it’s a start and i hope it will improve until its release. to help with it i will give my personal feedback here:
overall i felt like PvP combat is less important than in conquest, often ignoring the players at the supply camp, picking up, spawning npcs and only really fighting at heroes or lords.
even though there is more to do it feels more casual than conquest.
the map looks cool and i like it even if it’s small. i think it’s a good map for what you try to achieve with this game mode.
the lord room and the supply camp could be bigger.
when inside the lord room while the door is getting attacked by players and their npcs it feels hard to defend or to even know what’s going on outside, you can defend by aoe through the gate but especially when you’re outmanned you dont want to go outside. it would be nice to have stairs that lead up to the walls so you can stand there and fire down, similar to WvW towers.
team size
sometimes i felt like 5 players weren’t enough. 6v6 could be better, 8v8 too much. if arenanet could increase the size of the lord room and the supply camp it could be better with 6v6 (even for 5v5 the lord room is already too small).
the guard npcs are too weak and die too fast. as ele i can rush there on gamestart and take them down with frostbow in a matter of seconds, this makes archers useless.
the guards need to be almost immune to player attacks so that it’s worth getting archers to kill them. put the focus on protecting archers you spawn instead of just dpsing the guards down, especially because it’s also easy points.
same goes for the lord, i feel like the lord fights are easy and even if the enemy has banners and stuff, eventually the lord will die. give the lord guards more hp and maybe add some lord guards that are dedicated lord healers. the lord and all guard npcs in the match should get their health back when out of combat, they don’t have enough hp to justify this, especially because gw2 doesn’t have dedicated healer mechanics.
overall the lord feels weak, he is not really a threat, nor a real boss. make him more dangerous for he is THE lord after all.
heroes were kinda weak and usually die before they get to a gate (even when protecting) and are only strong when the enemy is defending their lord and you get some surprise heroes in.
npcs in general
many npcs have just an auto attack, why? give them a set of skills, this will make everything more interesting.
channeling was a bit annoying. i can understand it at the supply camp but you should change it at hero channels to the way stillness works. as it currently is you can send your tankiest stability class with a transform elite and you will get it most of the time. stillness has more of “an eye for an eye” mentality, you kill for that buff, but this here is just annoying and lame, especially because the heroes are not even that strong.
the game timer is boring and kills the fun most of the time. increase it to 20mins and put in a victory or death mechanic. make the lords and guards come out to fight each other and give the team with more points a 20% damage increase. make them invulnerable until they reach each other.
i kinda missed those “omg this was just really sick!” moments and while killing the lord feels rewarding that’s the only moment in the game.
even wiping a team doesn’t really feel rewarding because it’s so easy for them to just respawn, the penalty is way smaller than in conquest. you should increase the respawn time by 2s for every minute that passes to add some spice! or make people hardresable (by pressing f like in wvw) and make auto respawn every 2 mins (2:00, 4:00, 6:00 etc) to make it interesting and punishing.
if you manage to add more spice to stronghold i can see this game mode becoming more popular than conquest. for the future and after perfecting this map i hope you will add another 2-3 as soon as possible because after testing this for a long time it really got boring because it was the same map over and over again. also, it’s not a bad thing to recycle things from gw1 GvG maps, your company made those maps and people liked them, nobody will get angry if you take some inspiration from there^^
i appreciate your efforts and it looks promising so far but we’re not there yet! keep up the good work and take as much feedback as you can
(edited by Jekkt.6045)