Stronghold is fun

Stronghold is fun

in PvP

Posted by: duster.7013


All these corny cheese plays are fun. I havn’t played it in ranked though. What is/isn’t cancer? Plat conquest has its own cancer/shutouts, so it cant be that bad.

Stronghold is fun

in PvP

Posted by: Ziggityzog.7389


After season 4 anet ruined pvp by making it conq and conq only for ranked. Instead of maybe Having TDM SH and Conq on ranked they forced everyone to conq. That’s was one of the many reasons the pvp community shrunk. Another would be lack of build diversity with ammys and such.

Seasons 5-7 have been a bore fest thus far. I dont have high hopes for season 8 with the same MMR system and single game mode ranked. Got Almost plat T2 with 20-10 w/l for this season. Just couldnt stand it, I play Stronghold most of the times these days.

Most competitive ranked pvp would be all solo que no teams and do 3v3 TDM ranked.

That will prove who is good. You cant quite zerg with just 3v3 and there is no dancing in circles or holding lines with rats running down them. Kill or be killed

lol’ing at thos who use broken builds and claim to be good since 2005.

|||Necro the masterclass very few know about.|||

Stronghold is fun

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


Because it’s only good for exploiting. The best strategy is to never touch enemy players and just focus on doorbreakers 24/7.

It’s PvE, and if that wasn’t bad enough it quickly became a wasteland so it was only used by premades who wanted the legend title without learning PvP.

It was a farming ground which destroyed any kind of value left in PvP titles. Imagine if someone got God of PvP title now because he was farming stronghold 24/7 without doing any PvP.

Stronghold is fun

in PvP

Posted by: mistsim.2748


SH was a failed attempt at copying the MOBA genre. good riddance. I hated everything about it, and I knew it would be a colossal waste of resources from the very beginning.

Stronghold is fun

in PvP

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Stronghold in theory was a good idea but IMO it suffer two fatal flaws:

- 5v5 is woefully inadequate for the game mode. 8v8 would have suited it much better, maybe even 10v10.

- They didnt go full MOBA when they should have went full MOBA. The reason the above point is such an issue is because its two independant lanes which doesnt clash. Theres no back and fourth movement. If it was one lane of NPCs duking it out while players tried to sway the battle along that route, 5v5 would have been enough.