Spectral Legion [SL]
Jade Quarry
For the love of Jedsus… A warrior that uses hammer and sw/shield has 6 stuns with zero diminishing returns. More than anyone in game. They can out heal anyone. They have the most hp and toughness. They’re second best a condition cleansing. I don’t understand the constant love that warriors are getting. At least with other professions their variation in builds. With warriors, almost all have hammers and either sw/shield or longbow.
Equip BS and Stability and ok against stun warriors
As a brutish fighting style, CC spam is a particular feature of Warrior, like a thief that spamm blind and stealth, or an an ele with tons of defense and combos.
Nerf this play style will impoverish the game.
(edited by JETWING.2759)
Don’t worry developers make new “ballance” patch and boost more warriors.
This patch coming soon “1Q 2014”.
For the love of Jedsus… A warrior that uses hammer and sw/shield has 6 stuns with zero diminishing returns.
Hammer + Sword/Shield has 6 stuns? Funny, because I count 2. Unless by sw you mean “Swace” as a corruption of “mace” in which case I count 3.
I don’t understand the constant love that warriors are getting. At least with other professions their variation in builds. With warriors, almost all have hammers and either sw/shield or longbow.
Warriors have some of the most build diversity of any profession.
(edited by Larynx.2453)
I thought it was common knowledge already that Warriors are the golden child of ANet, how many people need catching up?! O_o
Anyways, what bothers me the most about this i the low CD of it, a stun breaker usually is on 40-70 secs CD, yet a hammer AoE stun is on a 7 seconds CD, AoE, STUN, GIANT AOE, with insane damage to top it off, yet an ele with a 40 seconds CD has a conditional stun that if it hits, it hits for half the duration, with half the damage of a weak air autoattack. We say that staff ele is all about locking down and CCing, but I dont see how a warrior does, which has more than just 1 stun. Add up the insane sustain Healing signet gives, a healing skill that any class would gladly give up one of their heals for it, which to add salt to the injury, it heals the warrior’s already insane hp pool.
I currently roll a guardian and it baffles me how a class with already highest hp pool and an atrocious amount of blocks, healing and condition cleansing has access to better passive healing. As a DPS guardian your access to protection is minimal at best (5 points into virtues for a 5 sec protection every a whooping 90 secs CD woohoo!) since shouts are not the way to go as a damage oriented build.
I might as well join the train and roll a warrior.
I thought it was common knowledge already that Warriors are the golden child of ANet, how many people need catching up?! O_o
Anyways, what bothers me the most about this i the low CD of it, a stun breaker usually is on 40-70 secs CD, yet a hammer AoE stun is on a 7 seconds CD, AoE, STUN, GIANT AOE, with insane damage to top it off, yet an ele with a 40 seconds CD has a conditional stun that if it hits, it hits for half the duration, with half the damage of a weak air autoattack. We say that staff ele is all about locking down and CCing, but I dont see how a warrior does, which has more than just 1 stun. Add up the insane sustain Healing signet gives, a healing skill that any class would gladly give up one of their heals for it, which to add salt to the injury, it heals the warrior’s already insane hp pool.
I currently roll a guardian and it baffles me how a class with already highest hp pool and an atrocious amount of blocks, healing and condition cleansing has access to better passive healing. As a DPS guardian your access to protection is minimal at best (5 points into virtues for a 5 sec protection every a whooping 90 secs CD woohoo!) since shouts are not the way to go as a damage oriented build.
I might as well join the train and roll a warrior.
as a dps guardian you can faceroll any stunwar…aoe stability any one?
since shouts are not the way to go as a damage oriented build.
oh wait i just re read your comment, so you are saying that your DPS guardian has less defensive protections then a PTH build warrior?…ok…im done with this forum.
(edited by Lighter.5631)
Im guessing you are probably referring to tanky DPS guardian which basically consists of shouts retaliation and pretty much wearing down the warrior, in which case he wont have meditations (core of any DPS guardian). In case you didnt know, if you see a guardian with 1 or 2 shouts in a PvP match and he takes more than half your hp then feel free to run away, he wont be able to catch up. If you fail to do this as well might want to feel free to quit the game too.
Im guessing you are probably referring to tanky DPS guardian which basically consists of shouts retaliation and pretty much wearing down the warrior, in which case he wont have meditations (core of any DPS guardian). In case you didnt know, if you see a guardian with 1 or 2 shouts in a PvP match and he takes more than half your hp then feel free to run away, he wont be able to catch up. If you fail to do this as well might want to feel free to quit the game too
sorry i did say DPS, with meditations, who said that dps guardian can’t have aoe stability? do you even guardian? also with a combination of blocks and blind, you should quit the game yourself man.
sorry if you can’t read DPS without highlighting it.
(edited by Lighter.5631)
For the love of Jedsus… A warrior that uses hammer and sw/shield has 6 stuns with zero diminishing returns.
Hammer + Sword/Shield has 6 stuns? Funny, because I count 2. Unless by sw you mean “Swace” as a corruption of “mace” in which case I count 3.
I don’t understand the constant love that warriors are getting. At least with other professions their variation in builds. With warriors, almost all have hammers and either sw/shield or longbow.
Warriors have some of the most build diversity of any profession.
I’m meaning that they can have up to 6 with utiiltes. Hammer has three. Staggering Blow, Backbreaker, and earthshacker. Sword/shield has 1 which is shield bash. Plus stomp and bull’s charge.
This is what I’m finding to be the most common build (along with hammer/longbow) in PvP right now since after this patch.
Every profession has stun breakers for each build. However, not every profession has a wide variety of stability. Warriors have the most options for stability. That doesn’t make any sense. Most CCs+Most stability+Best healing+2nd Best cleasning+most mobile= Everything is right in the world; nothing to see here? At lease other classes have weaknesses. From what I’m seeing, the wars have nothing.
Im guessing you are probably referring to tanky DPS guardian which basically consists of shouts retaliation and pretty much wearing down the warrior, in which case he wont have meditations (core of any DPS guardian). In case you didnt know, if you see a guardian with 1 or 2 shouts in a PvP match and he takes more than half your hp then feel free to run away, he wont be able to catch up. If you fail to do this as well might want to feel free to quit the game too
sorry i did say DPS, with meditations, who said that dps guardian can’t have aoe stability? do you even guardian? also with a combination of blocks and blind, you should quit the game yourself man.
sorry if you can’t read DPS without highlighting it.
Nah its cool, I now realize you dont play guardians all that much (if at all) so I wont bother"arguing" with you since it is throwing rocks at an abysm. All I can tell you is; roll one, learn their skills, play a DPS build, specially one that emphasizes finishing off opponents with damage as opposed to wearing them down with retaliation and hoping they will stay long enough to not see it coming. My advise? Drop warriors for a bit (which we can tell you play given how furiously biased your opinion is).
DPS guardian is fine indeed, needs only some power tuning but nothing major, if anything DPS builds should be brought to their level, warrior is the best example of how things should NOT be. Hope thatg helps and hopefully makes you a better player . Remember, analyzing thing from the most unbiased point is the best. Not admitting that warriors are at the top of the food chain is plain ignorance (whether chosen or not) and will not help the overall health of the game.
You want more people to start taking the game’s sPvP and esports seriously? Start from yourself [the player] by realizing this outliers and bringing them back into the fray.
Im guessing you are probably referring to tanky DPS guardian which basically consists of shouts retaliation and pretty much wearing down the warrior, in which case he wont have meditations (core of any DPS guardian). In case you didnt know, if you see a guardian with 1 or 2 shouts in a PvP match and he takes more than half your hp then feel free to run away, he wont be able to catch up. If you fail to do this as well might want to feel free to quit the game too
sorry i did say DPS, with meditations, who said that dps guardian can’t have aoe stability? do you even guardian? also with a combination of blocks and blind, you should quit the game yourself man.
sorry if you can’t read DPS without highlighting it.
Nah its cool, I now realize you dont play guardians all that much (if at all) so I wont bother"arguing" with you since it is throwing rocks at an abysm. All I can tell you is; roll one, learn their skills, play a DPS build, specially one that emphasizes finishing off opponents with damage as opposed to wearing them down with retaliation and hoping they will stay long enough to not see it coming. My advise? Drop warriors for a bit (which we can tell you play given how furiously biased your opinion is).
DPS guardian is fine indeed, needs only some power tuning but nothing major, if anything DPS builds should be brought to their level, warrior is the best example of how things should NOT be. Hope thatg helps and hopefully makes you a better player
. Remember, analyzing thing from the most unbiased point is the best. Not admitting that warriors are at the top of the food chain is plain ignorance (whether chosen or not) and will not help the overall health of the game.
You want more people to start taking the game’s sPvP and esports seriously? Start from yourself [the player] by realizing this outliers and bringing them back into the fray.
Lol, sure i don’t play guardian as that much, but my friend does, i just referred to every thing he does exactly. you don’t want to bother, because you know you are wrong, you don’t know your job and blaming on other jobs because of your inability, you need to seriously stop posting nonsense and quit the game tbh.
and?! by “not bothering because you don’t play the job”, isn’t that you? because your “30/30/30/30/30 does all” that you have being posting around seems to be really good.
oh and don’t ever say my opinion are bias, because this one is not an opinion, all i did was referring to what my friends guardian are doing and the fact that dps guardian can have aoe stability, and your opinion is biased to death and stupid.
(edited by Lighter.5631)
For the love of Jedsus… A warrior that uses hammer and sw/shield has 6 stuns with zero diminishing returns.
Hammer + Sword/Shield has 6 stuns? Funny, because I count 2. Unless by sw you mean “Swace” as a corruption of “mace” in which case I count 3.
I don’t understand the constant love that warriors are getting. At least with other professions their variation in builds. With warriors, almost all have hammers and either sw/shield or longbow.
Warriors have some of the most build diversity of any profession.
I’m meaning that they can have up to 6 with utiiltes. Hammer has three. Staggering Blow, Backbreaker, and earthshacker. Sword/shield has 1 which is shield bash. Plus stomp and bull’s charge.
This is what I’m finding to be the most common build (along with hammer/longbow) in PvP right now since after this patch.
Every profession has stun breakers for each build. However, not every profession has a wide variety of stability. Warriors have the most options for stability. That doesn’t make any sense. Most CCs+Most stability+Best healing+2nd Best cleasning+most mobile= Everything is right in the world; nothing to see here? At lease other classes have weaknesses. From what I’m seeing, the wars have nothing.
so the most common build you see has stomp and bullcharge? do they even survive? and Staggering Blow, Backbreaker are not stuns. and how can hammer/lb build have any mobility. teach me yourway.
I have yet to see a warrior run Stomp in sPvP,let alone full Physical utilities. Do they use Rampage too? That’s +4 more “stuns” right?
GS + Sword/Warhorn is also incredibly mobile, and probably the first or second most mobile build in the game. It doesn’t mean it’s effective, or anyone actually runs it seriously.
as a dps guardian you can faceroll any stunwar…aoe stability any one?
Heh, I’d love to see that, but I won’t. You know why? Because the warrior will wipe the floor with the guardian sorry kitten . And what is this ‘magical aoe stability’ that makes you last long enough to out dps the warrior sustain? Is it from the same tier as the ‘magical 100% uptime poison’ that do the trick?
i feel so usefull on my thief compared to warrior….. jk -_-
Be careful criticizing warriors. I get infracted when I do that.
Warriors used to be a joke of a class and now that they have some kind of use, everyone is crying foul. The only issue I have with warriors at the moment is the healing signet. Tone that down and the warriors will be in a better place. The biggest issue for the game’s balance atm is condition damage.
Warriors used to be a joke of a class and now that they have some kind of use, everyone is crying foul. The only issue I have with warriors at the moment is the healing signet. Tone that down and the warriors will be in a better place. The biggest issue for the game’s balance atm is condition damage.
Joke class? They’ve reigned supreme in PvE since launch and now they reign supreme in every single style of play offered by the game. Something has got to give here. Just about everyone I know is rerolling warrior and if you go into SPvP or WvWvW you will find throngs of them with hammers at the ready. Their natural survivability is way too high to allow for the kind of control and damage they’re capable of at the moment.
Warriors used to be a joke of a class and now that they have some kind of use, everyone is crying foul. The only issue I have with warriors at the moment is the healing signet. Tone that down and the warriors will be in a better place. The biggest issue for the game’s balance atm is condition damage.
Joke class? They’ve reigned supreme in PvE since launch and now they reign supreme in every single style of play offered by the game. Something has got to give here. Just about everyone I know is rerolling warrior and if you go into SPvP or WvWvW you will find throngs of them with hammers at the ready. Their natural survivability is way too high to allow for the kind of control and damage they’re capable of at the moment.
They were a joke in PvP after the quickness nerf and plenty of people shelved their warriors for a long time until the recent buffs. You yourself said people are rerolling, which means that prior to the buffs, no one you knew were playing warriors as their main outside of PVE. Granted they are kings of PvE, which doesn’t apply here, no one took a warrior on their pvp team because they used to be as worthless as eles are now.
I did mention their regen is out of control, which needs to be toned down. Their damage is arguable because it can be dodge fairly easily. Maybe increase the cooldown or make warriors lose a bit of adrenaline on missed Earthshakers so they have to put some thought into when to use it.
Really need to google maybe this time some really pro guy finally posted his 30/30/30/30/30 build so i can be pro too :S
Most animations on CC moves are telegraphed enough to be avoided, and you still can use a stun breaker if you get caught. The only real offender to this rule is Skull Crack, which has its own downcomes (As a Guardian, a class that’s arguably more forced to melee than warriors, I find annoying to face specs that I should fight through kiting, but this is a different topic).
The problem is on either the rate of application or the sustain.
If you manage to avoid a CC move, there won’t be adrenaline loss and the stun will be ready again on a really short time.
Add to this that Mace and Hammer have both access to weakness (which means you’re going to have less endurance than usual at your disposal.) and you are really going to need a good amount of defensive tools.
If the warrior is using a heavy CC build (lets say Double Mace / Hammer), there are classes that can hardly avoid that much without kiting, and even then, the warrior still has access to things like berserker stance in order to nullify movement impairments.
Other classes might avoid a full initial CC discharge using long CDs, but this kind of warrior is not exactly the one that gets pretty useless after failing it (like the old bulls charge / frezy /100b one). It has enough sustain to remain alive and using CCs over and over for quite a long time, being able to ensure a win by attrition.
They get too much sustain just by slotting Healing Signet and going 20 in defense for another small passive regen and one of the best condi removals in the whole game (which also helps them a lot with adrenaline management).
Even in the most positive case where you can indefinitely counter every CC / weakness application, even if you can ensure a win with perfect play, there’s still a problem because neither every fight is 1on1 nor every GW2 player is a top PvPer.
Even if they can be completely outplayed, they are rewarded too much for every single mistake on enemy side while being survivable enough for several attempts on that mistake to happen and/or to commit a few ones themselves before being downed.
They are powerful characters at top level play. Below that level (and still fairly over average) they’re just monsters.
(edited by Vargamonth.2047)
For the love of Jedsus… A warrior that uses hammer and sw/shield has 6 stuns with zero diminishing returns.
Hammer + Sword/Shield has 6 stuns? Funny, because I count 2. Unless by sw you mean “Swace” as a corruption of “mace” in which case I count 3.
I don’t understand the constant love that warriors are getting. At least with other professions their variation in builds. With warriors, almost all have hammers and either sw/shield or longbow.
Warriors have some of the most build diversity of any profession.
You should ignore people like that… they wont get anything they are asking if they lies so bad… there isn’t possibility anyone that has some power to change gw2 classes would actually take him seriously…
Really need to google maybe this time some really pro guy finally posted his 30/30/30/30/30 build so i can be pro too :S
I heard the 40/40/50/60/40 is better… I also actually tested it. It is so good. Warriors OP omg. Only class with 20 stun breakers on 6 skill weapon skill bar and 29 condition cleaners and as a cherry on the top, every stun are 10second duration…
(edited by Nuorus.8415)
Warriors used to be a joke of a class and now that they have some kind of use, everyone is crying foul. The only issue I have with warriors at the moment is the healing signet. Tone that down and the warriors will be in a better place. The biggest issue for the game’s balance atm is condition damage.
Joke class? They’ve reigned supreme in PvE since launch and now they reign supreme in every single style of play offered by the game. Something has got to give here. Just about everyone I know is rerolling warrior and if you go into SPvP or WvWvW you will find throngs of them with hammers at the ready. Their natural survivability is way too high to allow for the kind of control and damage they’re capable of at the moment.
They were a joke in PvP after the quickness nerf and plenty of people shelved their warriors for a long time until the recent buffs. You yourself said people are rerolling, which means that prior to the buffs, no one you knew were playing warriors as their main outside of PVE. Granted they are kings of PvE, which doesn’t apply here, no one took a warrior on their pvp team because they used to be as worthless as eles are now.
I did mention their regen is out of control, which needs to be toned down. Their damage is arguable because it can be dodge fairly easily. Maybe increase the cooldown or make warriors lose a bit of adrenaline on missed Earthshakers so they have to put some thought into when to use it.
They were shelved by many but they still had viable builds and were still used successfully by some.
There are very few dedicated Warriors, there are very few dedicated players of any profession really.
Most players in this game play whatever is currently the most powerful profession and build for the least amount of player skill required.
They have moved between 100B + HSignet Stun Warrior, Pistol Whip + S/D Thief, Trap + Beastmaster + Spirit Ranger, Phantasm + Shatter Mesmer, D/D Elementalist, 100 Nade + HGH Engineer, Well + Dhuumfire Necro.
Though Guardian has never really had a kill everything FOTM spec, they did have an ultra bunker never die spec when people abused Mace blocking and dodge rolling healed for 1500 each time.
or an an ele with tons of defense and combos.
tons of what? LOL
On a more serious note, although warriors seem to have too much CC they can spam away since they will be readily available once you swap weapons anyway, it will render them useless when these CC cooldowns are increased or are nerfed to the ground. They are running with double melee weapon sets. That’s your clue on how to counter them. They’re not as immortal as you might think they are. The immortal stances have a minute CD so you might wanna save some of your offensive CDs until those wear out. Although a more visual cue on the invulnerable stances like Berserker Stance should be put in place for a much better experience while fighting against warriors. And oh, adrenaline bars depleting and bursts going full CD when bursts miss, got evaded, blocked, etc, would also give fair play and a bit of risk at the same time encourage more timed usage and such.
i love how warrior defender pretend that there is nothing wrong with their class, taht they arent op and all.u guys were always strong in wvw. u guys were terrible in spvp though. ok u got buffs and they are way too much.
this should not be possible in any game and yes that warrior actually does dmg too.
stop trying to defend an op class. it does need a tone down.or maybe u would like al other classes brought up to your level then and then we see u all crying again.
The biggest problem with warrior stuns are the adrenaline burst skills, particularly Earthshaker and Skull Crack. When the f1 skill misses or gets blocked/evaded IT SIMPLY GOES ON 3s COOLDOWN WITH NO ADRENALINE LOSS.
Burst skills NEED to deplete adrenaline + go on 8s recharge WHETHER OR NOT THEY HIT. There’s no other skill in game that goes to cancel-cooldown when it gets DODGED.
You’re effectively rewarding warriors for spamming. Either they land their powerful class attack, or it’s available again in three seconds. If a player blocks/dodges the warrior’s burst skill, THEY SHOULD BE REWARDED FOR THAT by having the skill go to it’s PROPER COOLDOWN + DEPLETE ADRENALINE. It makes NO SENSE for a skill that is evades/blocked/misses to go into a CANCEL-CAST cooldown.
Nerf warriors, better game.
I wish I believed that was possible, but every time I see this meta change it’s always been for the worst.
I’m just scared what it’s gonna be after stunlock warriors.. I mean at least against the petting zoo you had control of charactor…
if Anet keeps on keeping on were gonna have a game where mesmers click a button and everyone turns into moas… IRL…
were gonna have a game where thief steal, steals accounts…
I wouldn’t put it past them with their patch history (they aimed at GW2 being a latancy friendly, non-instagib style game during Beta!!! they thought this game would be an Esport yet the game engine they built from scratch couldn’t support spectator mode!!!) I mean, and that deal with team Q, pretty much destroying GW2 PvP as a social game (a concept the game was barely clinging on to as it was)
as a dps guardian you can faceroll any stunwar…aoe stability any one?
Heh, I’d love to see that, but I won’t. You know why? Because the warrior will wipe the floor with the guardian sorry kitten . And what is this ‘magical aoe stability’ that makes you last long enough to out dps the warrior sustain? Is it from the same tier as the ‘magical 100% uptime poison’ that do the trick?
do you even know why warrior do damage, wth is this “what is this ‘magical aoe stability’ that makes you last long enough to out dps the warrior sustain”
with stability, stun warriors do kitten damage ill just tell you that.
and what the heck where did you pull that poison from, we are talking about guardian here. and no you don’t even need poison to out dps a warrior sustain if hes actually attacking you and not full on bunker build, even PTH.
I don’t personally believe stuns are the actual problem with the current warrior meta. It is the fact that healing signet isn’t adjusted for spvp, where you cannot stack damage high enough to counter the heal per second without gimping survivability and utility. All stuns are rather telegraphed (mace f1 being an exception, but I try my best to just bait it out with a block or evade). And no, I’m not suggesting it’s a “l2dodge” issue :p.
I personally think it should be reduced by (25?)%, which is about 300hp per second. To compensate, they could increase its scaling factor by .5 (not sure what it is atm) so they can aquire that sustain back, but at a COST. They can take healing power, or go for more damage.
This is just some constructive feedback by someone with 300 something hours on a warrior, and mains a necro (no accessible vigour/invulns, yikes) with 800 hours played. Take it as you wish.
I won’t write that warriors are OP, or certain people should play a different profession except faceroll niche builds crerated to see what impact these builds have on other professions.. I won’t write i got infracted for pleading for a reasonable change.
I won’t write pvp is imbalanced.
I will write how this profession brings some great new mechanics to pvp and exciting new builds to try out with other professions, Like how i altered my necro to poison bunker to provide for a good counter to these warrior builds, like every profession has.
i really enjoy this new patch.
Anyways, what bothers me the most about this i the low CD of it, a stun breaker usually is on 40-70 secs CD, yet a hammer AoE stun is on a 7 seconds CD, AoE, STUN, GIANT AOE, with insane damage to top it off,.
This is the main problem. It is just flat out ridiculous. I will probably roll one when I get home to see what the fuss is about.
Another day, another thread with a massive amount of misinformation. Some of the following has already been pointed out but it begs repeating.
1. Hammer + Sword/Shield only has 2 stuns, Earthshaker and Shield Bash. Skills such as Staggering Blow and Backbreaker are not stuns, one is a knock back and the other a knock down.
2. They can not out heal everybody, in fact I can think of a build for almost every class than can beat lock down warriors. Mesmers are especially good at hard countering these builds. A power based Thief that brings along a bit of poison can easily assassinate a Warrior in a team fight. Bring Protection Injection as a Engi and the damage you take while stunned will be laughable. Guardians can give out AoE Stability to his team when he sees the highly telegraphed Earthshaker coming. Just a few examples.
3. Yes, Warriors have good condition cleansing. I’m not sure you remember but before they had this it was laughably easy to kite Warriors and there was little to nothing they could do.
4. Warriors probably has the widest variety of viable builds in the game. You have Hammer + Longbow or Sword/Shield or Mace/Shield. You have GS+Longbow damage dealer. There are multiple ways to do Sword/Sword + Longbow that can either be condition or power based. Now with recent changes you can bring both the shouts and Warhorn traits and run a support build.
You know why you see so many Warriors running Hammer + X? Because there are plenty of people who refuse to modify their builds to counter stuns so they are basically free kills.
There are many ways to counter a Warrior, it’s just that many in SPvP and SoloQ don’t account for them in any ways. Necros bring all offensive utilities, Rangers only run Spirits, hardly anyone plays Mesmer even though the number of condition dealers is shrinking…thanks to Warrior. In TPvP, if you face a good team you’ll see that most of them have some sort of counter measure to stuns and know better than to dump all their best condition skills while Berserker Stance is up.
While other classes (Ele) are lacking atm right now I feel the only thing that the balance team needs to focus on is more build diversity for other classes. Try to build against the thing that is killing you rather then coming here and crying for nerfs and posting a meaningless gif.
I personally think it should be reduced by (25?)%, which is about 300hp per second. To compensate, they could increase its scaling factor by .5 (not sure what it is atm) so they can aquire that sustain back, but at a COST.
And at same time nerf EVERY healing ability ingame to compensate: decide to stack dmg or healing a bit better.
And don’t post how many hours u been playing on warrior. 300 hours are a bad joke to talking about balancing some class – i got myself over 2,8k hours, go figure.
i love how warrior defender pretend that there is nothing wrong with their class, taht they arent op and all.u guys were always strong in wvw. u guys were terrible in spvp though. ok u got buffs and they are way too much.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cH9JjnaW3rEthis should not be possible in any game and yes that warrior actually does dmg too.
stop trying to defend an op class. it does need a tone down.or maybe u would like al other classes brought up to your level then and then we see u all crying again.
Love the video about the well balanced warrior
i love how warrior defender pretend that there is nothing wrong with their class, taht they arent op and all.u guys were always strong in wvw. u guys were terrible in spvp though. ok u got buffs and they are way too much.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cH9JjnaW3rEthis should not be possible in any game and yes that warrior actually does dmg too.
stop trying to defend an op class. it does need a tone down.or maybe u would like al other classes brought up to your level then and then we see u all crying again.Love the video about the well balanced warrior
People in this video are a joke, just saying. A ranger that running like a nub, and a mes that dindt even shattered once sitting the whole time on gs autoattack. Give me few seconds and that “op regen warrior” will be lying on floor.
Bad ppl are bad, i can’t w8 to see ppl complains about my axe build in wvw..Nothing to see here, just a few whiners. Im sure devs laughting from this vid atm.
Bb guys
I personally think it should be reduced by (25?)%, which is about 300hp per second. To compensate, they could increase its scaling factor by .5 (not sure what it is atm) so they can aquire that sustain back, but at a COST.
And at same time nerf EVERY healing ability ingame to compensate: decide to stack dmg or healing a bit better.
And don’t post how many hours u been playing on warrior. 300 hours are a bad joke to talking about balancing some class – i got myself over 2,8k hours, go figure.
No one needs 3K hours on a class to know if it’s OP. That’s dumb as hell.
U know what I do on my warrior, go to opponent’s home, wreak havoc and last forever w/ Shield Stance, Zerker Stance, Endure Pain, Balanced Stance, dumping condi’s every 5 secs, 400hp/s w/ Healing Signet and another 400hp/3s w/ Adrenal Health. Then if kitten looks to hit the fan, Nope the kitten outta there w/ the amazing mobility of GS.
I can’t count how many times I’ve been at 1K hp and just ran around obstacles and voila, I’m back at 10k hp w/ my poor opponent low and about to eat another stun. Look @ my post history, I’ve commented that they’re not OP, I’ve provided counters, stability, blinds, blinks, etc, still, the truth is, they need to be shaved. Not nerfed to hell, just shave it a bit.
I personally think it should be reduced by (25?)%, which is about 300hp per second. To compensate, they could increase its scaling factor by .5 (not sure what it is atm) so they can aquire that sustain back, but at a COST.
And at same time nerf EVERY healing ability ingame to compensate: decide to stack dmg or healing a bit better.
And don’t post how many hours u been playing on warrior. 300 hours are a bad joke to talking about balancing some class – i got myself over 2,8k hours, go figure.
No one needs 3K hours on a class to know if it’s OP. That’s dumb as hell.
U know what I do on my warrior, go to opponent’s home, wreak havoc and last forever w/ Shield Stance, Zerker Stance, Endure Pain, Balanced Stance, dumping condi’s every 5 secs, 400hp/s w/ Healing Signet and another 400hp/3s w/ Adrenal Health. Then if kitten looks to hit the fan, Nope the kitten outta there w/ the amazing mobility of GS.
I can’t count how many times I’ve been at 1K hp and just ran around obstacles and voila, I’m back at 10k hp w/ my poor opponent low and about to eat another stun. Look @ my post history, I’ve commented that they’re not OP, I’ve provided counters, stability, blinds, blinks, etc, still, the truth is, they need to be shaved. Not nerfed to hell, just shave it a bit.
Exactly, not once did I mention warriors being op in my post. In fact, I clearly stated I have no issues in face rolling warriors in my own personal pvp experience. You either skipped 90% of my post, or you’re just a troll trying to look for the smallest excuse to break down my post. Also, if you’ve read anything I’ve said above that point, I state this is in Spvp and Tpvp, where you cannot stack stats high enough to counter 3.2k toughness, 24k health and 1k hp regen per second without going full out damage.
And before you say “you must be bad, since you can’t beat warriors blah blah blah”, again I have no issues taking 95% of the warriors I duel down, because I build for attrition and sustain anyways.
PS. If you’ve only got 1 class with 2.8k hours on it, I’d suggest playing another class to see just how big the (virtual) world is out there. And if you were stating that number as your total play time, I come close (at 2.75k), so I don’t know what you’re trying to prove there.
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