Hey, I’m a disgruntled GW2 player and I want to express my rage on an online game that has no relevance to my real life by posting a thread about a topic that has already been discussed, but I don’t check the other threads ‘cause kitten everybody else. This game has slowly engulfed my entire life and I don’t want to leave my chair. I’ve sat here for 69 hours a day playing ranked matches solo and the thought of joining/creating a team completely flew over my head because ew, people.
I’ve lost X pips because I YvZ all day against premades that are trying to play the game with social interactions, what losers. These nerds even tried inviting xXxDankMemeLordxXx, an amber scrub, to their group to speed up their already expeditious queue times in order to enjoy their favorite game mode, effing scumbags of society.
But it’s okay because the meta isn’t the problem. Amirite
It’s a good thing one of my team mate sat at spawn all game blaming us for our 90 – 369 score, y’know, instead of playing the game. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have known that we were 90 – 369, he’s a blessing.
Thank RNGESUS I took a haphazard picture to further support my redundant and repetitious thread.
P.S. Guild Wars 2 will never be Esports and shame on you if you think so too.
P.P.S. GW2 chat hurt my feelings ;_;
Edit: sorry for my engrish
(edited by Leohart.4610)