Suggestion: Class-limited sPvP games.

Suggestion: Class-limited sPvP games.

in PvP

Posted by: Captain Epicfail.8730

Captain Epicfail.8730

Hi there.

Is anyone else sick of seeing this in every game?

You can replace the Mesmers with Guardians, or in fact replace the warrior and necro with Guardians, and you’d still have a pretty realistic summary of most sPvP matches.

Can we please have game settings that limit the number of X class per match? Or better: enforce that rule across all games. Ok, so mesmers and guardians would cry, but really who cares about them? They’re only playing those classes to be on easymode.

Let’s have a little diversity in PvP – enforce class limits so that it’s not an endless horde of purple and blue spamfests.

Edit: Inb4 “omg ur just jelly of our 1337ness and ur kitten” etc. etc.

Suggestion: Class-limited sPvP games.

in PvP

Posted by: Fomby.4295


Or, they could balance things.

But no, I don’t like this idea of limiting things.

Maguuma [PYRO]
Kal Snow – Norn Guardian

Suggestion: Class-limited sPvP games.

in PvP

Posted by: Captain Epicfail.8730

Captain Epicfail.8730

The day Arenanet nerfs Guardians or Mesmers in any significant way is the day the four horsemen galop across the sky. In lieu of that, why not have sPvP games that encourage class diversity?

Suggestion: Class-limited sPvP games.

in PvP

Posted by: Keksmuffin.1450


I don’t even…. you think there are way too many people playing mesmer and guard and they are brainless op stuff? And you think warrior and necro aren’t? Alrighty then.

To be constructive: There are only 8 classes in the game and especially after patch many classes have more than one build that are more or less viable (hambow and condi war, s/d and d/p thief, bunker and dps-guard just to name a few).
Some builds of one class are just so different that they could almost be two different classes (dps-guards).

Can’t remember who, when and where but somebody brought up the idea that if you would have the same class more than once in your team that they would not be allowed to share more than 30/40 points in the same traitlines. Way better than just banning having more than one of a class IMO.

But still i think that it would be completly unrealistic for SoloQ (low population and stuff) and not really necessary for TeamQ if the balance is somewhat OK. I already know that somebody will quote me on that and call me a clueless scrub so I just want to add that i’m constantly playing top 50 TeamQ (EU) and I haven’t seen any team with more than two of one class since 10th december. Only thing that people still bring two of from time to time is warrior but after patch we see some build variations with condi war, axe/sword+bow and hambow in top 100 games. Only real problem I have with class variety atm is that ele isn’t played at all.

tl;dr: Class variety is somewhat ok in TeamQ, it can’t be fixed in SoloQ due to low population.

Bullet Punch

(edited by Keksmuffin.1450)

Suggestion: Class-limited sPvP games.

in PvP

Posted by: Captain Epicfail.8730

Captain Epicfail.8730

I don’t even…. you think there are way too many people playing mesmer and guard and they are brainless op stuff?

Yes. I 100% do. Laughably broken dev favorites who have no downsides and immunity to non-token nerfs.

Can’t remember who, when and where but somebody brought up the idea that if you would have the same class more than once in your team that they would not be allowed to share more than 30/40 points in the same traitlines. Way better than just banning having more than one of a class IMO.

Love it. Much better idea than mine.

I haven’t seen any team with more than two of one class since 10th december.

You lucky kitten. Every game I’ve played lately has been a Guardian/Mesmerfest and it’s boring as hell.

Suggestion: Class-limited sPvP games.

in PvP

Posted by: Captain Epicfail.8730

Captain Epicfail.8730

Oh look, another fine example:

Suggestion: Class-limited sPvP games.

in PvP

Posted by: EverythingEnds.4261


Lol, yea, great example right out of 8vs.8 hot join?

But comming back to topic:
I totally agree that there should be some kind of class limits, at leas, it should be possible that instead of Red having 3x Class X and Blue having 3x Class Y to mix those.

But plz only for tournaments.

(edited by EverythingEnds.4261)

Suggestion: Class-limited sPvP games.

in PvP

Posted by: Requiem.8769


Regardless of class balance arguments, I’d cap it at 2 of each. I’d prefer one of each, but I don’t know how large a pool there is to draw from.