Stun Breakers with Cast Times

Stun Breakers with Cast Times

in PvP

Posted by: Shockwave.1230


This conversation arises from the reaper live stream today.

Currently, there’s two skills in the game that have a cast time with a stun break.

Stomp and Destroy Shadow Trap

These two skills go on full cooldown if cancelled, but I’m not sure if it’s because the activation of these skills have other mechanics at play besides the stun break.

Stomp grant’s stability upon activation, not cast completion, so becuase a boon is triggering on activiation this could be why it goes on full cooldown even if cancelled.

Destroy Shadow Trap is a chain skill and the chain flips back causing it to go on full cooldown even if cancelled.

It wasn’t shown in the live stream, but it was mentioned stability might be added to Reaper shouts, which would in effect make it like stomp, so theoretically cancelling it shouldn’t put it on 5 second cooldown. However, if stability is not added to the skill’s activation I am curious if, given no chain and no activation effect, if the skill would stun break and go on 5 second cooldown if cancelled.

Sylvari Elementalist – Mystree Duskbloom (Lv 80)
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)

Stun Breakers with Cast Times

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


well of power also has a casttime and breaks stun
To the casttime stuff: I’d guess they are implemented as channeled skills, thus they go on full cd if you cancel them.
I don’t think anybody will be able to tell you how the skills will be implemented except anet themselves.

Stun Breakers with Cast Times

in PvP

Posted by: Exedore.6320


Toss Elixir B grants stability, has a cast time, and does not break stuns. A lot of elite transformations are similar. So there’s precedent for skills which grant stability and don’t break stuns.

The abilities which break stuns and have stability had the stun break first. But because you got part of the skill immediately, it had to put the entire skill on full cooldown. Otherwise, you could cancel it and get a 5sec CD stunbreak. The 1 second stability was added so that the cast is able to finish after the stun is broken. Otherwise it would be somewhat pointless as a stun break if you could be immediately CC’ed without the skill finishing.

Kirrena Rosenkreutz

(edited by Exedore.6320)

Stun Breakers with Cast Times

in PvP

Posted by: Foefaller.1082


Necromancer also has Well of Power, which is a stunbreak that has a cast time and, like Stomp, gives a stack of stability so you can (usually) complete the cast of it.

That would make the stunbreak shout (which I believe they said would be “You Are All Weaklings!”) The second necro stun break with a cast time. On the flip side, it would also end up being the necro stun break with the shortest cooldown at 25 seconds; next lowest is Necrotic Traversal, the chain skill to Flesh Wurm, which has a 40 second cooldown.

Stun Breakers with Cast Times

in PvP

Posted by: Exedore.6320


If you read the livestream notes, the stun break on “Suffer” is a left over on the tooltip, which hasn’t been cleaned up yet. The stun break was removed internally from the functionality.

Kirrena Rosenkreutz

Stun Breakers with Cast Times

in PvP

Posted by: Foefaller.1082


If you read the livestream notes, the stun break on “Suffer” is a left over on the tooltip, which hasn’t been cleaned up yet. The stun break was removed internally from the functionality.

True, but in the video, which they did said was current (even if the tooltip wasn’t), “You Are All Weaklings!” had the 1sec stab that stun breaks with cast times always have.

Stun Breakers with Cast Times

in PvP

Posted by: Coulter.2315


The way I look at it is cast time stun breaks have 2 components. Push the button 1. Stunbreak 2. Channel and extra effects (boons like stab). Much like Guardian Shelter 1. Begin Blocking for 2secs 2. Channel for 1.25sec and heal at end of cast.

Since you’ve “used” the skill for the first and instant part even if you are stopped completing the 2nd part you still have to face the full CD. This is why rupting it puts it on full CD.

Stun Breakers with Cast Times

in PvP

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


Engineer thumper turret also has a stun break with a cast time. Stun breaks with cast times should be removed from the game. Given how broken they can be under the right circumstances. That or every profession should get 1 to put everyone on the same playing field.

(edited by Eurantien.4632)