"Structured pvp"

"Structured pvp"

in PvP

Posted by: Forsaken.4215


Ok to begin, it is not “structured pvp” unless you make a team. This game has so many casuals like myself who found themselves in solo arena more often because it was quick and 100% randoms vs randoms. With the solo option gone and having to face a “structured” team of 5 players they outweigh pugs. I have 6 people i can pvp with here and there but most of the time it is 2 of us and we are put in a random team that just cannot perform as well as a “structured” team. This creates a lot of frustration for players who are organised but are put in a team with people who are not. Maybe create a rank vs rank system like in LoL bronze silver gold yada yada. I feel silly playing with randoms and then being criticised because we lose or watching someone get criticised because they don’t know how to play yet. It is sad and i know for a fact that this is a solid reason to why people don’t pvp as much as they want to. Guild wars has always had a lot of competition and people always want to be the best but with all seriousness how can I as a casual player who works 2 jobs and goes to university even rank ? If i am put with players who know nothing about the game then why should I be going back in time? Achievements meant something in guild wars 1 but now they are just a show off of who grinds the most. Sorry if similar things have been posted before, I simply do not read forums peace x


"Structured pvp"

in PvP

Posted by: Forsaken.4215


Also the ranking system i mean seriously come on i was top ranked back in the day because no one knew how to play and i only played like 40 games back then.


"Structured pvp"

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Devs said this system is not yet a league system, probably it will be the next spvp step.

In general, matchmaking needs to be refined, but devs said with the actual system, they can modify parameters very quickly.

Party size needs to be more similar (no premade vs pugs) and no 3 same profs in the same team.

But if only few people play spvp, no system can be perfect, these features are really interesting and i think we need to be more patients

"Structured pvp"

in PvP

Posted by: Forsaken.4215


Of course they can modify it, i am giving them my opinion and personal experience. I add the inexperienced players to see if they even play and i will honestly tell you they sit in pve or quit. Since you can rename a player as anything you want i have kept track of so many things…..


"Structured pvp"

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


Well how experience do you actually have? The account your posting from has never been ranked and has very few forum posts. What was your old acct name?

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

"Structured pvp"

in PvP

Posted by: Forsaken.4215


Well how experience do you actually have? The account your posting from has never been ranked and has very few forum posts. What was your old acct name?

Hi I am very experienced thank you and like i said i am a casual player who wants solo q and team q separate. I do have another account which is strictly PVP he is my silent one. I do not have time to be a warrior on forums like most people but to make things short for you mate, i am not going to grind my whole life on a computer game just for some nerds to judge how good I am
