares to slow down NPC’s, a flesh wurm you can place behind your walls and teleport to safety etc.

- S/D-Thief: Again, possibility to interrupt through stability, AoE weakness and poison and decent DPS.

- Staff/Shout Tankguardian: heavy AoE-Buffs, AoE stability, AoE-Condiremoval, AoE-Swiftness, some AoE-Healing etc. Also, the healbook could be viable as an elite. Just not sure if the DPS is high enough and where to put him exactly; but the potential is there IMHO.